
Mirabilis (from lat. Mirabilis, "amazing") is a genus of decorative flower plants. It is part of the Niktaginov family, represented by 50 varieties of flowers. In the wild, perennials growing in bushes are found in the fields of South America, sometimes in the northern part of the country. Description of mirabilis In Russia, mirabilis is common as an annual because it does not tolerate temperatures below -5 ° C.

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Powdery mealybug or felt fleece is a sucking pest that affects many types of plants. This is the common name for insects from the order Koktsid, the closest relatives of garden scale insects. Pests can be found in the garden on fruit and stone trees, in greenhouses, film shelters, in greenhouses and in apartments on indoor plants.

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Powdery mildew is the main enemy of currants, the causative agent of this disease are microscopic parasitic fungi sferoteka (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae), which are dangerous for gooseberries. The development of a large number of spores can even lead to the death of bushes. Therefore, prevention and control measures become paramount for gardeners who want to preserve the crop and are looking for a non-toxic remedy for treating the plant.

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Powdery mildew is a rather unpleasant disease caused by parasite fungi. It affects a large number of plants: vegetables, many cereals, indoor and decorative flowers. Violet is also subject to him. To conduct effective treatment, it is necessary to establish the nature of its occurrence. Signs of powdery mildew on a violet Determining this disease is quite easy.

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A good harvest of apples requires special care, however, the operational observance of all the rules cannot become a guarantee of an increase in yield. An important element is the spring preparation of fruit trees, as a preventive and eradicating spray, which protect the apple trees from possible diseases and harmful insects.

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One of the varieties of the common vesicle, Darts Gold, has found wide application in the creation of beautiful and diverse areas. This hybrid was bred in Holland by crossing two species Luteus (Luteus) and Nanus (Nanus). Its appearance and light delicate flowering, which can be observed in the middle of summer for a whole month, attracts attention.

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Gatzania (gazania) is a herbaceous plant of the Astrovian family, native to Australia and also South Africa. They also call it “African daisy” or “midday gold” in a different way. Description and features of gatsaniya Bright beautiful decorative flower. It can be either annual or perennial. A great advantage is good adaptability and color saturation.

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Turmeric is a plant with unique flavor and aromatic properties. His homeland is India. Rhizomes and leaves are used to make spice popular all over the world. In taste, it resembles saffron, but it costs significantly less. The stems and roots contain a natural dye - curcumin, which turns yellowish.

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Each gardener must know the pests that affect the crops grown by him, in order to detect them in time and carry out the necessary treatment. The most dangerous are the spider mite or tetranchid, which can destroy young and adult plants, their fruits. The danger of spider mites for seedlings He poses a serious threat to young and just emerging shoots.

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Celery is a healthy plant, and depending on the species, its root, leaves or petioles are eaten. The universally known product is used for medicinal purposes and for dietary nutrition. Leaving is not difficult even for beginner gardeners, so the culture is extremely popular among summer residents of central Russia.

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Pyracantha is an ornamental shrub growing in the southern regions of Europe and Asia. He is appreciated in landscape design for decorative, abundant flowering. Forms hats of bright red, orange, or yellow fruits. In the suburbs cultivate frost-resistant varieties that can withstand temperatures up to -20 ° C. They are used for hedges.

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Physalis is the largest member of the nightshade family. Most species are found in South and Central America. The name comes from the Greek language, and translates as a bubble. This is due to the unusual shape of a bright cup of fused sepals, resembling an inflated flashlight made of corrugated paper.

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Powdery mildew, also known as ashtray or linen, is a fungal disease caused by ectoparasitic fungi from the order of erisif. Many plants are exposed to this disease, and all have the same symptoms, however, different causes of occurrence. Features of the manifestation of powdery mildew on phlox The source of the disease is the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum.

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The cultivation of corn is especially popular in the southern regions, which was the reason for the myth that it does not take root anywhere, but this is far from the case. Naturally, in warm places it will be much easier to deal with this issue, but in a harsher climate, you can grow a sugar vegetable that children love so much, the differences in care are not very large.

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Powdery mildew (ashtray) - a plant disease caused by microscopic fungi, often causes harm to greenhouse cucumber crops and open ground. The fungus responsible for the infection of this particular crop is Oidium erysiphoides. Mycelium usually develops in June, first affects the leaves, then the stems, fruits.

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Cabbage is a valuable vegetable. The store usually sells a dutch Dutch with a thick leaf pattern. Such cabbage is bitter, I prefer to grow my own. I put it in storage in the basement. The whole family feasts on her until mid-spring, when fresh appears on the shelves. Choosing Cabbage Varieties for Better Storage Unfortunately, not all varieties are equally well stored.

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Gelenium is a perennial shrub flower, tenacious and unpretentious. It blooms until late autumn. Its many varieties are painted in tones of late summer - yellow, orange, red, red-brown. The middle of the flowers is convex darker color. If you prefer this plant, then picking up varieties, you can paint your plot with bright lights from July to the end of October.

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Each gardener has met at least once with such an unpleasant plant disease as powdery mildew (ashtray). The emergence of a fungal infection provokes the smallest parasites. Fighting them is not so much difficult as long and unpleasant. Infected bushes have to be sprayed several times and even the correct treatment does not always give results immediately.

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Many believe that the Colorado potato beetle is destroyed only by potent chemicals. However, this is a misconception. If insects wound up on the site, then they can be combated for decades. They quickly adapt to the environment, develop immunity to various purchased drugs. One option remains: the effect of surprise.

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In ancient times, cabbage was called the “queen of the garden”. I suspect that due to the constant care of this crop. As the saying goes: "do not drown, do not rush." It is not easy to achieve a noble harvest. Hopefully a few practical tips will help novice gardeners. Watering Somewhere I read that cabbage leaves evaporate up to 7 liters of water per day, more than 300 per season.

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