Rinda F1: features of a hybrid cabbage crop


The place of white cabbage among other vegetable crops was also determined by our ancestors - they called her the queen of the garden. Nowadays, this vegetable also enjoys special attention. Thanks to the advances in science, cabbage hybrids have emerged that outperform parent varieties. Rinda F1 cabbage, which has high taste qualities, is one example of the yield and endurance of a new generation of hybrids.

Description and characteristics of cabbage Rinda F1

Rinda F1 is a hybrid of white cabbage, which was obtained at the Dutch company Monsanto. When next to the name of the variety is the symbol "F1" - this means that we have a hybrid of the first generation.

F1 hybrids inherit the best qualities of parental varieties and are characterized by high productivity and stability. However, according to the laws of genetics, in the second generation (F2), plants with the same properties as those of F1 will no longer grow from the collected seeds. The second generation will turn out with chaotic splitting of characters, so the main disadvantage of hybrids is the inability to use their seeds.

Rinda, like many other hybrids, has properties that make it possible to get a high yield without using chemical methods to control pests. Chemicals are successfully replaced by biological methods of prevention.

Hybrid Rinda F1 was included in the register of selection achievements in the Central and Volga-Vyatka region in 1993. And also cabbage is allowed for cultivation in the Northwest, West Siberian and East Siberian regions. Rinda is recommended for cultivation in the conditions of commodity production. However, due to its unpretentiousness, it was widely used not only in the fields of farmers, but also in amateur beds in all regions.

Table: Agrobiological characteristics of cabbage Rinda F1

Ripening periodMid-season (110-140 days)
Disease and pest resistanceHigh
Head of cabbageRounded
Weight of head of cabbage3.2-3.7 kg
Head densityDense
Inner pokerShort
Taste qualitiesExcellent
Direction of useFresh and for pickling
Shelf life2-4 months

Rinda has an average ripening period of 120-140 days from the moment of seed planting in the soil until the onset of technical maturity of heads of cabbage. Productivity is high, on average is 9 kg / m2, and with appropriate agricultural technology can reach 14 kg / m2. Plants are resistant to diseases and pests, but when grown on acidic soils, the endurance of cabbage is reduced.

In a semi-raised and compact rosette, a round head is formed from light green leaves. According to the characteristics of the manufacturer, the mass of heads of cabbage is from three to four kilograms, but practical experience indicates that they can reach six to eight kilograms.

Head of cabbage Rinda round, rosette of leaves semi-raised, compact

Rinda cabbage has a high commercial quality due to the dense head of cabbage and the relatively short inner stump. The color in the section is yellowish white.

Heads of cabbage Rinda dense, on a section of yellowish-white color

The excellent taste of cabbage is noted when eating it fresh and for pickling. Shelf life is not very long (2-4 months), but there are reviews that cabbages were stored until May without significant waste.

Video: Review of ripened Rinda cabbage on the field

Advantages, disadvantages and features of the hybrid

Awareness of the merits and demerits of the plant makes it possible to use this information when growing and using. Rinda has several advantages:

  • relatively short growing season (can be grown in seedless way in almost all regions);
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • high commercial quality (dense head of cabbage, small internal stump);
  • resistance to cracking and shooting;
  • universality of use (fresh and for pickling);
  • great taste of fresh cabbage and pickled products.

Rinda cabbage has much less disadvantages

  • relatively short shelf life (2-4 months);
  • soil with high acidity is not suitable for cultivation;
  • the inability to collect their seeds (like all hybrids).

High productivity, endurance and versatility of use are the main features of Rind cabbage. Compared to popular mid-season varieties and hybrids, Rinda is superior in yield to Krautman, Kilaton and Midor hybrids, Podarok, Slava Gribovskaya 231 and Belorusskaya 455 varieties, but inferior to Nadezhda. Rinda has about the same yield with the Megaton hybrid, but its resistance to disease is higher and its durability is better.

In terms of shelf life, Rinda is inferior to many varieties and hybrids. The following varieties of cabbage can be stored from six months to eight months: Aggressor F1, Amager 611, Snow White, Kolobok F1, Zimovka 1474.

Since Rinda cabbage is juicy and has an excellent taste (sweet and without bitterness), it is widely used for making fresh salads, and it is also well suited for stewing, cooking stuffed cabbage and other dishes with heat treatment. Sauerkraut also turns out very tasty - juicy and crispy.

Rinda sauerkraut tastes great - juicy and crispy

Features of planting and growing cabbage Rinda

Hybrid Rinda is a rather unpretentious representative of its family, but nevertheless, when growing it will be necessary to take into account some of its features.

How to determine the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings and in the ground

To determine when to sow the seeds of Rind cabbage for seedlings, you need to consider the following guidelines:

  • The timing of planting seedlings in open ground. Seedlings can withstand frosts down to -5 ° C, and the favorable temperature for their growth is 15-17 ° C, therefore, to determine the timing of planting on open beds, climatic conditions must be taken into account. In central Russia, Rinda seedlings are planted in the second half of May.
  • The period of seedling growth from the moment of seed emergence to planting in the ground. It is about 35 days for this hybrid.
  • The period from sowing seeds to seedlings is 6-10 days.

When comparing these data, it can be determined that the seeds need to be sown 40-45 days before the seedlings are planted in the ground, that is, in early or mid-April.

It is known that when sowing seeds in open ground, the growing season is reduced by 15-18 days. This is because the plants do not need extra time to restore the root system damaged during transplantation. Therefore, Rinda seeds are sown in open ground from late April to mid-May, and heads of cabbage will ripen in this case at the end of August or in September.

What are the seeds of Rinda hybrid

Rinda seeds, like all hybrids, can be sold inlaid and unprocessed.

When encrusted, the seeds undergo pre-treatment in the form of calibration, grinding (the skin is thinned to improve access to nutrients and moisture) and disinfection. Then they are covered with a thin layer of a water-soluble nutrient mixture with protective agents, which has an unusual bright color.

Such seeds are much more expensive than usual, as they are obtained as a result of laborious manual work with flowers and pollen. They have a germination rate of 95-100% and high germination energy.

Inlaid seeds are pre-processed by the manufacturer - they have high germination and germination energy

The Dutch company Seminis Vegetable Seeds (in 2005 was acquired by the Monsanto Company) produces original inlaid seeds of Rinda cabbage (as well as over 2200 other hybrids). Seminis is one of the largest manufacturers of hybrid seeds, which are supplied to dealers, distributors and wholesale suppliers.

For the purchase of Rinda seeds in the amateur market, recommended companies are recommended, such as the Gavrish agricultural firm (founded in 1993), the Altai Semyon agricultural firm (on the market since 1995), and the Agros agricultural technology company (more than 20 years on the market), Agrofirm "SeDeK" (on the seed market since 1995). Seeds are packaged in 10-12 pieces and are sold in sealed two-layer packaging (the inner layer, usually foil).

Photo Gallery: F1 Rinda hybrid seeds from well-known seed market companies

When buying unprocessed seeds, their pre-sowing treatment is carried out independently by the following commonly used methods: calibration, disinfection, soaking and hardening.

Planting cabbage

If there is a desire to get a crop at an earlier date, then seedlings are grown in advance.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm. When sowing inlaid seeds, it is important to remember that drying out the soil is unacceptable, since an insufficiently damp shell will not allow them to germinate. The rest of the cultivation of Rinda seedlings has no features.

After emergence, the plants are provided with the correct temperature (at night 8-10 ° C, day 15-17 ° C) and light (lighting for 12-15 hours per day) modes. Moderately watered, maintaining a moisture balance. When 1-2 real leaflets appear on the seedlings, the plants dive. After a pick, they are fed twice with complex mineral fertilizers. Before planting, the seedlings are hardened. When 5-6 real leaves appear near the seedlings, it can be planted on an open garden bed.

In open ground, seedlings are planted when 5-6 true leaves appear

For growing Rinda, like any other cabbage, loamy fertile soils are most suitable. Cabbage grows best on neutral and slightly acidic soils (pH 6.5-7.5). It is necessary to observe the rules of crop rotation: do not plant cabbage in the same place, as well as after other cruciferous plants for three to four years.

The place for landing is chosen by a ventilated and well-lit one. With poor ventilation, Rinda cabbage, despite its high immunity, can appear fungal diseases, and in a shaded place, despite the resistance to shooting, heading will not form.

Rinda cabbage should be open and well lit

It is better to dig the soil for planting Rinda cabbage in the fall. Together with digging at 1 m2 make 10-15 kg of manure or humus and 30-35 g of double superphosphate, and also, if necessary, lime.

The Rinda hybrid is large-fruited, so the planting scheme is recommended 65-70x50 cm - with this arrangement, the plants will have enough space for full development. Seedlings are planted in plentifully watered and seasoned with humus and wood ash seedlings, deepening it to the first true leaf.

Watering and feeding

Rinda, like any other cabbage, needs regular watering, hilling and feeding.

Water the planted seedlings 1 time in 3 days. Two weeks later, when the seedlings take root, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every 4-7 days. During the growth period of cabbage, cabbage is watered every other day, since at that time it needs a lot of moisture. The frequency and norms of irrigation are adjusted depending on the amount of rain. Despite the fact that the Rinda hybrid is resistant to cracking heads on the vine, watering is stopped two weeks before harvesting.

After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and at the same time to grow the plants. The first hilling is done 2 weeks after transplanting. Then they continue to spud every 2 weeks and do this until the leaves close.

Hybrid Rinda, like any other cabbage, removes a lot of nutrients from the soil, so it needs to be fed. 2-3 weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the soil, the plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers, at the start of the formation of heads of cabbage, with complex fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potash), two weeks after the second feeding, with superphosphate with the addition of trace elements.

Diseases and Pests

Rinda hybrid is resistant to diseases and pests, so when it is grown, it is usually enough to carry out preventive measures. It is recommended to inspect plants more often.

The sooner diseases are noticed, the more chances there will be to save the crop. Infected plants must be removed immediately to save the rest of the cabbage.

And also for the prevention of diseases, the following agricultural methods are used:

  • compliance with crop rotation rules (cabbage and cruciferous crops cannot be grown in one place earlier than after 3-4 years);
  • soil acidity control;
  • cultivation of solanaceous, liliacet and haze-growing crops in disease-infected areas (in this way the soil is "treated", as these crops destroy pathogenic spores);
  • disinfection of purchased seedlings with Fitosporin, sulfur preparations, etc .;
  • compliance with a high level of agricultural technology to increase the immunity of plants.

From folk methods for the prevention of diseases, you can apply decoctions of hot pepper, horsetail or erect marigolds.

To prevent pest damage, agricultural techniques and folk remedies are also used. Deep digging of the soil in the fall contributes to the death of the larvae. It is necessary to collect and destroy all the stumps and weeds of the cruciferous family in a timely manner. Planting between plants of cabbage marigolds and umbrella plants (dill, carrots, fennel, etc.) helps to deter pests.

Planting Marigolds on Cabbage Beds Helps Repel Pests

From folk remedies, spraying is used with various decoctions and infusions (wormwood, burdock, onions, hot peppers, potato tops, celandine). You can lay out wormwood on the beds to scare away the whitewash.

Such preventative measures will help to avoid the use of chemicals to preserve the crop.

Rinda cabbage cultivation in a seedlingless way

Since Rinda tolerates temperature extremes, it is possible to sow seeds immediately in open ground. In this case, the plants will be more resistant to lack of moisture, since without transplanting the root system penetrates deeper into the soil.

The requirements for soil preparation and planting are the same as when planting seedlings. At the bottom of the hole put a handful of humus mixed with a tablespoon of ash, moisten the hole well and sow the seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. If the germination of seeds is in doubt, it is better to put 2-3 seeds per hole. The beds are covered with film. You can cover each well with a glass jar or a plastic bottle with a cut bottom. Plants periodically ventilate, removing the shelter.

Cabbage seeds are sown in a hole with a mixture of humus and ash to a depth of 1-2 cm

When the seeds germinate, extra seedlings are removed, leaving the strongest plants. After thinning, the cans are not removed until they begin to prevent the plants from developing. When the height of the seedlings reaches 7-10 centimeters, plants need to be hilled. Further, the process of growing cabbage planted with seeds in open ground is no different from caring for planted seedlings.

Video: one of the methods of planting cabbage in the open ground


I tried different varieties of white cabbage: SB-3, Megaton, Mother-in-law, Rinda F1 and others. Most of all I liked Rinda F1 (Dutch series) and from early Nozomi F1 (Japanese series). It is better not to take our domestic seeds of these hybrids, they did not germinate from me (Altai seeds, Euroseeds). I grow seedlings in a box: two logs on the ground and a box with garden earth on logs. Around 5-6 liter water bottles for thermal compensation.Before emergence, if cool, the box is closed on top with glass. For the night I close with double old agril (spanboard). In the last photos of Rind F1 in mid-September, they cut down this cabbage a month later, in mid-October, after the first frosts. Those. she still gained weight for a month.

The cabbage of Rinda cabbage a month before the harvest is already an impressive size



Last year she also planted Rinda, she liked it very much, and just put it out, and cabbage rolls are ideal for pickling. I didn’t bother with seedlings, I planted them in early June, though the seeds were already germinated, everything had grown perfectly, and it could already be used at the end of August.



Last year, she grew Rinda. It is medium-early, pleased, in August already ate it. I grew seedlings at home, in the ground - the beginning of May. This year, she sowed the ultra-early Nozomi, the seeds are very expensive, out of 10 seeds all sprouted, but nobody reached the garden — they died. I regretted not sowing Rinda. At home, very early varieties of seedlings of cabbage feel bad.

Mom choli


The photo is not very, the worms really liked it. With a late landing in June, good heads of cabbage 2-4 kg. Not oak, tasty. At least for a salad, at least for cabbage rolls, for pickling or storage - universal.

With a late landing (in June), Rinda cabbage headed 2-4 kg



For several years, in addition to new varieties, I have been planting Rindu for pickling, and for middle Teschu for food. Rinda gives not very large heads of cabbage, but is sweet and lies in the basement until May, the leaves are soft, suitable for stuffed cabbage.



For me, the best and most stable variety is Rinda. I have been cultivating this cabbage for many years and always with a good harvest, other varieties on my site always were inferior to Rinda in quality.

Catherine May The Thinker


Rinda deservedly enjoys the attention of farmers and gardeners. The hybrid is unpretentious and is responsive to good care. A summer resident without the experience of growing cabbage can begin his acquaintance with this culture from Rinda. Plants, as a rule, do not require the use of chemicals because of their high resistance to diseases. Due to its productivity, endurance and excellent taste, Rinda cabbage does not lose its popularity among producers and consumers.


Watch the video: Resident Evil Outbreak F1 Rinda Dies trying to find Yoko (April 2024).