Strelitzia - a fabulous firebird in a pot


Strelitzia is a grassy evergreen perennial from the Strelitzia family. Its homeland is the mountain slopes, valleys and river banks of South Africa. The plant has a royal history, because its varieties are named after the royal people of England and Russia. Although the flower is associated with the royal families, it is by no means capricious in its care. Strelitzia is valued for unusual bright flowers resembling amazing birds. Such a plant will fill the interior with rich colors and delicate aromas.

Botanical Description

Strelitzia is a small genus of herbaceous perennials. Although indoor specimens rarely exceed 80 cm in height, wild strelitzias are truly gigantic in size. They grow 2-10 m high and 1-2 m wide. The core rhizome goes deep into the soil. Oval or ovate leaves with a pointed end have a dense leathery surface of dark green color. On the leaf plate, lighter central or embossed lateral veins stand out. Each leaf 0.3-2 m long and 0.1-0.8 m wide has a dense petiole. Its length ranges from 50-90 cm.

Every year, and even several times a year, most often in spring and summer, Strelitzia blooms. On an erect, sturdy peduncle, flowers in turn bloom that look like an unusual crested bird. Only one plant contains up to seven buds. Each corolla is 10-20 cm long, it consists of 6 elements: three vertical stipules and three softer petals. In one flower, orange-yellow, blue, blue and purple shades are mixed. Inflorescence lasts up to one and a half months. A cut bouquet of Strelitzia will stand in a vase for about two weeks. Flowers are pollinated with tiny birds, so in a culture it is almost impossible to achieve fruit formation.

Types of Strelitzia

In the genus Strelitzia, there are only 5 species, the latter being discovered only in 2016.

Strelitzia royal. This plant is especially popular with gardeners. In the humid foothills of South Africa, the species grows to 2 m in height. The oblong foliage with a wavy gray-green surface is about 45 cm long. The leaves gather in numerous rosettes and grow on petioles 70-90 cm long. Pink strokes are located on the reverse side along the central and lateral veins. The flower consists of orange outer and blue-violet inner petals. The flower size is 15 cm.

Strelitzia royal

Strelitzia mountain. The flower is found in desert mountain areas. The plant takes a tree shape and grows up to 10 m in height. Around the powerful stem in 2 rows are giant oblong leaves. Huge flowers resemble a boat with a white sail. Their length is about 45 cm.

Strelitzia mountain

Strelitzia Nicholas. The plant prefers mountainous terrain. It grows up to 3 m in height. Oval dense leaves resemble banana thickets. The plant gradually forms a stem similar to a palm tree trunk. The axillary peduncle is decorated with large flowers. The corolla is on average 17 cm long. It contains cob-shaped red-green bracts, under which are hidden the white outer and inner bright blue petals.

Strelitzia Nicholas

Strelitzia is reed. Cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant is found in the south of South Africa. It has large spiky leaves of a bluish-green color and bright orange-blue flowers. The diameter of the sheet outlet is 1.5-2 m.

Strelitzia reed

Strelitzia white (Augustus). The lower part of the stem is gradually lignified; it is sheltered under a dense leaf outlet. Glossy light green leaves can grow up to 1 m in length. Some of them are heart-shaped. The axillary inflorescence is located on the peduncle. Under purple bracts are snow-white petals.

Strelitzia white (Augustus)

Propagation Features

Strelitzia propagates by seed and rhizome division. Plant seeds quickly lose their germination, so it is best to sow freshly harvested seeds. Since the fruiting of indoor Strelitzia is rare, you should pay attention to the marking when buying. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in warm water (35-40 ° C). Then prepare boxes with soil (sand, peat, compost). The soil is scalded with boiling water, and then the seeds are pressed into it. Sprinkle them on top of the ground is not necessary. Capacities are put in place with ambient light and air temperature + 20 ... + 24 ° C. The box is covered with glass, which is not removed until emergence. The first sprouts appear within 1.5-6 months. Shelter is removed gradually, starting with half an hour a day. Seedlings are sprayed with boiled water as the surface of the earth dries. Grown plants are carefully transplanted. It is important not to damage the long but brittle root.

A plant older than 5 years can be divided. The procedure is carried out at the end of flowering. When transplanting, the rhizome is carefully released from the soil and divided into parts or the lateral processes are separated. In each dividend there must be a segment of the root and at least one shoot.

Care Rules

Caring for Strelitzia at home is straightforward. Although the flower is called royal, it has to grow in not very favorable conditions.

Lighting. Strelitzia loves bright lights. It is exposed to the south or east window. In summer, indoor specimens are shaded from the midday sun or exposed to fresh air. Plants need protection against drafts.

Temperature. Strelitzia prefers cool content. In summer, she feels good at + 22 ... + 27 ° C, but in winter, she needs to be transferred to a room with an air temperature of + 14 ... + 15 ° C. Colds below + 12 ° C are harmful to the plant. By setting the flower in the open air, it is possible to provide the so-necessary Strelitzia daily temperature fluctuations.

Humidity. Normal room humidity for Strelitzia is tolerated normally. It is periodically recommended to spray the crown. Especially if the tips of the leaves began to dry out. In spring and summer, the flower is bathed from dust under a warm shower.

Watering. In spring and summer, Strelitzia needs abundant watering. It is advisable to take boiled or well-purified water. In winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should dry out only 1 cm from the surface. So that the water does not stagnate, the pan should be emptied after watering.

Fertilizer. Fertilize Strelitzia in spring and summer. Twice a week, mineral fertilizing for flowering plants is applied to the soil. It is recommended to use organic compounds several times a year.

Transfer. Strelitzia is transplanted every 1-3 years. The procedure is carried out in the spring. The flower prefers spacious flowerpots and tubs. In a tight container, flowering rarely occurs. The pot should be deep, but not very wide. At the bottom have a large layer of drainage. The soil for the plant should contain sand, leaf and turf soil, as well as humus.

Diseases and pests. The plant has excellent resistance to flower diseases. Only with constant dampness and stagnation of water in the pot does it begin to suffer from fungal diseases. The spider mite, scutellum and mealybug settle on the crown in hot, dry weather. Spraying leaves with ordinary water is a good prevention against parasites. If insects have already wound up, the plant is washed under a warm shower and treated with insecticides.

How to achieve flowering

Strelitzia over 5-6 years old blooms regularly, even several times a season. To ensure that you see flowers of a bird of paradise, you need to plant the plant in a spacious pot and provide a cool dormant period. For 2-3 weeks, the plant is kept at a temperature of + 12 ... + 14 ° C, and then brought into heat. After 3-5 months, the first flowers will appear. Cooling can be provided not only in winter. If you find a cool place in the summer, Strelitzia will open flowers for the New Year. Also, for flowering, bright lighting and regular watering are important.
