Nepentes - an exotic predator plant


Nepentes is an unusual representative of the flora with a predatory character. In addition to the usual food, he needs insects, which he digests in his jugs. The genus belongs to the family of the same name Pentes. It occurs in tropical Asia and the Pacific basin (from Kalimantan to Australia and Madagascar). An amazing exotic will certainly attract attention and become a universal favorite. However, in order for the plant to reveal in all its glory, it is important to follow the rules of care.

Botanical Description

In the genus of Nepentes, grassy vines, shrubs and shrubs are found. The plant has thin, grassy stems that gradually lignify. Most often, nepenthes settle next to tall trees. Their shoots are able to grow tens of meters to break through the dense thickets of the rainforest towards the sun. Nepentes at home are only 50-60 cm in height.

On the young branches there are regular petiolate leaves of a bright green color. The sheet plate has an oblong shape, smooth edges and a pointed end. The central vein is clearly visible on the surface of the sheet. Sometimes the edges of the leaves turn a little pink under the sun.

The plant Nepentes modified part of the leaves into the digestive system. They take a rounded shape and resemble small jugs with an opening lid. In the process of leaf formation, the cavity is filled with vegetable juice with enzymes for the digestion of living things. The length of the jug in different species is very different. It can be 2.5-50 cm. The outer surface is brightly colored, it can be green, orange, brown, pink or red. The neck is decorated with small warty growths. When an insect gets inside, it is completely digested, and the resulting liquid serves as fertilizer.

Periodically, small flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves. They are devoid of petals and consist exclusively of sepals and anthers. After flowering, small seed boxes ripen. The cylindrical seeds in them are separated by thin partitions.

Types of Nepentes

In nature, about 120 species of nepenthes are recorded. Only some particularly decorative varieties are grown in culture.

Nepentes Alata (winged). Shoots can grow 4 m in length, they are covered with dark green lanceolate leaves. Hunting jugs with a diameter of 5-8 cm have a spotty, green-red color. Widespread view of the Philippines.

Nepentes Alata (winged)

Nepentes Madagascar. A branched bush 60-90 cm high is covered with bright green lanceolate leaves on top. Under the crown, raspberry jugs about 25 cm long hang on thin flagella.

Nepentes Madagascar

Nepentes Attenborough. The plant forms a sprawling shrub up to 1.5 m high. Leathery leaves on very short petioles are arranged next. Pitchers have a large capacity (up to 1.5 liters). Their length is 25 cm and their diameter is 12 cm.

Nepentes Attenborough

Nepentes Raflesi. Long vines of the plant are covered with large leaves on short petioles. The size of the sheet is 40-50 cm in length and 8-10 cm in width. Outside, the jug has a light green color and is covered with red spots. Inside, it has a bluish tint. The length of the jug is 10-20 cm and the diameter is 7-10 cm.

Nepentes Raflesi

Nepentes Raja. The variety is considered the largest of the existing ones. Shoots of creeping creepers are able to grow 6 m in length. Large petiole leaves, together with a long antenna, are located on the shoots at equal distances. Burgundy or purple jugs are 50 cm or more in length.

Nepentes Raja

Nepentes truncated. Distributed on open plateaus about. Mindanao (Philippines). Under the large, leathery leaves with a blunt end are large jugs of brown-green color. Their length can reach 50 cm.

Nepentes Truncated

Breeding methods

Nepentes flower can be propagated by apical cuttings or seeds. Vegetative propagation is considered the most convenient. From January to April cuttings with several leaves are cut. A cut is made slightly below the sheet so that a small leg remains. Slices of moss-sphagnum are placed in a small pot and the stem is fixed in it with a wire. Keep the plant in a warm place (+ 25 ... + 30 ° C) and periodically spray from the spray gun. Rooting takes 4-6 weeks. The grown nepentes are transplanted into a permanent pot.

Liana-like varieties can be propagated by air layering. To do this, part of the bark of a flexible shoot is removed and the vine is pressed to the ground. After a few weeks, roots appear and the layering can be separated from the mother plant.

Propagation by seeds should be carried out immediately after their collection. They are sown in small boxes with a mixture of sphagnum moss and sand. The container is kept in a humid and warm place (+ 22 ... + 25 ° C). Shoots appear after 1.5-2 months.

Transplant Features

Nepentes is transplanted in the spring every 1-2 years. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the core root. It is recommended to do this by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. It is better to use deep clay pots. Nepentes soil should include the following components:

  • sphagnum moss (4 parts);
  • coconut fiber (3 parts);
  • pine bark (3 parts).

One part perlite and peat can be added to the mixture. All components should be steamed before use.

Care Rules

Caring for Nepentes at home requires some skill. The plant can not be called unpretentious, this exotic deserves careful attention.

Lighting. Nepentes love diffused sunlight. From direct sunlight, especially in the summer, you will need protection. It is enough to curtain the window with a tulle curtain or gauze. Daylight hours for a plant all year round should be 15-16 hours, if necessary, use a daylight lamp.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature in the room where nepentes grows is + 22 ... + 26 ° C. In winter, slight cooling is allowed (+ 18 ... + 20 ° C). If the thermometer drops below + 16 ° C, the pitcher may die. There is no need to specially lower the temperature. The rest period is characterized by a decrease in daylight hours and humidity.

Air humidity. A tropical resident needs high humidity (70-90%). It is often recommended to spray the plant and place it near water containers. An ideal place would be a winter garden, where the necessary climatic conditions are maintained constantly.

Watering. It is necessary to water Nepentes often. The soil should always be slightly moist. It is important to prevent stagnation of water. The fluid must be warm and well cleaned. Excess mineral impurities adversely affect growth.

Fertilizer. During the period of active growth, it is recommended to feed Nepentes with mineral fertilizers for indoor plants. The solution is applied to the soil twice a month. Low nitrogen formulations should be selected.

Feeding jugs. For normal growth and development, nepentes needs organic nutrition. Insects (flies, mosquitoes, spiders) or their larvae (bloodworms) are placed in jugs. It is enough to “feed” half the jugs once a month.

It is important to remember that juice with enzymes is formed in the jug only during formation. If the liquid has spilled, it will not be possible to restore it and it is not necessary to feed such a jug. To extend the life of the leaf, you can pour distilled water into it. But still, it dries before the rest.

Pruning. Nepentes is recommended to pinch and trim periodically. Then the plant will not stretch much and will keep an attractive crown. Pruning also stimulates the formation of pitchers. The first time the procedure is carried out after the growth of the sixth leaf. Liana-like species need support.

Pests. Sometimes aphids and mealybugs settle on the crown. The reason for this may be too dry air. From parasites should be treated with an insecticide.
