Brigamia: description, home care tips


Brigamia belongs to the Kolokolchikovs, grows in the Hawaiian Islands. The plant is more than 1,000,000 years old, however, it has been bred recently in indoor conditions.

Description of brigamy

Brigamia or Hawaiian palm - stem succulent. The stalk is thick at the roots, tapering to the apex. The bark is light green, and eventually becomes gray. Leaves and trunk are smooth.

Indoor plants rarely exceed a height of 1 m. There is greenery only at the top, so the trees visually resemble a palm tree.

The leaves are light green, ovoid or rounded. Brigamia blooms in early autumn every 2-4 years in good light. Flowers in the form of a bell are white, yellow, beige. In their place, fruits appear - elongated capsules with several seeds.

Types of brigamy

Popular varieties:

Wonderful (Gorgeous)Caudex is missing.Bright or dark green, spoon-shaped, assembled into a socket. Upstairs wider than at the base.Yellow, beige.
RockyThe expansion at the base is, in contrast to the remarkable brigamy.Green, resemble cabbage.Snow-white.

Brigamy care at home

Breeders adapted brigamy to content in the apartment. Plant care at home by season:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingSouth window. It is recommended to exhibit on the loggia, terrace, take out onto the street. At the same time shelter from rain and wind.

Adult plants like direct sunlight, young need to shade.

Remove from the cold windowsill.

Additional illumination with fluorescent, LED, phytolamps.

Temperature+ 25 ... +27 ° C.Not lower than +15 ° C.
HumidityDaily spraying, preferably from a spray bottle.
WateringOnce a week.Once a month.
Top dressingFertilizers for cacti and succulents, every 4-5 weeks.

Transplant and soil

The soil should pass water well so that the roots do not rot. A substrate with weak or neutral acidity can be purchased at the store and mixed with sand in equal proportions.

Transplant adult plants in the spring every 2-3 years. Young - once in 12 months. The pot is wide, but shallow, because the root system is superficial. At the bottom, lay out expanded clay drainage.


Brigamia is bred:

  • by seeds;
  • shoots.

In the second method, cut the bark at the top of the stem, soon a branch will grow on this place. Plant it in the ground. Propagation by seeds is preferable, this is due to the rarity of the plant.

Diseases and pests, difficulties in caring for brigamy

Spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies can be found on brigades. In case of damage, the tree must be treated with insecticides (Aktara, Confidor, Actellik, etc.).

When caring for a plant, difficulties arise:

  • it drops buds when moving during flowering;
  • does not bloom, dries up, if the autumn does not extend daylight hours to 12 hours;
  • it turns yellow, loses leaves due to excessive watering, poor lighting, lack of protection against drafts, rain, wind.

These problems are eliminated by adjusting the content.
