Likoris - an exquisite flower of the east


Likoris is a flower of amazing beauty. In nature, it can be found in India, Japan, Korea, Vietnam or China. In addition to the external charm, he attracts many legends associated with him. The plant can be grown in the garden or indoors. It will give the owner equally beautiful buds with narrow petals. It is not for nothing that licorice is also called spider lily. The plant of the Amaryllis family in the care does not require much effort. In agricultural technology, it can be compared with daffodils or tulips. And yet, the charm of an exotic lyric is superior to other members of the family. It impresses with its exquisite appearance and pleasant aroma.

Botanical Description

Likoris is a perennial bulbous plant 30-70 cm high. Bulbs are relatively thermophilic and can tolerate only small frosts in open ground. Their diameter is 5 cm. In mid-spring, several belt-shaped narrow leaves of bright green color grow from the soil. The length of the sheet plate is 30-40 cm, and the width is 5-20 mm. By mid-June, the leaves die off completely, but a long fleshy stem appears. It has a circular cross section and can reach a height of 70 cm. The top of the shoot is decorated with an inflorescence of large buds. One bulb per season can produce 4-7 flowers located on one stem.

The flowering period of licorice begins in September, when the leaves disappear and the area is covered with beautiful bouquets on long, bare stems. The flowers exude a pleasant intense aroma. They are divided into two groups. One type of flower has longer filamentous stamens that protrude far beyond the petals. Other buds have stamens only slightly longer than the petals. Lycoris petals can be painted in white, yellow, orange or red.

After pollination, fruits appear - three-channel seed boxes. They contain small black seeds. However, not all licorice can reproduce by seed. Some species are completely sterile.

Plant species

In the genus of licorice, 20 plant species are registered. However, in our country only some of them are actively grown.

Licoris scaly. A plant up to 70 cm tall grows in Japan. Near the ground there is a leaf rosette, consisting of brightly-green leaf-shaped leaves 1-3 cm wide. In late August, a large inflorescence of 8-9 buds blooms on a long peduncle. Oval petals are painted in light lilac tones and bent back. In the center are several thin stamens and an ovary. Flowering lasts about two weeks.

Licoris scaly

Licoris is radiant. A perennial plant 30-70 cm tall in spring releases a rosette of narrow leaves (5-10 mm). Especially long sheet plates may bend from the center. In early autumn, large flowers of terracotta or pink appear. Petals have a very narrow and long antenna, which deviates back, and in the center there is a bunch of shorter and wider processes with wavy edges.

Licoris radiant

Licoris is blood red. This compact variety does not exceed a height of 45 cm. Small leaves up to 15 mm wide bloom in April and begin to turn yellow in June. In August, up to six scarlet buds with a diameter of about 5 cm grow on a massive peduncle.

Licoris Blood Red

Lycoris Reproduction

Most often, the reproduction of licorice is done in a vegetative way. Only some species are capable of producing viable seeds. An adult plant annually forms several daughter bulbs. Most often this happens with bulbs planted closer to the surface of the earth. By the end of the season, the kids mature enough to grow on their own. However, often sharing the outlet is undesirable, as the plant is weakening. Within 1-2 years after division, the licorice does not bloom.

In autumn, after flowering is completed, the bulbs should be dug up and carefully separated from each other. Immediately after this, they land at a new place. The soil for licorice should contain sand, peat and leafy soil. A rather large bulb is buried by 12-14 cm. In the open ground between plants it is necessary to observe a distance of 25-35 cm. During the wintering period, plants do not need to be watered. In spring, the soil begins to be moistened with caution and the first small leaves appear. To form a powerful root system, it will take up to six months. Gradually, the leaves and flowers will grow larger.

Care Features

Caring for licorice will not be difficult, but you still need to follow some rules. A fairly bright place should be chosen for the flower, but direct sunlight is undesirable. In the spring, when the plant just wakes up, indoor licorice needs additional illumination.

The optimum air temperature is + 20 ... + 27 ° C. On the street you should protect flowers from drafts. Lycoris can overwinter only in 4-9 climatic zones. So that the bulbs do not freeze, they are planted deeper in the ground. From the bottom to the surface of the soil should be about 30 cm.

You need to water the licorice regularly so that only the topsoil dries out. Stagnant water is contraindicated in plants, otherwise the roots will rot. The surface of the soil must be loosened periodically. In the dormant period (winter and summer), when the ground part dies, watering is minimized.

In the spring and at the beginning of flowering, it is useful to feed the plant with an organic complex. Fertilizer is applied under the root in a diluted form. Excess nitrogen salts should be avoided.

At the end of autumn, it is necessary to remove dried growth. You can additionally cover plantings with fallen leaves and spruce branches to protect the bulbs from frost.


In the east, licorice is rarely used to decorate gardens. This is due to legends and superstitions. Inhabitants of the Celestial Empire consider licorice a symbol of misfortune. Allegedly, flowers grow on the battlefields, where blood was shed. Therefore, they are often planted in cemeteries. In our country, this beautiful flower with pleasure and without any consequences is planted in flowerbeds, mixborders and rockeries. They take root well in the rare shade of trees.

In early spring, succulent greenery hides bare soil, and at the end of summer, the earth turns purple. The best neighbors for the plant are hosts, begonias, crocuses, anemones, ferns and lyriopes.
