Lush flowering geranium pruning


Many gardeners fell in love with home geraniums because of their unpretentiousness in care and beautiful lush flowering. In order for her to regularly delight with her colorful flowers, pruning is performed, which has a beneficial effect on the flower. Otherwise, it will turn into a long bare stalk, stop flowering and wither.

Need to trim

Pelargonium is cut regularly, the choice of the season (spring or autumn) is determined by the flowering time and variety. This is necessary for:

  • getting fresh shoots;
  • breeding varieties;
  • the formation of a smooth and dense crown;
  • improve air exchange.

At the same time, old dry branches, shoots growing in the direction of the stem and interfering with each other, branches, on which there are no foliage and inflorescences, are removed.

Autumn pruning is more reasonable than spring pruning. At this time, geraniums are preparing for rest. The process prepares it, facilitates wintering, promotes lush flowering in the summer.

Geranium pruning technology

When cutting, use a blade or clerical knife. When using scissors, they bend the shoot, which harms the tissue. Before starting, the tools are processed so that the infection does not fall into a fresh cut. Old dried branches or densely sprouted shoots are removed. A slice is made over a node that faces outward. It is necessary that the fresh shoots grow and not interfere with each other. After the procedure, it is sprinkled with antiseptics: charcoal, ash, cinnamon powder is used at room conditions to disinfect and protect against pests.

To accelerate growth, the plant is fed with fertilizer containing nitrogen.

How to form pelargonium in autumn

After the end of summer, flower growers prepare a flower for wintering. Cut geraniums from September to November, after the last bud has dried. During this period, dry yellowed leaves, branches with no foliage and weak shoots stand out. The main stem is shortened by one third, fresh sections are sprinkled with antiseptics.

If winter buds appear on the flower, they are removed. From late November to March, the plant is at rest.

The purpose and benefits of spring haircuts

Spring pruning is easier than autumn pruning, it brings more benefits to the plant, but it should be done with caution. During this period, pelargonium starts sap flow, rest ends. In order to determine whether to prune the flower, evaluate its appearance.

Step-by-step instructions for spring pruning geraniums

Spend on the last days of February or the first days of March. To begin with, the flower grower is determined with the form that pelargonium wants to give. Then proceeds to the procedure:

  • handles the tool;
  • reduces by one third the center trunk;
  • removes dried branches and foliage, bare or growing shoots to the middle;
  • treats slices with an antiseptic.

The shoots are cut so that 2-3 buds remain below.

Subsequent care for geraniums includes:

  • watering every two days;
  • fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizer;
  • lack of drafts and sprayings.

The place is chosen sunny, if possible they are taken out to the balcony or to the garden.

Shtambovy formation of a tree

To form a strong trunk, it is necessary to attach it to an even vertical support. The lateral shoots appearing on it are cut off after the formation of the fourth leaf on them. On the stem itself, the leaves are retained. When it has grown to the desired size, the foliage is removed, proceed to regular pinching of the apex. This contributes to the formation of a dense crown. Flowering geraniums will begin no earlier than a year later.

The flower is placed in a warm, bright place where there are no direct rays of the sun. Abundant watering and frequent top dressing serve as process accelerators.

Royal Geranium Formation

A large variety with lush flowering red flowers that appear in the year for only one season. The royal geranium is cut in the fall, in September-October, when it is preparing for rest. The process technology is respected. First, reduce the stem by one third. Then they go to the crown: dry yellowed leaves, buds, shoots on which there is no foliage or they grow towards the central trunk are removed. All slices are processed.

In winter, the plant is placed in comfortable conditions and does not disturb until spring. If fresh shoots appear on it, pinch them with your hands.

With proper care, the royal geranium will bloom in April.

Mr. Dachnik warns: the most common errors when trimming

Often, when pruning a plant, flower growers do not think about what can be harmful. In order for the process to benefit and improve the flower, observe the rules:

  • when the situation changes, geraniums are allowed to adapt to a new place and only then are taken for pruning;
  • all instruments must be washed and disinfected, otherwise an infection can be introduced and pelargonium will die;
  • after full pruning, “under the stump” is watered a little bit and only if the soil layer has dried 4-5 cm, otherwise the roots will begin to rot from moisture glut.


Watch the video: How To Prune Leggy, Overgrown Geraniums Joy Us Garden (October 2024).