5 useful properties of cinnamon to solve problems in the garden


In the rainy season, bark is harvested from a small evergreen Cinnamomum tree. It is cut into strips and twisted. This is exactly how they get one of the most popular and favorite spices - cinnamon. This relatively inexpensive spice is very useful for gardeners to solve many problems on the site.

The smell of cinnamon is popular with people, but the insects are not happy with it. If your plantings were attacked by pests - beetles, ants, midges, aphids - pour cinnamon powder on the beds and on the plants themselves. Insects will cease to disturb plantings almost immediately. For trees, it is more convenient to use an aqueous solution of cinnamon (2 tablespoons of spice powder and 10 grams of liquid soap in 5 liters of water). Trees from a sprayer are treated with this solution.

With the help of cinnamon, you can humanely rid the area of ​​ants. Pour cinnamon powder into their habitat and after a short period of time they will move to another place, away from the smell unpleasant for them.

Scares off rodents

Cinnamon will also help keep the crop from rodent invasion. Pour spice powder liberally between the beds and rodent visits will cease. The sensitive sense of smell of these animals is sensitive to harsh aromas, in particular the cinnamon aroma is not tolerable for them.

Eliminates fungus

Excellent cinnamon fights against fungal diseases of plants. Mold can destroy a significant part of the plantings if measures are not taken in time. At the first signs of a fungal infection, sprinkle the affected area with cinnamon, it is convenient to do this with a small, soft brush. This will help prevent the growth and growth of fungi. Also lightly sprinkle the rest of the plant and the soil around. In addition to the antifungal effect, this will strengthen the immunity of plants and give them more vitality.

Stimulates growth

Cinnamon helps a lot to accelerate seedling growth and rooting cuttings. To stimulate and root cuttings, you can simply sprinkle them with spice immediately before rooting.

You can also prepare an effective and environmentally friendly fungicidal solution. For this, 500 ml. water, take two crushed tablets of aspirin and 10 g of cinnamon powder, stir, let it brew for 12 hours. Strain the resulting solution and soak the cuttings in it for two hours, then you can start planting.

Aspirin in this composition acts as a growth accelerator, and cinnamon acts as a fungicide and immunostimulant. Treated in this way, cuttings are much less susceptible to disease, take root faster and give a consistently high yield.

Unlike modern store growth stimulants, this composition is completely safe and non-toxic. It can be successfully used for rooting adult plants during transplantation, as well as for soaking seeds before planting (in this case, the concentration must be halved).

This spice is a wonderful doctor. It has antiseptic, wound healing properties, so it is successfully used after pruning plants and for the treatment of injuries. Spots of damage and cuts must be sprinkled with cinnamon powder. This will speed up the healing process and prevent diseases from developing.
