Spring mulberry vaccination: basic methods and useful tips


Mulberry has a huge variety of useful properties. Its berries have an anti-inflammatory effect, they are used to reduce swelling, normalize heart function, and improve digestion. But, like most plants, she needs care. Any gardener who grows mulberries in his garden knows that sooner or later he will be faced with the need to vaccinate a tree. If you do not have sufficient experience, we will tell you about the basic rules and techniques for carrying out this procedure.

Why are they mulled?

Today, mulberry is grown by many gardeners throughout Russia. It is a tall tree growing up to 12-15 m, with an average trunk circumference of 1 to 5 m. It is a long-liver, which can reach the age of two hundred years. In addition to leaves in mulberry, wood is also valued, and from its sweet fruits you can make a huge number of blanks.

Mulberry is a southern tree, but with proper care it can grow in colder areas.

Mulberry wood is not inferior in hardness to oak wood and is actively used in industry. For example, for the manufacture of musical instruments, furniture and stamped paper.

The reasons why gardeners resort to mulberry grafting may be as follows:

  • Lack of harvest. This is one of the most common reasons for a vaccination procedure. Few people know that mulberry is a dioecious tree, that is, there are males that bloom deceptively but do not produce crops, and females whose flowers turn into tasty berries after pollination. If you are the owner of male mulberry, then do not rush to uproot a tree, for the cultivation of which they have put a lot of effort (recall, mulberry begins to bear fruit only in the 5th year of life). To solve this problem, it is enough to plant a female mulberry shoot on the "male" tree.
  • Reduce crop waiting times. As mentioned above, the mulberry begins to bear fruit in 5-6 years. If you plant it on an adult tree, then the crop can be harvested in 2-3 years.
  • Space saving. As a result of vaccination, you will be able to simultaneously grow several varieties of this culture at once on one silk tree, for example, Black Baroness and Smolenskaya pink.
  • Breeding in adverse conditions. If you are afraid that the new mulberry will not take root in your garden (for example, the soil or climate will not work), then in this case it is better not to risk buying a seedling, but to vaccinate a new-grade mulberry stalk or shield on a tree already adapted to the conditions.

Mulberry variety Black Baroness has a high yield

It is worth noting that in gardening, grafted mulberry grafting is practiced exclusively on another mulberry tree, which can be cultivated or wild. Vaccination of one varietal sample on another allows you to grow different varieties of crops on one tree, while grafting on wild mulberries will allow you to adapt the variety to certain climatic conditions or soil and protect against diseases.

Some terminology

In order to correctly follow the instructions for grafting mulberries and not get confused in it, you need to know the following terms:

  • Vaccination is a method of propagation of horticultural crops, which consists in combining parts of several plants. Most often, trees and shrubs propagate by grafting;
  • a stock is a plant to which a part of another plant is grafted. The rootstock uses a trunk and root system;
  • scion are parts of the grafted plant. In the case of mulberry grafting, the graft may be a piece of bark with a kidney or an escape;
  • a stalk is a separate part of a plant used for propagation. When mulberry grafting is used, the stalk is used as a scion;
  • the cambium layer is a layer of active plant cells located between wood and bast. It is due to the cambium cells of the scion and the stock that grafting of the grafted material occurs, therefore, when vaccinating, try to combine the cambium layers as densely as possible.

It is necessary to know the location of the cambium layers of scion and rootstock in order to be able to correctly combine them

Necessary tools

For the mulberry grafting procedure, you will need special tools.

  • Garden knife. For each method of vaccination, there is a kind of garden knife. So, for copying, a special copying knife is used (it has a wide straight blade), for budding - a budding knife (has a curved blade). Using a regular knife is not recommended because its blade is not fully durable and sharp.
  • Gardening scissors. They give a smooth, even cut and are therefore indispensable for the preparation of cuttings and stocks.

To properly carry out the mulberry grafting procedure, it is necessary to use special tools

  • Dressing. A soft plastic film is perfect as it. You can not do without it, because for the growth of the scion and stock, it is necessarily warm.
  • Latch. Necessary for fixing grafted components. Often, gardeners use electrical tape as a fixative.
  • Putty material. As it is suitable oil paint or garden var. It will be required to process slices on your mulberry.

Do not forget to disinfect the instruments after each vaccination procedure to avoid the transfer of diseases from one tree to another. For this purpose, you can use purified alcohol or treat the blade with fire.

Spring vaccination: methods and rules

There are several general rules that must be followed for a better vaccination procedure.

  1. Prepare cuttings in a timely manner, and also follow the rules for their storage.
  2. Correctly cut wood using special tools.
  3. Only use clean tools to prevent infection.
  4. Try to get vaccinated as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the places of cuts on the silk cuttings under the influence of sunlight and ultraviolet radiation are oxidized.
  5. Use dressings to protect the joints from drying out.
  6. Get vaccinated at the right time.

The most suitable time for mulberry grafting is warm cloudy days, falling in early or mid-April. During this period, mulberry begins to bloom, which means that the circulation of juices in the trunk enters its most active phase, which is necessary for the best fusion of scion and stock.

In practice, the most common ways to vaccinate mulberries are copulation and budding.

Mulberry replication

Copulation is the easiest way to vaccinate mulberries. In order to carry it out, you will need to prepare silky cuttings in advance.

Preparation of mulberry cuttings

There are several rules for the preparation of mulberry cuttings. They can be harvested twice a year. The first time: in late autumn - early winter in the interval between the end of leaf fall and the onset of the first frost. In this case, the mulberry stalk will be dormant. He will wake up at the time of spring vaccination, that is, by mid-April. The second time: in late winter - early spring, after severe frosts subside. You can harvest cuttings any day. Make sure that the selected mulberry cuttings are not frozen.

Proper preparation and storage of mulberry cuttings help to carry out high-quality spring vaccination

Rules for harvesting mulberry cuttings.

  1. Choose a healthy fruiting uterine mulberry tree from 3 to 10 years old, from which you will take cuttings.
  2. Cuttings need to be cut off from the annual (that is, formed this year) shoots located in the center of the southern side of the mulberry crown.
  3. It is necessary to carry out the cutting with a sharpened tool (with a garden knife or with garden shears), keeping the selected stalk on weight.

Note that cuttings with a length of 30-40 cm and a diameter of about 7 mm are optimal for grafting mulberries. If there are no samples of such thickness, then in extreme cases, shoots with a diameter of at least 3 mm can be used. Cuttings are better to prepare a few pieces.

Remember! You can not touch the place of cut, otherwise the stalk will take root poorly or an infection will fall into it.

Storage of mulberry cuttings

The easiest way to keep mulberry stalks until spring is to keep in the refrigerator. To do this, wrap them with a damp cloth, put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. The best temperature for storing grafting material is +2 aboutC. Do not forget to constantly keep the tissue moist. We want to warn that this method is better for storing those cuttings that were cut in the spring, since there is a high risk of premature germination of the kidneys on your mulberry (as a rule, this happens in March).

When storing cuttings in the refrigerator, it is recommended to place them in the coldest place - next to the freezer

It is also permissible to keep the mulberry cuttings in the cellar by placing them in sand or sawdust. The algorithm is as follows: place them (the slices should be at the bottom) in a plastic bag or box filled with moistened sawdust. If you use a package, you don’t need to tie it. You can also place the silken cuttings in exactly the same way in a box of wet sand, and then put them in the cellar. Remember to keep the substrate moist. The most suitable temperature for storing mulberry cuttings in the cellar is from 0 aboutC to +1 aboutC with a moisture content not exceeding 70%.

When storing mulberry cuttings in a cellar, it is recommended to knit them in bunches and vertically place them in a moist substrate

Silk cuttings are perfectly stored outdoors in frozen sawdust. Recommended for those who harvest them in the fall. The technology is as follows:

  1. On the north side of your site, select a suitable place, sprinkle a dense layer of slightly moist sawdust on the ground.
  2. Then put on them silky cuttings.
  3. Fill them again with a dense layer of wet sawdust and leave them in the cold for at least an hour.
  4. After this, fill the workpiece with a half-meter layer of dry sawdust.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap.

To prevent mice or other pests from spoiling the silk cuttings, you can add carbolic acid to the water to wet the sawdust - its smell will scare away any rodent. Dosage - 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Storage of mulberry cuttings outdoors in sawdust will provide a sufficient level of humidity and protect against frost

Unfortunately, cases of freezing of mulberry cuttings during storage are not uncommon. They are not suitable for vaccination. To determine if your cuttings are suitable for vaccination, proceed as follows: make incisions on them and place in a container with clean water. If everything is okay with them, then the water will remain transparent, while staining the liquid in a brownish or yellowish color indicates that the cuttings are spoiled.

Simple replication

Mulberry replication is a grafted graft grafting. In this case, the stock and stock should be the same thickness.

  1. Make equal oblique slices at an angle of 30 on mulberry cuttingsaboutwhile the length of the cut should be 4 times the diameter of the handle. Slices should be placed between the kidneys.
  2. Align the slices. Make sure that the cambial layers are clearly docked, otherwise the process of adhesion will greatly deteriorate.
  3. Provide reliable fixation to the cuttings by tightly wrapping the joining point with soft polyethylene overlapping from the bottom up and processing with putty.
  4. When the stock and scion are completely fused, remove the dressing.

Important! The slice needs to be done in one precise motion.

If you did everything right, then the kidney will blossom in 10-15 days.

When copying mulberries, it is necessary to tightly combine the cambium layers of the scion and rootstock

Improved copulation with tongue

This type of copulation involves the presence of oblique sections, complemented by parallel serifs. When combining, one serif goes beyond the other, which gives a more durable connection of the scion and rootstock than with the simple method. As with simple copying, the cuttings should be the same thickness.

  1. Make oblique cuts on the scion and rootstock at an angle of 30about about 3-4 cm long, with the lower kidney on the opposite side of the oblique cut.
  2. Step back 1.5 cm from the core and make a longitudinal cut parallel to the fibers until the beginning of the oblique cut. You should get a "tongue."
  3. Connect the scion and rootstock by pushing the tabs into each other.
  4. Apply a soft polyethylene bandage with an overlap from bottom to top.
  5. When the stock and scion are completely fused, the dressing can be removed.

If after 10-14 days the buds sprout, then you have succeeded in vaccinating your mulberry.

With an improved copulation of mulberry, the scion and rootstock fusion is more effective than with the usual

Mulberry siding

The word "budding" comes from the Latin word oculus, which means "eye."

If you decide to plant mulberry with the help of budding, you will need a single kidney ("eye"), formed last summer. Please note that your chosen shoot for taking a kidney must be prepared in advance. This can be done in the fall or at the end of February.

General tips for budding:

  1. It is not recommended to budge on the side of the mulberry trunk facing south. On this side, the sun is most active, and there is a great risk that the vaccine will not take root.
  2. Two eyes can be grafted onto one trunk, but from different sides. The distance between the eyes should be about 20 cm. This will increase the survival rate of the scion.
  3. The lower eye should be grafted at a distance of at least 25 cm from the fork (the place where the trunk is divided into two large branches, forming two crowns) of the trunk.
  4. It is not necessary to lubricate the joint at the mulberry budding; dressing is enough.
  5. It is strongly discouraged to carry out budding in rainy weather.
  6. For budding, it is advisable to use eyes taken from the center of the shoot.
  7. The silky stalk at the time of taking the eye for budding from it should fully mature. To check the degree of ripening, there is a simple method: bring the handle to your ear and bend it. If you hear crackling, you can safely use it as a grafting material.


  1. Make a “tongue” on the rootstock, cutting the shoot along about 2-2.5 cm.
  2. Cut from the "tongue" at least a third, but not more than half.
  3. From the scion, cut the shield with the kidney. Its parameters should coincide with the parameters of the cut on the stock.
  4. Insert the kidney shield behind the tongue. Make sure that the flap and the cut on the rootstock coincide. If the width of the shield is smaller than required, slide it in such a way as to ensure that at least one side coincides with the place of cut of the cortex and the cambial layer.
  5. Bandage the budding area with soft polyethylene or electrical tape.
  6. Remember to remove the dressing after the scion and stock are completely fused.

Your vaccination results will appear in about two weeks.

When budding the butt, it is desirable to achieve a complete combination of the shield and cut

Tee-shaped shield

  1. Cut off the shield from the scion. The scutellum is a piece of bark with a kidney. Dimensions should be as follows: length - 3 cm, width - 0.5 cm.Since you plant mulberry in the spring, you can leave a margin of about 0.5 cm to make it easier to hold the flap, and after combining with the stock, the extra length will need to be cut.
  2. On the rootstock (any part of it will do), make a so-called pocket in the shape of the letter T. The algorithm of your actions should be as follows: first a horizontal (upper) cut is made, then a vertical cut, then the edges of the vertical cut are gently bent outward. As a result, you will get a pocket into which the flap is inserted. Please note that the size of such a pocket must match the size of the flap.
  3. Insert the prepared shield into the section, moving from top to bottom. The bottom edge of your flap should match the bottom edge of your pocket. If the flap protrudes from the outside of the pocket, then carefully cut off the excess with a sharp knife.
  4. Securely secure the shield with plastic wrap or tape. Bandaging should be carried out from the bottom up. Please note that when performing this method of budding, it is recommended to close the kidney.
  5. After the grafting components are fused, remove the dressing.

A kidney grafted in this way also survives within two weeks.

When budding with a shield in a T-shaped incision, it is necessary to close the kidney with dressing

Video: how to spend mulberry budding

As you can see, any gardener will be able to vaccinate mulberries. Following the basic rules and recommendations, you will successfully cope with this event, and your tree will delight you with its healthy appearance and abundant harvest for a long time.
