Lush pion-shaped asters: when and how to plant on seedlings and in open ground?


The pion-shaped aster is considered one of the most beautiful varieties of asters. Its advantage is not only an attractive appearance, but also long flowering, low maintenance, a wide variety of varieties. The inflorescences of this plant are similar in shape to peonies, so it got its name. It is recommended to flower growers who have decided to grow this flower on the site to begin with when to plant the seeds of the pion-shaped aster and what kind of care she needs to provide.

Why is it recommended to plant a flower with seeds?

Since the plant is an annual, it is grown only from seeds. They can be sown in open ground or seedlings. Both methods are convenient and uncomplicated, but specialists most often prefer the seedling method, since the first option is suitable only for the southern regions.

Another advantage of growing pion-shaped aster from seeds is the availability of planting material, which can be bought in almost any specialized store or ordered on the Internet. In addition, with this method of propagation, the plants are quite strong and hardy.

Landing dates by region: table

The optimal time for sowing seeds of pion-shaped aster for seedlings, depending on the region:

RegionOptimal term
Moscow and Moscow regionMarch
UralLate March-early April
Leningrad regionBeginning of april

Best lunar seeding dates for 2019

Sowing the seeds of a pion-shaped aster is recommended on the growing moon. In 2019, the following numbers are considered the most favorable:

  • March 17, 18, 19, 26;
  • April 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 25.

It is undesirable to sow seeds during the new moon and full moon, as well as 12 hours before and 12 hours after their onset.


Most experts recommend using the stratification method when growing pion-shaped aster. This method is the use of contrasting temperatures to improve seed germination.

Planting material must be spread on the ground and sprinkled with a layer of snow 1 cm. Then the container must be placed for several hours in a cold place, and then rearranged in heat. This alternation of temperatures should be carried out until the seeds are pecked. As soon as the seedlings appear, they must be moved to pots or peat tablets.

Seeding technology for seedlings and in open ground

Before sowing aster seeds for seedlings, a soil mixture should be prepared. These plants prefer light and fertile soil. You can prepare the mixture yourself by mixing the following components:

  • 3 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • 2 tbsp. l wood ash.

In the flower shop you can buy nutritious soil for flowers, but you will need to add sand and wood ash to it. A week before planting, it is recommended that the soil mixture be calcined in an oven for 30 minutes or spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Purchased seeds do not need pre-treatment. But the planting material, which was collected by the florist on his own from the flower bed, needs to be held for half an hour in a solution of Fitosporin.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds of peony aster for seedlings:

  1. Take plastic containers and lay a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone at their bottom.
  2. Fill the containers with soil mixture and pour a 1 cm thick layer of sand on top.
  3. Spread the seeds on the surface of the soil and gently push them.
  4. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  5. Cover containers with foil or glass.

In open ground, seeds should be sown in a similar pattern. They must be laid out on the surface of the soil and covered with a film.

Further care

Containers with planting must be moved to a room with a temperature of +20 ºC. The film must be removed daily for 30 minutes, and the soil periodically moisten a little.

Shoots appear approximately 5 days after sowing seeds. Sprouts should be provided with moderate watering. The soil should not dry out, but it is not worth it to flood the planting. After watering, the seedlings should be aired. Plants will also need to be fed 2 times during the cultivation, making a solution of fertilizers Agricola and nitroammofosk.

After the appearance of 2-3 real leaves of the plant, it is necessary to dive into separate containers, which should be transferred to a room with a temperature of + 15ºC. It is not necessary to feed seedlings, and they need to be watered occasionally. 2 weeks before transplanting, plants need to start hardening, daily taking containers out into the street for a while.

From the moment of sowing the seeds for seedlings and before the plants are transplanted into the flowerbed, 2 months should pass. The land on the site must be excavated in advance and potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate added to it. Then the soil must be moistened and made holes or grooves in it. Plants should be carefully removed from the containers together with a lump of earth, transplanted to the site, sprinkled with dry soil on top and watered at the root.

Further care for the pion-shaped aster includes the following procedures:

  1. Timely watering. In dry weather, plants should be watered abundantly, but infrequently.
  2. Loosening the soil. This procedure must be carried out after watering and rain.
  3. Feed application. Fertilize aster is necessary during flowering and during the growing season.

Peony asters will look good in composition with other ornamental plants and will become a worthy decoration of a personal plot. If desired, the florist can cut luxurious flowers and put them in the house.
