Rosa Martin Frobisher - grade description


In 2018, the rose variety, named after the navigator - Martin Frobisher, celebrated its half-century anniversary. This rose was the first specially bred for survival in the harsh northern countries. Canadian breeders have developed a whole series in which there are 25 varieties of frost-resistant and fragrant roses. Most of these varieties, including Martin Frobisher, are ideal for cultivation in Russian climatic conditions.

Rosa Martin Frobisher

Rosa Martin Frobisher has strong shoots of red-brown hue. Spikes are almost completely absent. Dark oval-shaped leaves with a pointed tip. The bush reaches a height of 1.5 meters, sometimes a little more. It grows in width to 100 cm. When flowering, forms large buds, 7-10 pieces in inflorescence. Flowers of a delicate pink tint combined with milky white.

This variety of roses has a lot of advantages and is well suited for breeding even by novice gardeners. The plant is unpretentious and can delight with its flowering even in the shaded area of ​​the site throughout the season. Bushes are resistant not only to frost, but also to various diseases.

Sort Martin Frobisher

By cons include:

  • susceptibility to attack by insect pests;
  • rapid falling of petals during flowering in hot weather;
  • intolerance to long rainy weather.

Thanks to the smooth, graceful structure of the bush, the rose variety Martin Frobisher can be used in the design of hedges. Also, the bush will look good when creating a combined flower garden.

Interesting! It is possible to frame decorative ponds, arbors and rock gardens with a rose. A wonderful view will be in single shrubs.


Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

As a rule, planting of roses occurs by seedlings, however, planting material can be prepared in advance. For this, experienced gardeners most often use the method of cuttings, but can also sprout seeds. You can plant a rose at the beginning of the season, in the spring, when warm weather is established. You can also plant in late autumn, after harvesting the main crop, 2-3 weeks before the cold.

Framing a gazebo in a summer cottage

If the landing site is not predetermined by the design project, then you should be guided by the general rules suitable for this rose variety. Martin Frobisher prefers loamy, slightly acidic soil and does not tolerate stagnant groundwater. The place should be sunny or slightly shaded. It is necessary to try so that the bush is not at the epicenter of a possible draft.

Important! Before planting, the seedling does not need additional preparations, but for better survival it can be placed in a solution of water and manure for a couple of hours.

The hole for landing needs to be prepared roomy. Approximately 1 m in diameter and 65 cm in depth. Drainage is laid at the bottom if there is a chance of access to groundwater. Ash, humus, sand and organic fertilizers are also added.

The seedling is installed in the prepared hole, carefully laying the root system. In order for the bush to take root well, the main roots should be located in a distance from each other. They fill it with soil so that the root neck is hidden by at least 5 cm. This is done to protect the roots from weather conditions and to avoid the formation of wild rose shoots.

Planting a rose

Plant care

In the first 3 weeks after planting, the park rose Martin Frobisher does not need additional baits. Then organic fertilizers must be applied every 20-25 days. It is necessary to water the plant with settled, not icy water at least once every 3-4 days. It takes quite a lot of water to irrigate one shrub, since the roots are deep.

Rose Blush (Blush) - description and characteristics of the variety

This variety of roses is very unpretentious and is able to resist in short-term adverse conditions. Bush Martin Frobisher can survive short-term spontaneous freezing or unexpected drought. In the spring, the bush needs nitrogen fertilizers; during flowering, the plant needs potassium and phosphorus.

Important! You can also use complex fertilizers for roses. They can be purchased in finished or concentrated form.


Rosa Martin Frobisher Canadian Parkland needs frequent pruning. Due to the growth rate, irregular or weak shoots are often formed. From heavy rains can stop in the development of flower-bearing buds. Also pruning, you can give the shrub the desired shape.

Pruning faded rose buds

Mandatory pruning should take place at the beginning and end of the season. In the spring, remove all shoots that could not overwinter. They are distinguished from the rest by a dark, almost black color. In the fall, all weak, young shoots, as well as damaged branches, are cut off. Young shoots contain a lot of juice, which means that at sub-zero temperatures the branch will freeze.

Important! Buds that have faded, as well as those that have failed to blossom, must be removed immediately. Then, at the place of pruning, fresh peduncles are formed with renewed vigor.

After the rose has bloomed in the garden for 5 years, it is necessary to make global pruning. This is done in order to rejuvenate the bush. To do this, completely cut off all the shoots at a height of 5-7 cm from the ground. Pruning should be done in early spring, and then at the beginning of summer new peduncles will appear.


Rose Martin Frobisher is a hybrid bred in Canada. The specialists of this country have been cultivating varieties of roses capable of surviving in constant cold for more than 100 years. This plant variety is so adapted to frosty winters that it does not need special shelter.

Preparation for the winter period is limited to pruning young and weak shoots, as well as to sprinkle the roots with soil. Soil must not be collected around the bush, but brought separately. Otherwise, you can accidentally expose the roots of the rose and freeze them.

Important! You can’t sprinkle the roots of the rose with sand or sawdust for the winter, as the sand quickly freezes, and the sawdust allows water to accumulate, and as a result it freezes.

Flowering roses

Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety

Variety Martin Frobisher blooms throughout the season. The first buds open in late May - early June, depending on weather conditions. Flowering ends in autumn. Sometimes, if it rains frequently, a short rest period may come. At this time, it is necessary to inspect the shrub for the presence of buds stuck in the development and remove them. You also need to trim the buds that have faded in order to make room for new flowers.

If the rose does not bloom, this is an occasion to review the conditions of detention. This may mean that the shrub is very dry or, on the contrary, it is covered. It is also necessary to check the soil for acidity and fertilizer. It is advisable to be alert in a timely manner, since if you do not fix the problem immediately, you can lose the plant.

Flower propagation

There are several ways to propagate this rose variety, for example, to purchase a ready-made seedling. If the bush is already growing on a personal farm or with neighbors or acquaintances, then you can prepare the planting material yourself, using cuttings. You can prepare cuttings for propagation at any time of the year, with the exception of the winter dormant period.

Important! The optimal harvesting time will be the time of shrub pruning. It is then that you can pick up the necessary escape.

Description of the process of harvesting cuttings:

  1. A young but strong branch is selected.
  2. It is cut into pieces of 10-15 cm. Slices must be done at an angle of 45 °. The segment should have at least 3 kidneys.
  3. Cuttings are installed in water with the addition of drugs that improve root formation for 10-15 days.
  4. When the kidneys begin to develop, it is necessary to leave 1-2 of the strongest on the handle.
  5. When the kidneys reach a size of 2-3 cm, they need to be separated from the handle with a clean, sharp and thin tool. It is advisable to grab a small piece of bark from the cuttings. The shoots set for a week in the same, only fresh solution.
  6. After a week, the shoots can be planted in a home pot filled with nutritious soil.
  7. With a favorable development, planting material will be ready for the next season.

Germination of sprouts on cuttings

Diseases and Pests

Frost-resistant varieties of roses are rarely affected by disease. Of those that can happen to this shrub, powdery mildew and gray rot should be distinguished. They form during prolonged rainy weather or frequent waterlogging of the plant. In order to get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to treat the shrub with preparations of the Topaz type twice a month.

Soft succulent rose leaves are a strong bait for various kinds of pests. Most often, aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, and pennies settle on the rose.

Important! To rid the bush of various types of insects, as well as to prevent their settlement, it is necessary to spray the plant at least once every two weeks with various pesticides. It can be both complex drugs and narrowly targeted.

Rosa Martin Frobisher is an unpretentious, stress-resistant and beautiful plant. In any living conditions, she behaves like a true queen. With proper, by the way, simple care, it will decorate a garden or summer cottage for many years.
