How to care for an orchid at home


Orchid is a flower from the Orchid family. The plant is ubiquitous, but the largest number of species is found on the territory of the islands of the Malay archipelago and in southeast Asia.

Each of the varieties of this flower has its own zest (unusual shape or color), which attracts the attention of flower growers.

Types and Care

At home, you can grow several varieties of orchids:

FelonopsisIt stands out for its beautiful flowering, color - white, light yellow, purple. It grows well in different climatic conditions.Moderately moisturize and feed. Store on darkened window sills.
CymbidiumIt has small flowers of light and pastel colors. Buds are formed in the winter.
CattleyaColor from pink to purple, occasionally light yellow.To place in a warm room with bright lighting, with medium humidity. When planting in the ground, use high-quality drainage. Pour over warm water.
DendrobiumColor - lavender. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks.Keep at medium temperature, occasionally apply fertilizer. Spray periodically, in this case the flower will continue to grow even in a room with dry air.
MiltoniaOutwardly, it resembles a pansy plant.Place in the back of the room with good access to fresh air, protect from direct sunlight. Moisten often and evenly, avoiding drying out or waterlogging of the soil.
Precious ludisiaIt reaches a height of 15 cm, foliage elongated, purple or olive color. The flowers are white and yellow.Diffuse lighting. The optimum temperature is + 18 ... + 24 ° C. Watering is moderate.
CumbriaThe color of the petals is light pink.Included in the number of hybrid species. There are no special requirements for light and temperature. Moderate watering is required.

Orchid care after purchase

The newly acquired flower is placed in the quarantine zone for 14 days to make sure that the plant is completely healthy.

When caring for an orchid at home, consider the presence of moss in the pot. It retains moisture and allows the flower to do without watering for a long time.

But even at the store, sellers can fill in flowers. With this in mind, professional gardeners recommend, after buying, by sacrificing flowering, to transplant the plant into new land, and then enter quarantine.

Home orchid care for months

Orchid care varies by season:

SeasonLighting and placementTemperatureHumidity level
Spring summerNeed bright diffused light, so it is recommended to place it on the east or west window.+ 23 ... - + 25 ° С.Humidity - 60-70%. To maintain a favorable microclimate for the plant will allow frequent spraying with a spray.
Autumn winterAdditional lighting required. For one orchid, a light bulb with a power of 40 W will be enough, the main thing is to install it so that a sufficient amount of light gets on the leaves and flowers.+ 10 ... - + 12 ° C.

Soil, fertilizer, transplant requirements

Each type of orchid has its own soil requirements, therefore a universal version was created, the following components are added to the ground:

  • polystyrene and expanded clay particles;
  • moss;
  • pine and oak bark;
  • peel of seeds;
  • charcoal;
  • perlite.

All components are taken in equal proportions. They contribute to loosening the soil and increase the flow of oxygen to the roots.

But for the quality growth of orchids, the presented ingredients cannot be thoughtlessly mixed, they need careful processing. They are washed, and then the moss is placed in clean water for 24 hours to eliminate insects. Further, additives (peel of seeds, oak and pine bark) that tolerate high temperatures are dried in the oven. Such actions will relieve the fungus that has already formed on the root system of the orchid.

For terrestrial orchids, to create a soil substrate, you can take finely chopped roots and bark of fern and loose leafy soil, all in equal proportions. Soil is not required for epiphytic orchid species; flowers are planted in a mixture of bark and the crushed root system of fern, as well as any inert substrate.

Having decided on the soil, do not forget about the use of fertilizing. For indoor orchids, standard fertilizer options are not suitable. These flowers should be fertilized with soluble minerals that contain iron, phosphorus and nitrogen (Superphosphate). Such components positively affect the growth of the plant and strengthen its immunity.

Organic fertilizers are also used, for example, banana skins. But the amount of such fertilizing is difficult to calculate, and excess can cause rotting of the root system.

To grow orchids, it is recommended to use pots with holes so that part of the roots can freely go outside. Plastic or bamboo baskets are also used.

Transplantation occupies an important place in the care of this flower; it should be performed every two years for terrestrial orchids and every 5-6 for epiphytes. During this time, the destruction of the components present in the soil occurs, which leads to problems with the supply of oxygen. In addition, the flower can grow out of the pot, and then the root system will come out. This causes a lack of salts even in the case of daily soil recharge.

When transplanting, the plant is carefully removed from the pot and shake the root system from adhering soil. During the flowering process, it is not recommended to perform such a procedure, although there is no particular harm to the plant. After the flower is moved to a large pot with fresh and moist soil.


Propagation of orchids is done in several ways:

  1. Vegetative - suitable for adult plants of all varieties. The flower is taken out of the pot, and shaken off the ground. Then garden shears divide the root system. Slices sprinkled with charcoal and placed in different containers. The earth is sprayed daily until the first sprouts form.
  2. Layering. Formed in long or cylindrical shoots. Some stems are bent and placed in a greenhouse created from plastic cans. Sleeping kidneys moisturize and then wait for rooting. An additional shoot is warmed up, after a few weeks it will form a new foliage. Then the ear is separated from the main shoot and moved to the pot.
  3. Young processes. The side of the cob is separated and treated with charcoal. With high-quality watering, the process will soon form roots.

Difficulties in growing orchids at home

When growing orchids, a number of difficulties may arise:

There is no flowering, the plant dries.Light deficit, too large a capacity for growing, sudden changes in temperature.If the plant is located on the north side of the house or the daylight is short, use fluorescent lamps. At night, the temperature should be + 14 ... + 16 ° C.
The foliage turns yellow.Waterlogging or low humidity, placement in a draft in a darkened place.Normalize the watering schedule, increase air humidity. The plant is placed in a bright place where there is no access to drafts.

Orchid Diseases and Pests

Orchids are quite resistant to the effects of diseases and pests, but problems can still be. In most cases, rot forms on the plant. The cause of this condition is excessive moisture in the soil and flower. So, if you do not follow the watering schedule, then this can provoke decay of the root system and foliage.

The treatment of such a pathology will require a lot of effort. The affected area must be carefully cut with a sharp knife along with the area of ​​healthy tissue.

After this, it is necessary to treat the slice with a special solution with bactericidal properties (Fitosporin). The capacity can be simply boiled, it is not necessary to buy a new one.

Of the pests, the spider mite and mealy mealybug most often damage the orchid. If there are few insects, then you can get rid of them using a soap solution that wipes the leaves several times. When plants are affected, you can not do without the use of Fitoverm and Aktar.

Mr. Summer resident: tips for breeding and caring for orchids for beginners

For growing beautiful and healthy orchids, professional flower growers recommend following a few rules:

  1. You need to choose a plant wisely and start small. Beginning gardeners are recommended to give preference to growing less capricious representatives (Felonopsis, Cymbidium). Familiarity with these flowers should start with planting plants resistant to pests and diseases. You can plant Malay varieties or butterfly orchids, because they are distinguished by a long flowering period and ease of care.
  2. Orchids need soft lighting, they are light-loving plants, but the effect of direct sunlight is destructive for them. It is better to place these flowers on the western and eastern windows. On the windowsills located on the north side of the house, only phalaenopsis can be placed, they are most resistant to lack of sunlight.
  3. Smart moisture application. The optimal amount of watering for orchids is considered 1 time in 7 days. Shower and bath treatments are recommended for the plant. After watering, it is necessary to allow excess water to drain, it must not be allowed to stagnate around the root system.
  4. With good nutrition, good growth is guaranteed. All orchids need a large amount of fertilizer (Superphosphate, Master, Agrecol, Dr. Foley).
  5. Plant transplantation must be extremely accurate. When moving the orchid in another pot, everything must be done carefully so as not to injure fragile roots.
  6. It is recommended to control the temperature regime to ensure flowering. Orchids can bloom only under relatively cool conditions, so you need to create a temperature for them at + 14 ... + 16 ° C. It is allowed to decrease or increase the temperature by 1-2 degrees.

Following these rules, you can get a healthy flower that will delight its owner with excellent flowering.
