Blechnum: general information, types, care + errors


Blehnum (nephrolepis) is a fern plant that is part of the Derbyankov family. Distribution area - West Europe, East Asia, North America, occasionally found in the Carpathian region.

General Information About Blehnum

Perennial with a shortened rhizome. The foliage is leathery, pinnate. Color - bright green. Fern is distinguished by dimorphism - a process in which leaves have a different shape.

Types of Blehnum for the home

In indoor conditions, you can grow only a few varieties of fleckham:

Humpback (Gibbum)Widely distributed in floriculture due to its foliage. Almost no petioles.Saturated green.
MuraIn height reaches 30 cm. Petioles are almost black.Bright green.
WestIt reaches 50 cm. In Brazil it is widely used for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies, diseases of the liver, lung tissue, as well as the urinary tract.Lanceolate.
BrazilianShrub species, up to 40 cm high.Lush, color - pink-red.
Silver LadySpreading shrub with a diameter of up to 50 cm.Silvery, lanceolate, narrowed.

Features of the care of blehnum

When leaving at home for blehnum, you need to pay attention to the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingChoose the southeast side, the flower is placed at a distance of 1 m from the window. Provide partial shade, direct sunlight negatively affects the appearance of the plant.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° ะก.+16 ° C.
HumidityHigh. It does not tolerate spraying, so the pot is placed in a pan filled with moistened peat and pebbles.
WateringAbundant, 2-3 times a week. Use soft water at room temperature.The frequency is reduced, but the soil must not be allowed to dry.
Top dressingUse mineral fertilizer in liquid form 2 times a month.Suspend.

Transplantation, soil, reproduction

A blanchum transplant is performed only when the root system begins to peek out of the pot. The best time is spring.

The earth should be loose and slightly acidic. To prepare the substrate, you can use humus, peat, sand, crushed moss in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. When moving the plant into a new pot, a drainage layer must be placed on the bottom.

Reproduction is performed by dividing the shrub or spores located below the foliage. The second option is quite laborious and is suitable only for professional gardeners.

In order to reproduce the blonchum in the first way, during the transplantation, the rhizome is separated with a sharp knife so that 2-3 growth points are present on each segment. Place the cuts sprinkled with charcoal. Each part is placed in different containers, rooting occurs in a month.

Mistakes in caring for blehnum, diseases and pests

Despite its high resistance to diseases, it is susceptible to pests such as scale insects, thrips, and spider mites.

The likelihood of the appearance of insects increases if there are problems in the growing process, they can be as follows:

  • drying of the tips of the leaves - dry air or close proximity to the batteries;
  • sluggish appearance - lack of ventilation;
  • yellowing of leaves - high temperatures;
  • slow growth - lack of moisture, inappropriate soil.

If you avoid this kind of problems, then the pests will be rare guests. But if they did appear, then you should immediately treat the foliage of the plant with a soapy solution and cut off the affected areas. With numerous exposure to insects, a solution of Actellik is used.
