Pahira: tips for growing and caring


Surprising in its restrained beauty, the tropical plant of pachira fell in love with many of our compatriots, but already as an indoor flower. Based on the appearance, it is more correct to call this plant a tree. It is often used to form beautiful standard trunks, creating the most bizarre shapes, and decorated with a lush, but at the same time delicate crown.

Pakhira belongs to the genus of baobab trees, also known as bombaks, the flowering family. The difference is their mixed form. It has a massive trunk.

The plant is quite common in the tropics, has a number of established names, including Malabar and Guiana chestnut or saba (water pakhira, pakhira aquatica, Pachira aquatica).

Specific fruits resembling nuts ripen on the plant. In nature, it tolerates extreme heat, accumulating moisture in the lower part. Due to the specific features of the trunk, it got another name - bottle tree. As a symbol, it is called a money tree.

The origin and appearance of pakhira

Pahira is often found in Mexico, the Caribbean, as well as South America, in nature reaches 20 m in height. In Asia, you can find a similar plant, but slightly different from the American species.

Pakhira was recently brought to Russia, it earned special attention of collectors for its decorative qualities, they bring it mainly from Thailand. According to the highest classification, bombaks are malvotsvetnymi.

The leaves of this plant grow from one rosette of five pieces (palm-complex on the petiole about 15 cm), have a green color with a slight emerald hue. Flowers reach 10 cm, have a pronounced vanilla aroma, are fixed on one panicle, the total size of which is about 35 cm.

After flowering, fruits are formed that are consumed by plants in the homeland, ground into flour and used in confectionery. Also, soft drinks are prepared from them, in Thailand leaves and flowers of the plant are added to salads.

In the warm regions, pahira is grown on the street. With quality care, it blooms profusely from June to November, its inflorescences are large, resemble malva in shape.

Pajira Care

In indoor conditions it does not grow above 2-3 m. The branched crown reaches 1.5 m. You can make a beautiful stem from a tree, since it starts to branch at a height of 2 m.

Flowering can be achieved only under special conditions of care, more often in the southern regions of Russia.

Pahira pleases with the original appearance and aroma of fragrant night vanilla. Known methods of agricultural care, allowing to achieve year-round flowering.

Window selection

Pakhira most of all loves the east and west window, where sunlight is in the morning. In a poorly lit place, it is very stretched and loses its decorative properties. On the southern window in the summer, a slight shadow is created for her, otherwise burns appear on the leaves.

Pakhira loves "loneliness", and feels great in the neighborhood with a lemon.

Content temperature

Optimum - + 22 ... +24 ° C, in the winter they arrange rest and keep at + 15 ... +18 ° C.

If the room temperature is lower or higher, the root system often rots. Pakhira does not tolerate the location near the batteries.


Very neat, while observing a number of rules:

  • use water at room temperature;
  • watered through a pallet or a thin stream along the rim of the container ;;
  • sprayed;
  • watered moderately, but regularly; water is added in small portions when the soil dries.

In winter and autumn, watering intervals are longer.

When water gets on the trunk, the wood softens and rots. If the moisture regime is violated, the tree drops its leaves.

Top dressing

Pakhira requires light dressing with complex organic fertilizer about once a month in spring and summer. To make the tree grow better, top dressing is done once every 3 weeks. During the rest period they do not fertilize.


With regular pruning, a lush crown can be achieved. Pachira is usually formed in the spring before the next growing season. The branches are pruned in a stronger state, new sprouts are plaited into a pigtail, thus forming the trunk. Root shoots are always removed, this allows you to keep the standard form. If you cut them already grown, there will be a trace.

To obtain a pigtail and a beautiful standard tree, three shoots are taken, which are braided as they grow. In the upper part of the pigtails, at the place of the new weave, use a plastic clip, not zealously, so as not to damage and stop the movement of juice along the trunk. Additionally, in the place of weaving, you can remove the bark, in this case the trunks will grow together, they will look very stylish. The clamp is removed when the connection takes the desired shape.

When growing 3 shoots, even a young tree looks strong and beautiful. A stem plant can be grown on its own, but this will take several years. On sale such samples cost over 14 thousand rubles.

Propagation of Pachira

To grow a young tree, you can use seeds and cuttings.

How to propagate by cuttings

Cuttings are cut in August, but at a temperature not lower than + 25 ... +30 ° C.

An ordinary section of the stem with the kidneys is suitable, it is rooted in the soil in the greenhouse. For breeding use a mixture of sand with processed peat store. Boxes are covered with glass or film. Maintain high humidity and heat. In northern areas, this is best done in July. In the absence of time to get petioles for rooting, you can put them in water.

How to propagate by seed

Need to use fresh seeds. Planting rules correspond to the conditions of rooting of cuttings. Seed is planted for planting at + 25 ... +30 ° C. In the greenhouse maintain +27 ° C. The box is regularly opened, airing and slightly watering. Seeds sprout after 20 days. Fortified shoots are planted in separate containers. The soil requirements are as described above when propagated by cuttings.

Pahira transplant

After purchase, the tree will need acclimatization, which lasts 2 weeks. During this period, pachira is kept away from other plants. After it is transferred to a bright and even bright sunny place.

Transplant after purchase

After acclimatization, the tree is replanted, after watering it well. The soil is replaced by a substrate for palm trees. To restore the roots, watered with Kornevin.

Spring transplant

It is carried out to update the root system and soil. The frequency depends on the age of the trees. Young transplanted once a year, in the spring. Adults once every three years. Each new pot is taken 5 cm more than the previous one.

Work sequence:

  • a third of the pot is filled with charcoal, ceramic balls or broken brick;
  • use not very nutritious soil for filling (for palm trees, dracenes) with a slightly acidic reaction;
  • Do not dig the trunk into the soil to avoid rotting.

The substrate can be prepared independently by mixing equal proportions of river sand, sheet soil and turf. Transplanted pahira requires routine care.

Pachira care mistakes and how to fix them

Tag on leaves and other parts of pachiraCauseDecision
Turn yellow and fall.Lack of watering.Water according to the rules.
Lose flowers, the bush itself is stretched.Growing in the north window, lack of light.Rearrange on the western or eastern window with sufficient lighting.
Twist and lose elasticity.Swings or low temperatures.Monitor the temperature of the content.
Fall off.
  • Dryness.
  • The big pot.
  • Lack of nutrition.
  • Provide normal watering.
  • Transplanted into a pot in size.
  • Spend regular feeding.
The trunk softens and rots.Excess watering, the threat of decay.Restore normal watering. If putrefactive patches are observed, transplanted, removing damaged parts.

Harm and Disease

PestsExternal signs on the leavesTreatment
Spider mitesRed insects and cobwebs.Wash regularly with soap and spray with fungicides.
ShieldsBrown spots subsequently fall off.The leaves and stem are washed with a solution of Karbofos or Actara.
AphidSmall white insects, sticky marks.Arrange a “bath” with soapy water. They put geraniums nearby.
ThripsInsects with black dots, infection may be attached.Manually remove insects, carry out spraying with fungicides.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: pakhira - a flower of good luck

Florists recommend pahira to attract good luck. At home, she pleases the eye with restrained magnificence, especially the standard beauty that is in harmony with minimalism and urbanism in the apartment.


Watch the video: 5 Tips For Growing Money Trees (April 2024).