22 ways to speed up the ripening of 7 vegetables, a lot about tomatoes


Modern weather conditions in Russia are very unpredictable, so many gardeners try to stimulate the growth of vegetable fruits in order to get a good harvest.

Speeding up tomato ripening

  1. After planting, water the bush with a weak solution of manganese (2-3 days).
  2. Dilute the iodine solution (3 drops per liter) and spray them with tomato leaves. To create a nutritious mixture for the roots, add milk whey (1:10).
  3. Near the stalk, puncture the fetus approximately 2 mm. Such tomatoes will ripen many times faster, but storing them for a long time will not work.
  4. If you place a peel of a banana next to a ripening tomato, for example, tying them together on a bush in a bag and removing it after a few days, the tomato will ripen much faster.
  5. To accelerate the ripening of fruits in the greenhouse, you can close it for a day in the evening, and then carefully ventilate the greenhouse to eliminate condensation.
  6. You can slightly cut the lower roots of the bush. Thus, we will direct the bulk of the nutrients not to the roots, but to the fruits.
  7. Branches with fruits, get rid of the available buds, which are useless for the crop, but draw on themselves a lot of useful elements.
  8. Pinch the top of the nightshade bush to accelerate ripening at the level of the sixth brush.
  9. Infused with superphosphate during the day (2.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of hot water), spray the ovary brushes.
  10. Eliminate contact between the fruits and the ground.
  11. In cold night temperatures, cover the tomatoes with polyethylene.
  12. At low temperatures (less than 10 degrees Celsius), remove the fruit with the stem for home ripening.
  13. If the bush is infected with late blight, pluck it from the ground and hang it in a place remote from other plants. Nutrients in the absence of the need to feed the roots will go to the fruit.
  14. In order to reduce the supply of nutrients to the roots and direct them to the fruits, drag the stem near the roots.
  15. On immature tomato brushes put a bag with a slot at the base to increase the temperature around the fruit.
  16. Loosen the soil regularly at the roots.
  17. If necessary, remove the tomatoes from the bush and place in a warm place where they ripen.

We accelerate the maturation of potatoes

Two weeks before harvest, mix 2 kg of superphosphates and 10 liters of water. Leave this solution for 2-3 days, and spray the planting with the settled substrate.

Speeding up pumpkin and melon ripening

Make sure that the number of leaves for each fruit does not exceed 6 pieces. Trimming should be those leaves that interfere with the penetration of sunlight.

We accelerate the maturation of cucumbers

Scourges must be removed from the supports, rid them of leaves, put on the ground and sprinkle lightly with soil. In this way, the emergence of root processes is stimulated, which will deliver additional beneficial trace elements to the fruits.

We accelerate the maturation of carrots

In wet, rainy weather, cut the tops.

Speeding up cabbage ripening

Horizontal leaves must be bundled and secured, and the head of the head should be treated with a suitable growth stimulant.


Watch the video: How to Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresher for Longer (May 2024).