How I planted a hybrid tea rose in May


Roses can be planted in autumn and spring. I decided to plant in the spring, because in our Tver region unexpectedly cold weather sets in in the autumn and the rose may not have time to take root.

I bought a hybrid tea rose in a horticultural partnership. By the way, on our website you can read about 35 varieties of tea-hybrid roses.

Before planting, she soaked her in a solution of Biohumus for about 2 hours. This can be done in plain water or with the addition of Kornevin. For prophylaxis, I lowered copper sulfate in a solution for 10 minutes.

At the bottom of the landing pit (about 50-60 cm) put humus with ash.

Having spread on top of the fertile layer, I arranged the rose, spreading the roots. Sprinkled with earth, carefully rammed.

Then it was abundantly poured with the liquid remaining from its soaking.

Be sure to make sure that the vaccination site is sprinkled with earth.
