Mimulus or Gubastik: varieties, cultivation, photo


Mimulus (gubastik) - a shrub or herbaceous plant. A distinctive feature is the spotty, variable coloring of the petals, the similarity of buds with a monkey face. Belongs to the Frim family. It grows in temperate climates, with the exception of Europe. Most copies in the west of North. America's wetlands. In Russia, a flower can be found not often. Usually they are decorated with alpine slides, flowerbeds, terraces, gazebos, loggias.,

Description and features of Mimulus

This is a perennial plant, but in severe weather conditions in Russia it is planted as an annual flower. However, there are winter-hardy varieties that quietly tolerate up to -20 ° C.

Shrubs reach 1.5 m, and herbaceous plants - 0.7 m. Shoots lying, prostrate or vertical, with pile or bare. They have leaves in the shape of a heart or an egg.

Buds of the correct form, in a circle up to 50 mm. They have a corolla consisting of a bipartite upper labellium, curved back and lower, having 3 blades, bulging forward. Petals monochromatic or spotted.

At the end of flowering, the formation of the fruit box, containing medium-sized brown seeds, begins. After ripening, it cracks into a couple of parts.

Types and varieties of mimulus

The genus includes about 150 species. However, only a few are cultivated.


Emerald, glossy foliage. The flowers are orange or coral pinkish. For stems you need a stick-support, otherwise they will begin to bend and spread. Can overwinter in a room with a low temperature.


It grows in southern California and on the border of Mexico with the states. Iridescent iridescent, burgundy shades with an orange core.


Originally from Chile. Shoots are vertical, branching, slightly pubescent, reaching 0.6 m. There are teeth along the edges of leaf plates. Solar buds are collected in apical or axillary inflorescences. In Russian gardens, this variety can not be found often.


Initially, it grew only in the western regions of the North. America, with time spread to the northern and eastern parts, Nov. Zealand, to some European areas.

It grows to 0.8 m. The stems are straight, branching. Lemon flowers with burgundy specks in the middle.

The most famous variety is Richard Byss. This is a variegated form with grayish-malachite plates having a pearl edging around the perimeter.

Red (purple)

Stems pubescent, branching immediately from the base. Red or purple gubastik has ovoid leaves with teeth and bulging veins. Scarlet buds are located on elongated pedicels in the sinuses of greenery. In Russia, the following varieties are planted:

AuranticusReddish red.
CardinalFiery crimson with a yellowish spray.
Rose queenLarge puddings with dark spots.
Red dragonPomegranate

Copper red

The stems are bare, slightly rising. The buds are located on short axillary pedicels. At the beginning of flowering, copper-red or reddish. Over time, they acquire a golden-canary color. Common varieties:

Red ImparerBright, crimson.
Andean nymphBeige, with pale lilac dots.
Rother KaiserScarlet.


It consists of thin shoots reaching 15 cm. The greens are egg-shaped or oblong. Lemon flowers grow on developed pedicels. The only variety capable of wintering on the street.


A herbaceous plant with a pile on the shoots and foliage. It produces mucus and exudes a musky aroma. The shoots are spread or vertically upright, up to 30 cm. The leaves are oval. The buds are canary, up to 25 mm in circumference.

Open (open)

Branches are branching, leaf plates are rounded. The flowers of the opened mimulus are small, pale lilac.


It has other names: leopard, hybrid, large-flowered, maximus. This variety includes all varieties obtained by crossing yellow and mottled mimus. Tiger gubastik grows no more than 25 cm. The buds are multi-colored. This is a very popular variety among gardeners. The following varieties are especially popular:

Foyer kingReddish with brown spots and a yellowish core.
Sun in the shadeA variety of tones.
VivaCanary, with large burgundy spots. A distinctive feature is early flowering.
Magic SpotSnow-white-beige, with raspberry splashes.
Medjik MixPlain or two-tone, with pastel petals.
Twinkle MixOne color or several. There are various tones: from pearl to rich crimson.
Brass ManckisSpeckled, bright rusty.

Growing mimulus from seeds

Sowing produce:

  • in boxes for seedlings;
  • into the ground outside.

The first option is preferable, since in the second method the bushes begin to form buds only by August or September.


Sowing in pots is carried out in the 2nd decade of March or the 1st half of April:

  • Prepare containers with a medium substrate with medium acidity or peat tablets. A universal nutritious soil mixture, which has perlite in the components of coconut fiber, is suitable. It can be purchased at any specialized store and add sand there yourself.
  • Spread the seeds on the surface, mixing with large grains of sand. Because the seed is small, scattering it evenly will not work. Therefore, in the future, a pick will be necessary.
  • It is not necessary to fill up the earth. Just moisten with a spray bottle.
  • Cover with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Remove the shelter daily for ventilation, removal of condensation and moisture from a sprayer with a shallow nozzle.
  • Put the container in a room with good lighting. The optimum temperature is + 15 ... +18 ° C.
  • Shoots can be observed after a couple of days.

Growing seedlings

After the appearance of most of the sprouts, the container must be rearranged at a temperature of + 10 ... +12 ° C. This is necessary so that young shoots do not begin to stretch. Watering is done daily, preferably in the late afternoon. Spray regularly from a small spray bottle.

After the formation of the fourth real sheet begins, make a pick in separate containers. In each pot transplant 3-4 sprouts. After a few days, when the plants undergo adaptation to a new place, add the potassium mixture in ½ dosage indicated on the package. Feed again after 7-10 days.

Mimulus planting in the garden

2 weeks before planting, seedlings need to be hardened: taken out daily. Start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

When sowing directly into the garden, the seeds do not need to be buried in the substrate. It is enough to cover with a film until emergence. When they get stronger, remove the shelter and thin out the sprouts.

Dates of planting seedlings and seeds in open ground

The optimal time is the second half of May-the first decade of June. When the probability of the return of frost disappears and the earth completely thaws.

In the southern regions of our country, landing is carried out in the second half of April. This can be done provided that for several days the average daily temperature was + 15 ... +18 ºС.

Disembarkation technology

Gubastik grows well in partial shade and in open areas. However, with strong sunshine, greens can wither or burn. Loamy soil, with a sufficient amount of humus and peat, low acidity. Phased Landing:

  • Dig the area, level it, moisten it liberally.
  • Dig holes of this size to fit the rhizome of the bush along with an earthen lump. Between them leave 20-30 cm.
  • Sprinkle the mixture in pots to make it easier to pull out the shoots.
  • Move the seedlings by transshipment.

Mimus Care

Gubastik is easy to grow from seeds and further content. However, in order for it to bloom magnificently and not to become ill, the following simple rules must be followed:


Regular, especially in hot, dry weather. The top layer of the earth should always be moistened.

When small holes appear on the plates, this indicates that the number of irrigations should be reduced.

Top dressingTo apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers under the base every 4 weeks (for 10 l of water 15 ml of the mixture). Additionally feed after trimming.
Loosening and weedingTo produce after each watering.
Trim / pinch

The bush blooms twice a season: in spring and early autumn. After the first withering of the buds, cut off the inflorescences. Soon new shoots will grow, the secondary flowering will be more colorful.

It is necessary a few weeks after planting for greater splendor of the bush.

TransferNeeded for instances growing indoors. Produced twice a year: in early spring and summer during the break between flowering.

Mimulus wintering

Gubastik can be grown as a perennial. However, he will not survive the winter on the street. Therefore, in the autumn after flowering, the bush is cut short, the remaining cuttings are transplanted into a small container and brought into the room. A flower pot is kept on a windowsill in a cool room. In the spring, after the snow melts and the earth is completely warmed up, you can re-land on the street.

Diseases and pests

Gubastik is a persistent and healthy plant that rarely infects diseases and insects. However, with immature shoots, problems may arise:

Disease / pestSignsControl measures
  • Rotting, softening, watery stems.
  • Weakening and wilting of the bush.
  • Isolate from healthy plants.
  • Water only when the soil dries (temporarily).
  • Sprinkle the affected areas with wood ash or pour potassium permanganate solution (3-5 mg of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water).
  • If the seedlings are indoors, reduce humidity.
  • Thin out crops, loosen the soil.
  • Use purchased drugs: sodium humate, ethine, immunocytophyte, bactofit, planriz, fitosporin.
Powdery mildew
  • White bloom on the green.
  • Discharge similar to dew.
  • Withering and yellowing of foliage.
  • Cut and burn affected areas.
  • Spray with iodine solution (10 ml per 10 l of water).
  • Use purchased funds according to the instructions: Fitosporin-M, Topaz, Skor, Vectra and others.
Gray rot
  • Brown, rapidly growing spots on foliage and stems.
  • Gray fluff, wateriness on the shoots.
  • Growth cessation.
  • Withered greenery.
  • Remove diseased areas with a sharp knife and destroy.
  • Quarantine the infected bush.
  • Treat Bordeaux liquid.
  • Apply poisonous preparations Oksikhom, Champion, Integral.
  • If the infection is not widespread, sprinkle the affected areas with a mixture of wood ash (250 mg), chalk (250 mg), copper sulfate (1 tsp), water (10 l). This volume is enough for 2-3 sq.m. area.
  • Slugs, leading life on the plant.
  • Holes on leaf blades.
  • Yellowish or clear traces.
  • The weakening of the bushes.
  • Assemble by hand.
  • Set a trap. Place the beer container in the ground so that its throat is flush with the surface. Shellfish crawl onto the bait and fall inside the can.
  • Attract natural enemies to the garden: toads, birds, hedgehogs.
  • Plant parsley, lavender, sage, rosemary around the bush (their smell repels pests).
  • Treat with chemicals: Thunderstorm, Meta (when using drugs, be very careful, they are dangerous for people, animals).
  • Weakening the bush and slowing growth.
  • Yellowing greens.
  • The drooping shoots.
  • Small punctures in the form of dots (traces from proboscis).
  • Small black or green insects on the aerial part.
  • Twisting the tops of stems and leaves.
  • Watery, sticky drops.
  • The appearance of ants near the plant (they are attracted by syrupy discharge).
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Hand-assemble with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Use garlic infusion: pour 1-2 cloves with a glass of cold water, spray the flower in 12-24 hours.
  • Apply a decoction of nettle and wormwood: pour boiling water over several leaves, insist a couple of hours and water the soil around the bush.
  • Buy in the store for gardeners the larvae of natural aphid enemies (ladybugs, lacewings, etc.).
  • To process with Intavir, Neoron, Confidor, Spark.
  • Larvae and eggs on the lower area of ​​leaf plates.
  • Flying butterflies at the slightest touch to the plant.
  • Shiny, sticky coating.
  • Gray and black spots on the foliage.
  • Yellowing and curling leaves.
  • Early wilting, a stop in development.
  • Spray with preparations of Aktar, Akarin, Fitoverm.
  • Wipe the aerial part daily with a soap solution, infusion of garlic, pepper or onion.
  • Use wood ash: pour 1 cup of the component with 5 l of water, insist for several hours and add 50 g of laundry soap shavings. Irrigate the bush.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: mimulus in the landscape

Since mimuli are hygrophilous, they are often grown as plants for ponds. They adorn the shores of lakes, ponds, bays, etc.

In rooms (for example, in summer cottages or on loggias) the flower harmoniously looks with lobelia and verbena. And if you plant it in tandem with matthiola, then they will exude an incomparable aroma.
Gubastik is planted with the following herbaceous plants for open ground:

  • funky;
  • false spirea;
  • by a recruiter.

On the alpine slides it is combined with:

  • wild dill;
  • ivy;
  • stone rose;
  • buttercups;
  • garden viola.

Even an inexperienced amateur gardener can grow a mimulus. For this, certain skills and a lot of free time are not needed. If you follow all the recommendations for the care, Gubastik will decorate the garden from early summer to late autumn. It will fit perfectly and ennoble any landscape design.


Watch the video: 13 Rose Varieties . Garden Answer (October 2024).