13 poisonous plants that can grow in your garden


Pleasant greens in the country are always happy, children and animals like to relax on the site and wallow in the grass. But you need to be careful: some plants that you are used to can be poisonous.

Lily of the valley

A wonderful white flower, which often grows in summer cottages, can be dangerous if you inhale its aroma for a long time. His head may hurt. But its berries are especially dangerous. After flowering, the broad leaves of the lily of the valley are preserved and thin stems with small orange-red berries appear.

If they are accidentally swallowed, the rhythm of the heart may be disturbed, nausea, diarrhea, and disorientation in space occur. With severe poisoning, cardiac arrest and convulsions even occur.


This plant is one of the most toxic that can grow in the garden. Previously, its poisonous juice hunters greased arrowheads, going hunting. All parts of aconite are equally dangerous.

Juice, falling into the bloodstream, causes damage to the nervous system, convulsions and paralysis. An interesting fact is that plants that grow in hot countries are more toxic.


This very beautiful flower is grown by many. He has wonderful gentle spherical buds, surprisingly transforming the appearance of the site. But they also contain a dangerous toxic substance - cyanide. True, to poison them, you need to eat a few flowers, but still be careful.

Symptoms of poisoning in humans - shortness of breath, fainting, pressure drop, convulsions. To prevent the toxin from reaching the animals, keep your pets away from hydrangea.

Yellow daffodil

The plant has all the poison concentrated in the bulb, so it does not pose a danger to humans. Only an animal that likes to delve into the ground can poison them. For him, this is dangerous because, having tried the root of the daffodil, the animal suffers from vomiting, diarrhea, and heart problems.


One of the most dangerous poisonous plants, which has no place in the garden. If his juice does not even get inside the body, but only on the skin and mucous membranes, a person has breathing problems, cramps, and with severe poisoning - hallucinations.


Do not flatter yourself with the picturesque view of this wonderful flower. It was as if he had come down from a beautiful postcard. But to taste any part of the plant is extremely dangerous. Stems, leaves, flowers, getting into the body of a person or animal, cause abdominal pain, paralysis, coma and even death.


It is hard to believe that this charming blue flower is one of the most deadly in the world. It contains toxins from which there is no antidote. When ingested, crocus venom causes cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest.

The toxic substance colchicine is used only in small doses in medicines. If you have children, it is better to abandon the cultivation of crocuses in your area.


The second name of the bush speaks for itself - wolf bast. This shrub is sometimes grown as a hedge. Its pink-purple flowers are similar to lilacs, attract attention and interest.

After flowering, red dense berries appear. They are similar to sea buckthorn, but eating them is by no means impossible. Their juice causes an ulcer of the stomach and intestines. Just a few eaten berries provoke incessant vomiting. Even inhalation of pollen leads to severe headaches. The liquid released from a broken branch is also unsafe - it can cause burns. In case of internal poisoning, rinse your stomach as quickly as possible and drink activated charcoal before contacting a doctor.

Yew tree

Yew is one of the most poisonous plants in the southern regions. High content of poison in the bark, wood, needles and young shoots. But the bright red berries and seeds of the plant hidden in them are especially poisonous.

The older the tree, the more it accumulates poison. Even its smallest particle, once in the body, causes a fatal outcome.


This simple and charming flower can often be tasted by pets. It causes poisoning in them. A person can get burns and severe irritation from digitalis juice that gets on his skin. In no case should you chew the flowers. This leads to disruption of the heart and even its arrest.


Sometimes in the cottages there is a tall grassy plant with huge umbrellas. This is a hogweed. When sticking it out, be careful. Getting on the skin, the juice of the plant is not noticeable at first. But after a while, large blisters appear that cannot be combed. It is especially dangerous if the juice gets on the mucous membrane or in the eyes. Seek immediate medical attention.


Shrubs of oleander bloom very beautifully. Its pink color attracts the eye and there is a desire to plant it on its site. But be extremely careful - these wonderful flowers are very poisonous.

If you taste them, you can even die. This is especially dangerous for children. Having chewed even a leaf of an oleander, the child can be seriously poisoned. You can learn about poisoning by the occurrence of trembling, sudden drowsiness and a decrease in heart rate. The danger is caused by cardiac glycosides contained in the juice of the plant.


Beautiful delicate flowers of delphinium are grown by many, but few know about the dangers of this lovely plant. Accidental eating of any part of the flower can provoke inhibition of the central nervous system, disruption of the stomach, intestines, heart. In medicine, its poison is used for the manufacture of certain drugs.

When poisoning with poisonous plants, it is very dangerous to self-medicate. You need to drink activated carbon when ingested, and then be sure to consult a doctor.
