7 flowers worth sowing in January to see the beautiful garden in June


January is the right time to plant seedlings of flower crops. In winter, seeds of perennial plants that have a long vegetation period should be planted, and then in June they will delight with long and plentiful flowering.

Terry Petunias

Terry petunias attract attention with unusually colorful flowers. These annual herbaceous plants native to Brazil belong to the nightshade family. They are often planted on balconies, porches and flower beds.

The height of the petunia does not exceed 30 - 40 cm. It has erect or creeping long shoots that are directed in different directions. Its leaves have a diverse shape, but on the outside they are covered with short sticky hairs.

During flowering, a large number of flowers bloom on one bush. Terry petunia petals are decorated with wavy or fringed edges and are arranged in several rows. A lush flower can be colored in white, red, pink, purple and saturated purple. Also, there are varieties with a two-tone color, border or small spots on the petals.


The plant is a decoration of the balcony and the garden. It strikes the imagination with the blooming and unusual coloring of flowers. Today, a large number of annual and perennial varieties of lobelia have been bred.

Belongs to the nightshade family. Has long straight stems, covered with branched shoots. Often lobelia is grown as an ampel plant. Its leaves are elongated, painted in bright green. The surface of the leaf and stems are covered with a short, silver pubescence.

Lobelia is characterized by abundant continuous flowering. Small flowers form on short peduncles located in the axils of the leaves. Depending on the variety, the color of the petals may be plain or with a small eye in the center. Lobelia flowers have a pleasant delicate aroma that attracts insects.

Ampeli varieties of alissum

This perennial plant forms a small lush bush, which during flowering is covered with charming flowers. Thanks to care and unpretentiousness, it becomes popular with gardeners.

Alyssum, or alyssum belongs to the cruciferous family and is a close relative of cabbage and radish. Today, more than 200 species of this plant are known. Under natural conditions, alissum grows in the mountainous regions of North America, Europe and Asia, preferring rocky soils.

The flower is small in size. Its height does not exceed 40 cm. Alyssum has branched shoots, which eventually lignify near the base. The leaves are small, oblong or oval, covered with velvety pubescence.

The flowering period begins in June and ends in the second half of autumn. At this time, the bush is covered with small flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. The color of the petals can be varied: white, lilac, yellow, burgundy or greenish. The flowers have a delicate spicy smell that attracts bees. Garden designers use alissum to decorate alpine slides and flower beds.

Antirrinum large

Antirrinum is a perennial shrub or herb with wonderful flowers. In nature, it can be found in North America, Brazil and Europe. More than 20 species of wild-growing antirrinum are known. In the garden plots grow tall varieties, reaching a height of one meter, and dwarf, more compact varieties, the size of which reaches 20-30 cm.

Ampel forms have highly branched stems, covered with large leaves and inflorescences formed by small flowers. Petals garden antirrinum have a bright yellow, blue, orange or pink color.

The flower is often grown as an annual. It is planted on lawns, flower beds in mixed plantings or in hanging flower pots.


Garden clove is a perennial ornamental plant, which is a compact bush with a strong stalk. Has narrow leaves up to 15 cm long.

The flowering period begins in mid-June and lasts until October. Carnation flowers are solitary or collected in inflorescences-umbrellas, painted in pale pink, red or burgundy. Depending on weather and climatic conditions, the plant can please with abundant flowering in one place for up to three years.

Gelenium autumn

Gelenium is a perennial herb, reaching a height of one and a half meters. Its name is associated with the name of Queen Elena, because of which the Trojan War began.

Gelenium has a strong, bark-covered stalk with small light green leaves and serrated edges. The flowers look like a camomile with a convex center and simple petals. During flowering, a large number of anthers appear in the center, which give the flower the shape of a ball. Petals have curly edges and grow in different directions, which is why they resemble a pack of ballerinas. As the flower grows, the color of the flowers may change.

Gelenium blooms from early June until the onset of the first frost. Its reddish-orange petals adorn the autumn garden.

Bell Carpathian

This touching plant has long been loved by gardeners. The Carpathian bell or Campanula is a herb in the form of a bush up to 30 cm high. As a rule, only one funnel-shaped flower blooms on one bush. Its diameter does not exceed 5 cm. Petals are white, blue, blue or purple. The beginning of flowering bell falls at the end of June.

The plant is capricious in care and prefers sunny areas with nutritious soil. The bell is used for planting in flowerpots, making rock gardens or forming curbs.
