5 varieties of gherkins that are good for conservation


Miniature cucumbers gherkins have long been very popular among gardeners. Due to their small size and neat shape, they are ideal for salting: they are easy to place in any jar, they freely pass even through a narrow neck. The taste of these cucumbers is also above all praise. Varieties of gherkins, which are especially good for conservation.

Moravian Gherkin F1

Mid-early variety that grows well in open ground. Plants form long lashes, pollinated exclusively by bees.

The fruits have a size of 8 to 10 cm. The yield is high: about 15 kg can be obtained from each square meter. cucumbers!

In addition, this hybrid is resistant to disease and unpretentious in care. Grow it even by a beginner gardener.

Gherkins of this variety have also proven themselves very well in preservation: cucumbers turn out to be tasty and crispy.

Parisian Gherkin

Cucumbers of this variety are also great for pickling. The fruits are distinguished by their attractive appearance and neat shape, so they are often grown for sale.

The first crop can be harvested as early as 40-45 days after planting. Ripe cucumbers have excellent taste, rich in vitamins and minerals.

"Parisian Gherkin" is planted in open ground, productivity is from 3 to 4 kg. per square meter.

Son of the regiment

One of the most popular varieties that will suit even an inexperienced summer resident. Due to its unpretentiousness, it appeals to almost everyone.

"Son of the regiment" grows in open ground, has medium branching. The fruits are medium-sized, on average their weight is 80 g., Length - from 6 to 9 cm.

Ripen about 1.5 months after planting. Plants have good resistance to disease, but need periodic feeding. From each quarter meters can collect 10-11 kg. Zelentsov.

Friendly family

These cucumbers are better suited for growing in a greenhouse. The variety is more demanding in the care: plants need timely pinching and pinching.

But the result is worth the effort, because when creating the proper conditions for each square. meters can collect about 20 kg. cucumbers!

The fruits grow to 11 cm in length, have a neat shape and small white spikes. This variety is suitable for cultivation in the open field, however, the yield in this case will be less.

Boy with thumb F1

It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. A distinctive feature of these mini-cucumbers is resistance to temperature fluctuations and small frosts.

"Boy with a finger" gives up to 14 kg. harvest with apt. meter, bears fruit for a long time. Gherkins grow up to 9 cm in length, have a pleasant aroma and crisp flesh.

To make canned gherkins tasty and crunchy, it’s not enough to adhere to the recipe. It is important to choose the right variety of cucumbers, because this is the key to excellent harvesting.
