For gambling mushroom pickers: 12 types of mushrooms that can be grown at home


Many people like mushrooms, but not everyone knows how and want to collect them. Especially buy in a store where there is no guarantee of quality and freshness. You can get year-round access to these wonderful forest gifts by growing them at home. Many types of mushrooms are easy to cultivate.

Oyster mushrooms

To start production of these mushrooms at home, you will need a small room (garage, cellar or greenhouse), a little equipment, mycelium and substrate.

The room needs to be disinfected (it is possible, with whiteness), install shelves for the substrate in 2-3 tiers, conduct lighting. Maintain optimal temperature (16-18 ° C).

Mycelium can be bought ready-made at the store or cooked by yourself. The substrate includes cereal straw, sunflower and buckwheat husks, sawdust. They need to be mixed, crushed and pour hot (70-80 ° C) water for a day. Then strain and fold into strong plastic bags. Make cross-shaped incisions on the sides for ventilation. Place the bags on shelves at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

Oyster mushroom mycelium must be buried in a substrate by 3-4 cm and sprinkled on top with a thin layer of earth.

After 7-10 days, thin white threads will appear - it grows in the mycelium. Now the film can be removed and the lighting turned on for 3-4 hours a day. Carefully moisten the substrate as it dries. After 2-3 weeks, the first wave of mushrooms will go.


They reproduce best on tree cuts. If high stumps (at least 0.5 m) remain in the garden after pruning, they are ideal. Such columns need to be shed well with water for 1.5-2 months. Then make a few holes with a thin drill 10-12 cm deep.

Shiitake most effectively planted with the help of wood sticks with mycelium. They are placed in prepared holes on the stump and sealed with garden var. If you plant mushrooms in the fall and the wood is sufficiently moistened, the shiitake will begin to develop in the spring and you can harvest with the first grass.

Winter honey mushrooms

These mushrooms are grown similar to previous mushrooms. Only the trunk should be cut completely. It must be completely immersed in a container of water, periodically turning over.

Then - plant honey mushrooms in the same way as shiitake. In winter, the trunk with mushroom mycelium should be covered with moss, leaves or straw.


To grow such mushrooms in the garden, you need to choose a slightly shaded place, best under fruit trees. You can plant in spring or autumn.

Around the tree, dig a section with a diameter of 1.5-2 m to a depth of 20-25 cm. Then spread the fallen leaves, finely chopped branches, needles, moss on the prepared soil. Water well. Gently spread the mycelium and sprinkle on top of the removed ground.

In dry weather, the meadow needs to be watered 1-2 times a week.


Grow it in a greenhouse. The optimum temperature is from +10 to + 30 ° C. When planted in May, the crop is harvested in late summer.

On a plot of 1m2 you need 25 kg of hay. It is necessary to moisturize it for 5-7 days. Then form beds 25 cm high. At a depth of 7-9 cm, spread pieces of mycelium at the rate of 120-150 g per 1 m2. Lay cover material on top and water plantings through it.

After a month, the shelter is removed, and soil is poured on top of the hay with a layer of 5 cm. Watering should be done regularly, avoiding drying out and waterlogging of the soil.


These are parasitic fungi that lead to the death of the tree over time. Or growing immediately on fallen, dead trunks. It is impossible to grow tinderware at home.

Only in laboratory conditions is it possible to withstand the right environment. For many years, scientists have been trying to solve the problem of cultivation of polypore, as they are actively used in the pharmaceutical industry. But to no avail.


This is a very peculiar mushroom. You need to grow it like mushrooms, only a trunk with planted mycelium should not be left on the street. He needs a temperature of 22-25 ° C. Fruits in 6 months, but the most fruitful - 1 and 2 waves.


They can be grown from purchased mycelium or mycelium taken at the place of growth. Dig out the mycelium carefully, without shaking the ground.

Prepare the site by digging under the same tree from which the mycelium was taken, a site with a diameter of 1.2-1.5 m per half-bay shovel. Lay a small layer of leaves, plant debris from the beds, needles. Water abundantly. Arrange the mycelium or mycelium in a checkerboard pattern and sprinkle lightly with earth. Water again. During autumn plantings, cover the bed with straw or foliage.


These mushrooms are more fond of conifers - pine, spruce. If in the country or in the garden there are such, you can plant mushrooms under them. The bed is prepared, as for butter, but instead of leaves under the mycelium, needles are laid. It is best to plant mushrooms in the spring, then by the end of the summer will be the first harvest.

White mushrooms

Mushrooms are very picky about the symbiont tree. They need to be planted under a birch, oak, hornbeam, pine or spruce at least 50 years old. Dig the site to a depth of 25-30 cm with a diameter of 2 m. It is good to lay with moss, fallen leaves, small branches of birch or pine. Spill liberally for 2-3 days. Spread the mycelium evenly, after 30-40 cm. Water again, without washing out the planting material, cover with moss and sprinkle with soil.


Chanterelles grow under any trees except fruit trees. Profusely and amicably bear fruit from early spring to late autumn. If the winter is warm, you can harvest in December and January. They are never wormy.

A bed for chanterelles needs to be prepared in the same way as for mushrooms. The best time to land is October. From May, you can get the first harvest.


Mycorrhiza is best formed with birch, aspen, pine. They need to be grown from purchased mycelium or mycelium brought from the forest. The beds should be done in a well-lit area, choose young trees. Deepen the mycelium by no more than 5-8 cm. Autumn planting is preferable. Watering from spring to autumn - 2 times a week. Fruit boletuses are fruiting from June to October.
