Features of planting and growing cabbage cultivar Atria F1


Cabbage is one of the main vegetable crops that almost every gardener grows. Today, this culture is represented by a large number of varieties, including hybrid ones. Variety Atria F1 can be grown on its site without any problems, given the inherent features of agricultural technology.

Description of the variety of cabbage Atria

Atria F1 is a hybrid of white cabbage, which is characterized by plastic leaves, good yield and preservation of the head of cabbage. Atria refers to medium-late varieties, which ripens 140-150 days after emergence. The head of cabbage has a round or rounded flat shape. According to the state registry, the weight of heads of cabbage is 1.5-3.7 kg, but on bags with seeds the manufacturers indicate slightly different numbers - 4-8 kg. The culture is characterized by resistance to gray rot, fusarium, thrips.

The mass of cabbage of Atria cabbage according to the state registry is 1.5-3.7 kg, on sachets of seeds the figures are slightly different - 4-8 kg

The culture tolerates transportation well and is well preserved for 6 months when optimal conditions are created. The variety is suitable for salting, pickling and eating fresh. The hybrid can be cultivated almost throughout Russia, with the exception of the northern regions. According to the state registry, cabbage of this variety is allowed for cultivation in the following regions: North-West, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Sea Region, Middle Volga, Ural, West Siberian, and East Siberian.

Atria F1 is a hybrid of white cabbage and is characterized by good yield and keeping quality.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Cabbage Atria, like any other variety, has its pros and cons. Of the positive qualities distinguish:

  • excellent fresh taste;
  • excellent indicators of head density at the stage of technical maturity;
  • low degree of damage to gray rot;
  • friendly ripening of the crop;
  • long shelf life;
  • cracking resistance of heads of cabbage.

As for the shortcomings, there are none as such, most likely these are the features of agricultural technology. Atria F1 is very hygrophilous, which indicates the need for regular irrigation, and with warm water.

Video: Atria cabbage review

Features of planting and growing Atria

The hybrid variety under consideration can be cultivated both by direct sowing of seeds into the soil, and by seedling method.

Growing seedlings

In order to grow healthy and strong seedlings, you need to take care of the preparation of the soil and seed material. The optimal timing for planting Atria cabbage for seedlings is the beginning of April. Given the time of maturation and the growing region, more specific dates are selected. Before sowing, the seeds must be hardened, checked for germination and germinated.

To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, cabbage seeds are soaked by wrapping in a damp cloth and placing in a warm place

For growing seedlings, you can use purchased soil or a self-prepared soil mixture. In the first case, the worries will be less, and in the second you will know exactly what the substrate consists of. To prepare the soil mix, you need such components:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • calcined river sand.

For sowing cabbage for seedlings using a soil mixture of peat, turf land and river sand

It is not recommended to take land from the garden, but in extreme cases, you can use it, after spilling it with a strong solution of manganese.

Prepared seeds are sown in planting containers to a depth of 1 cm, watered and put in a warm place.

Cabbage seeds are sown with an interval of 1 cm, after which they are sprinkled with a layer of soil and lightly compacted

The rest of the agricultural technology of Atria cabbage is similar to the cultivation of other varieties of this crop.

Video: sowing cabbage for seedlings

Seedling care as it develops is reduced to periodic top dressing and watering. Seed producers recommend diving in the cotyledon phase. 2 weeks before planting seedlings on the site, it is tempered.

In order for the seedlings of cabbage to adapt to external conditions, they begin to take it out into the open air 2 weeks before planting

Atria seedlings are planted in a permanent place 30-55 days after emergence. Optimal dates are May 10-20. At this time, the danger of return frosts should already pass (take into account the growing region), and the soil will warm up to the desired value (+ 10-15 ° C). The site for the culture should be well-lit, have fertile soil. Seedlings are planted according to the scheme 40 * 60 cm, planting density 2.5-3 plants per 1 m2. It is advisable to transplant seedlings in cloudy weather or in the late afternoon. For plants, such holes are made to deepen them to the bottom of these true leaves. To cabbage took root faster, during the first five days it is sprayed with water several times a day. In addition, in order to exclude burns from sunlight, the first 2 days of the plant must be shaded.

Seedlings are planted to a depth of 8-10 cm, watered, and sprinkled with soil on top to avoid the formation of soil crust

Atria after transplanting seedlings needs watering and top dressing with fertilizers containing nitrogen, which are most important during the formation of the head of cabbage. Watering should be limited during the filling of the head of cabbage. After irrigation, loosening and hilling should be carried out.

Video: how to feed cabbage

Fertilizers should be applied with preliminary watering to avoid burns to the root system of plants. Feeding is carried out in cloudy weather.

Outdoor sowing and care

In the southern regions, cabbage is sown directly in the ground, but the beds are covered with a film so that the seeds germinate faster and the seedlings feel as comfortable as possible. With direct sowing, Atria is planted in May. The site should be well lit by the sun during the day. Otherwise, instead of tying heads, you get only leaves. The soil on the site should be fertile and breathable. If the land is poor, then 3-4 buckets of humus are added per 1 m². Atria is positioned as a high-yielding hybrid, but in order to achieve high performance, you need to fertilize the soil well and observe agricultural techniques for cultivating this variety. In addition, attention is paid to the acidity of the soil, since any cabbage does not tolerate acidic soils.

To protect crops from return frosts, install the frame and pull the film

Soils with acidity close to neutral are the most suitable for the cultivation of cabbage, i.e. the pH should be 6.5-7. You can determine this indicator using a special device or indicator strips.

If the acidity is increased, resort to liming, for which 500 g of lime are made for digging on 1 m² of area.

To reduce the acidity of the soil, you need to add lime for digging

When choosing the variety in question, you need to understand that any slip will leave you without a crop. If for one reason or another it is not possible to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology, then it is better to abandon this hybrid in favor of another variety with lesser requirements. Atria is very moisture-loving, therefore drying of the soil should not be allowed. Dry soil in the basal zone is reflected in the form of a decrease in yield. The head of cabbage forms late, but the leaf apparatus grows quite rapidly during the summer, which allows the hybrid to do this quickly. Literally in 1-1.5 months of autumn, the head of cabbage will be ready for harvesting. Atria cabbage is resistant to cracking, which makes it possible to cultivate it quite successfully even on soils with high humidity.

Video: sowing cabbage in the open ground

Diseases and pests of Atria

To obtain a good cabbage crop, it is important to detect diseases and pests of this crop in a timely manner and take measures to combat them. The most common diseases of Atria include the black leg and keel. In this case, the root system of plants is affected. Damaged seedlings must be removed and the soil sprinkled with lime. In addition, cabbage can be affected by downy mildew, resulting in leaf damage. In the event of such a disease, it is necessary to restore soil moisture, i.e., reduce the number of irrigation and treat the plants with Bordeaux liquid (0.5 l per 10 l of water).

The black leg is the most common disease of cabbage seedlings, in which a darkening forms in the root zone of the stem

Cabbage has a lot of pests:

  • aphid;
  • cruciferous flea;
  • various caterpillars;
  • snails.

Cruciferous flea in large quantities can kill cabbage by eating leaves

The main control measures without the use of chemistry are the following:

  • weeding and removing weeds;
  • in heat, the cabbage bed is covered with non-woven material;
  • in the autumn, plant debris is removed and destroyed by burning with digging the soil.

You can fight pests at the beginning of their appearance in folk ways. When invaded, chemical preparations should be used. The most common for these purposes include Actellik, Bankol, Decis, Karbofos, Rovikurt, Intavir, Bazudin.

When invasion of pests resort to the use of chemicals

From folk remedies, the following recipes can be noted:

  • to combat leaf-eating pests, use an vinegar solution (vinegar 9% and 400 g of salt per 10 l of water), which is used to pour cabbage;
  • fleas and bugs can be controlled by pollination of plants with tobacco dust, ash at the rate of 30 g per 1 m²;
  • for processing crops from caterpillars, an ash infusion is sprayed (2 tbsp. per 10 l of water);
  • cabbage is planted in the vicinity of garlic, dill, peppermint: their smell will deter pests.


Atria cabbage harvesting dates are in early November. The heads are cut and placed in boxes or on racks in one row. You should lay the cabbages with stitches up, while the heads should not touch each other. The optimal temperature for storing this vegetable is + 2˚С and humidity 93-97%. If you create the necessary conditions, the cabbage will not lose its presentation until spring.

In winter, cabbage can be stored in drawers, on shelves or in limbo in a basement

Reviews gardeners

Atria is my favorite cabbage, I will grow it for the fifth season, it is perfectly stored, juicy, sweet, which is surprising for varieties with good keeping quality. Unfortunately, its properties are highly dependent on the manufacturer.

Hope AA


We have been growing atria for 10 years now and are not going to refuse, and Novator has won sympathy for a couple of years. This season, both hybrids did not crack, unlike the Aggressor. Ankoma showed herself well, it is larger (4-6 kg) and is slightly worse stored.



I’ve been growing Atria for seven years now. This year I ate it until July. Great cabbage.



Atria was the first to grow a hybrid this season, so it went almost immediately after the early one. Made cabbage rolls out of it, very tasty. I did not even expect that it would be tender, the sheet is not felt. Here, then, cabbage, intended for fresh consumption.



By growing cabbage of the Atria F1 variety, you can get an excellent crop in a small area, especially since the hybrid has been cultivated in gardens and fields for more than 20 years and its popularity has not declined over the years. Farmers and gardeners do not cease to be surprised at the genetic characteristics of this variety, and admire its taste.


Watch the video: Features of Forest's Grow Your Own Range (October 2024).