Far North is the most cold-resistant tomato variety


It is difficult to find a good tomato variety for summer residents from the northern regions of Russia. This is due to the unpredictable weather in the summer: in some areas it is hot and dry, in others it is cool. During the day, the air warms up to +30 ° C, and at night due to unexpected frosts that occur in mid-June, the temperature drops to 0 ° C. In such conditions, growing tomatoes in the open ground is an adventurous occupation: either they will freeze out or the fruits will not have time to form.

Variety History

In 2007, the State Register of Breeding Achievements included a new tomato variety with a "talking" name - the Far North. Its addition was initiated by the leadership of the St. Petersburg agricultural company "Biotechnika" and the immediate creator of Kozak Vladimir Ivanovich. In the register, tomatoes fell into the category of varieties that are suitable for cultivation in the open ground and under film shelters in personal subsidiary plots in all regions of Russia.

Tomato Far North is suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia

The variety is popular in the Northwestern Federal District (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Murmansk regions), the Republics of Komi, Karelia and Yakutia.

If in the south it is grown mainly by busy summer residents - adherents of environmentally friendly food, who do not have time for garter, stepsoning, plentiful / frequent watering and top dressing, then in the northern regions of the Russian Federation - everything is in order, because tomatoes have time to ripen in a short summer.

Description and characteristic

The Far North is not only a cold-resistant variety. It is considered a variety with an early maturity. In the Moscow region and a number of other regions with a similar climate, seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of April, covering each bush with a glass jar. Harvest from strong and sprawling bushes is harvested until the cold weather - in the last days of August, that is, after 80-90 days from the appearance of the first shoots.

Harvested in mid-August

Bushes form elongated succulent leaves of medium size green or dark green. After the appearance of the second or third leaf, the first inflorescence grows and develops. Like other determinant varieties, the plant stops growing as soon as it is stretched to 45-55 cm in height and six inflorescences are formed.

On average, up to 1.2 kg is collected from one bush, and from 1 m2 plantings - about 2 kg of fruit. With the help of careful care and the implementation of measures recommended by experienced summer residents, you can increase productivity to 3 kg per bush. Therefore, tomatoes are classified as highly productive and abundantly bearing.


The fruits of the Far North variety have a rounded and slightly elongated shape. They are smooth with medium density. Ripe tomatoes have a dark red peel. The fruits have juicy flesh, and they taste a little sweeter. Inside them from four to six chambers. The average weight of one fruit is 50-80 g.

Tomatoes are rounded and weigh 50-80 g

Unlike tomatoes of another cold-resistant variety Tsar Bell, which are eaten exclusively fresh and not used for canning and processing, Far North tomatoes stand out for their versatility of use:

  • eat a bit of sugar;
  • decorate dishes cooked on the table;
  • canned and processed into juice.

    Far North tomatoes are used in harvesting and processed into juice

They are rich in sugars, fiber, proteins, pectins, organic acids and minerals. By including them in their diet, family members of summer residents replenish the reserves of magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus; folic and nicotinic acids; vitamins B, C, K, lycopene and carotene.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Far North variety

The main advantage is unpretentiousness. Even if adverse weather conditions prevail in the region and there is no heat, a good crop is harvested at the end of summer. Along with this distinguishing feature, there are others:

  • fast ripening;
  • non-susceptibility to late blight, apical and root rot;

    Tomatoes of the Far North are not susceptible to late blight

  • lack of need for tying up a bush;
  • no need to remove stepsons;
  • impeccable presentation in transit;
  • universality in use.

The features listed above distinguish the variety from others that are good in only one way. For example, Beta or Cardinal are not susceptible to late blight; saturated red fruits with a thin skin of the bullfinch variety are 2 times more weight - 130-150 g - and they are not sour, but sweet.

Among summer residents, disputes over the yield and taste of Far North tomatoes do not stop. Therefore, they do not appear in the list of advantages and relate to disadvantages.

Video: variety Far North

Features of cultivation and planting

Depending on the preferences and climate of the region, summer residents grow tomato varieties in seedlings or sow seeds in open ground.

Seedling method

At the beginning or middle of April, seeds are planted in boxes prepared with autumn from the ground. Do not cover them with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect and accelerate the emergence of seedlings - they will sprout if you water them in a timely manner.

Beds for tomatoes are prepared in the fall:

  1. Before digging, fertilize the earth with phosphorus or potash fertilizers.
  2. If the soil is acidic, produce liming.

    To reduce the acidity of the soil, produce liming

  3. They make organic additives, nitrogen and bird droppings.
  4. Then they dig the beds, contributing to the saturation of the soil with oxygen and saving it from possible pests.
  5. If there is a rotten pile of manure on the site, superphosphate is added to it to enhance the action of nutrients and saturate the root system of future tomatoes with the necessary elements. Humus is scattered over dug up earth.

Seedlings are transplanted into the soil prepared in the fall:

  1. The day before planting, yeast fertilizer is prepared from 10 g of yeast and 10 l of water.
  2. Dig small holes.
  3. 220 g of yeast fertilizer are added to each.
  4. Spraying the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, seedlings are planted, deepening by 2 cm.

    Seedlings are planted in shallow wells after fertilizing

Outdoor landing

If growing seedlings is not part of the gardener's plans, you can plant the seeds in open ground. In this case, the soil for planting is prepared in the same way as with the seedling method of planting. In the south, the seeds are sown when the frost stops and the soil warms up. In the northern regions of the Russian Federation they are covered with Agrotex film to protect them from the sun and possible temperature drops.

The film will protect the plantings from lowering the temperature

Experienced summer residents do not grow tomatoes in the greenhouse: there they lose their pronounced taste and become excessively soft.


The tomato variety Far North is considered unpretentious. Tomatoes will do without fertilizers, garters, pinching, pinching, but abandoning these activities, you should not count on a rich harvest at the end of the season. However, the lack of thorough care will not affect the taste and quality of tomatoes. If the main thing for the summer resident is the harvest and he is ready to spend every free minute on leaving, then they will organize it, following the following rules:

  1. The bushes are tied so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.
  2. The plant is stepsoned to achieve earlier ripening of tomatoes.
  3. The culture is fed and fertilized three times during growth:
    • fertilizers are applied for the first time 14 days after sowing seeds or planting seedlings in open ground;
    • the second - before flowering;
    • the third - until the fruit ripens - for fertilizing, they buy ready-made fertilizers in a specialized store or make organic oneself from mullein and bird droppings.
  4. Tomatoes are watered once a week. To do this, use warm, settled water and spray the beds with it on a cool day, in the early morning or late evening.

    Tomatoes are watered once a week in the morning or in the evening.

  5. Pinch the plant to avoid excessive growth and regulate the number of ripening fruits.

Disease prevention

Tomatoes of the Far North are not susceptible to diseases such as late blight, apical and root rot. Despite this, they can still get sick - diseases develop due to improper care.

Leaves and stems affect white / black spotting, powdery mildew, gray mold and cladosporiosis. If the plant looks depressed, its leaves have dried out and the fruits rot, then it is treated with Strobi, Quadris, Pseudobacterin-2 preparations. Having bought one of the above funds, they spray the plant twice, observing the interval specified in the instructions. To avoid the appearance of white plaque and gray mold, at the beginning of the growing season, the bushes are treated with preparations containing copper.

Tomatoes cannot be saved if the following diseases have developed: viral strick, bacterial cancer, tomato mosaic, verticillosis.

Photo Gallery: Tomato Diseases

Pest control

Sometimes a spider mite, scoops, whitefly, bear and aphid cause harm to tomatoes. In the fight against them use:

  • folk remedies (garlic or onion solution, prepared from 200 g of husks of onions and garlic and infused for 24 hours in a liter of boiled water);
  • insecticides (Fastak, Kinmix, Marshall, Angio, Lightning).

To protect against attacks of slugs, the soil around the bushes is sprinkled with ash, lime, tobacco dust or ground pepper.

Reviews of gardeners about the Far North variety

I just love tomatoes. This is an indispensable vegetable in my area. Every year I cultivate Far North tomatoes from Agronika seeds. These tomatoes are very tasty, juicy and sweet. They contain many healthy sugars, fiber, and minerals. I liked this variety for its high yield and fast fruit setting. Tomatoes ripen very quickly. This is especially true for the northern regions of our country. In our Volgograd region this plant grows beautifully and makes me happy with large and tasty fruits all season. The first fruits I collect from the bush after 3 months from the moment of planting the plant in the soil. Tomatoes of this variety tolerate cooling well. Therefore, some of the plants I plant in open ground in mid-August. For safety, I cover them with a double layer of thick spunbond. This variety forms its fruits quickly. Therefore, it is less affected by viral diseases. And this contributes to an increase in yield. Far North tomatoes are good fresh. I make salads from them, add them in the preparation of the first and second courses. The fruits have a dense skin. They are well stored and transported over long distances.



I can recommend the proven Far North variety. It was the name that first of all attracted my attention, and only then, having got acquainted with the characteristics of the variety, it was decided to try it in the country. I grow this tomato in the open ground. From the first sprouts to fruits about three months, that is, it ripens at the end of July, and in August the crop falls. I would like to say a little about this tomato. This is a standard grade, height - about 40 cm. Unpretentious and gives a good harvest. The fruit itself is flat and round, red. Pasynkovka is not necessary, but to obtain an early harvest is carried out. In the care of the grade "Far North" everything is simple. This is a standard plant, it is forming. During the formation, you need to carry out a garter, I usually set the stakes next to the stand. As I already said, stepsoning is not necessary, although it is not denied. I water it once a week, well, under the root. The main thing is that water does not fall on the leaves and stems. Fertilizers - by itself. By the way, due to the early ripening property, it is not affected by late blight.


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That year, the Far North planted (a large bed in the og) - I liked it sooo! And unpretentious and productive. But here he is very bushy, so do not close the bushes to each other!



I also like the Far North tomato. In our conditions, the Far North can be grown in open ground. Very resistant to low temperatures, precocious (because FF is not sick) - I began to ripen in late July. Stamp (you can plant denser), somewhere around 45 cm I have grown, no need to stepchild. Fruits 80 grams, red, sour taste, but I love that taste.

tania 711


4 hybrids were grown: - Junior F1 (NK), Buyan F1 (NK), Ultra-early F1 (Elite Garden, Novosib), Far North F1 (Elite Garden, Novosib). All are good for canning, all have a dense skin, not fleshy pulp, medium size. Most liked Buyan (the walls are thin, sour-sweet) and the Far North (pronounced "tomato" aroma and taste, the fruits are round, small, dark green with yellowness on the crown). For growing unpretentious of all the Far North, of course. Seedlings very strong grow in compact neat bushes up to 40 cm high. Actually, I did nothing with them, only top dressing and sometimes watering. The fruits are small and many. In general, it resembles a small tree with fruits.



Not only experienced summer residents, but also novice gardeners will not have problems with growing Far North tomatoes: it is enough to properly prepare seeds, regularly water, loosen and weed the plant. If gardeners do not pursue high yields, then they do not tie up and pinch bushes: this does not affect the taste and quality of tomatoes.
