Dracaena is fine - thanks transplant!


Both in office premises, and in apartments there is a place for dracaenas. They are beautiful, varied in shape and color and easily fit into the interior. But the appearance of these plants depends on the correct care for them.

Pictures of dracen

Admiring the dracaena is a pleasure! It is not surprising that flower growers are happy to photograph their plants and post these pictures on the Internet.

Photo Gallery: Types of Dracaena

Growing rules

Dracaena is an unpretentious plant. But there are certain nuances of its transplantation and development, which should be reckoned with before starting breeding.

It will also be useful material on how to grow Drazen Sander: //diz-cafe.com/rastenija/bambuk-komnatnoe-rastenie-uhod.html


A place near a window with good lighting, without direct sunlight and drafts, is ideal for these plants.

Optimum temperature

The plant will develop well at a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees in the summer, not lower than 12 degrees in the winter, without sharp changes. In the summer it can be taken out to fresh air.

Air humidity

Dracaenas are comfortable with moderate and high humidity, so it is useful to spray them, wipe the leaves, and please with a warm shower.


Dracaena needs a uniform constant soil moisture, but without waterlogging, as otherwise the roots may rot. In summer, watered when the topsoil dries out. In winter, watered much less often (about 1 time in 2 months), but do not allow the land to completely dry out. The soil is slightly loosened between waterings, so that air penetrates to the roots. Water requires settled room temperature.

To water dracaena you need to use water at room temperature

Top dressing

In the period from April to August, every 2 weeks they are fed with fertilizers for indoor flowers, added to water for irrigation, then feeding is limited, in the winter they are almost not fed. Otherwise, the rest period will be violated, which will lead to the dracaena depletion.


In order to independently propagate dracaena, a number of rules should be observed, read about it: //diz-cafe.com/rastenija/dratsena-razmnozhenie-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

Vegetative propagation of all types of dracaena is performed using pieces of the trunk, layering, apical cuttings.


Pruning is done to enhance branching and give original forms, cutting off the upper part of the shoot. Soon below the cut from the appeared thickenings, shoots will begin to develop.

Cutting dracaena allows you to give the plant an original shape

Grafting transplant

A transplant is called a complete replacement of the land during transplantation with the possible transfer of the plant to another container. This is an effective tool to give the plant new strength.

The basis for the decision to transplant is the following:

  • in dracaena, the entire pot is occupied by roots. This is evidenced by the fact that water during irrigation is almost not absorbed, the roots protrude above the surface. For young dracaena, this condition occurs once a year, and for adults once every 5 years;
  • dracaena grows poorly, leaves change color, which indicates a possible ill-being with the roots or with the soil.

Pot selection

The new pot should be 2 cm wider than before. A landmark is also the following: for plants 40 cm high, you need a pot with a diameter of at least 15 cm. Ceramic and plastic pots are suitable. If the basis for transplanting is the need to simply replace the soil, then the pot can be left the same, but it must be disinfected. There should be holes in the bottom of the pot to drain excess water.

You can create an original pot for a plant yourself: //diz-cafe.com/dekor/dekorirovanie-cvetochnyx-gorshkov-svoimi-rukami.html


The pot is filled with new earth, since elements harmful to the plant may accumulate in the former earth. You can use purchased compositions for palm indoor flowers. But it’s cheaper and more useful to prepare the mixture yourself: 3 part of turf land, 1 part humus, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of sheet land. The soil should be slightly moist. You can check the optimum humidity by squeezing a little soil in the palm of your hand. The lump should crumble when touched.

Transplant time

The best time for transplanting is the end of winter - the beginning of spring, it can be transplanted until August. In the remaining months, it is better not to touch the plants.

Transshipment of dracaena

Transshipment is a type of transplantation when a plant is taken out of a pot with a lump of earth and, without touching the roots, is transferred (rearranged) into a new larger pot. The voids are filled with prepared earth.

This method is used in autumn (if necessary) if the condition of the plant is good and land replacement is not required. Transshipment is more gentle for the plant, so it can be used several times a year.

Features transplant after purchase

If there are comments on the appearance of dracaena, or the capacity and soil are not inspiring confidence, the plant is transplanted immediately with the replacement of both the pot and the ground. If the plant is fun, and the pot is not bad, it is better not to injure the dracaena unnecessarily, but after a month to transplant it by transshipment.

Large dracaena transplant

Large dracaena is better not to transplant unless absolutely necessary, as they will take root with difficulty, and the transfer of a huge tree is time-consuming. It is better to gently loosen the top layer of moistened soil (about 4 cm) carefully once a year, being careful not to touch the roots, select it and replace it with new soil.

Transplant Care

After transplanting, the plant experiences severe stress, it takes time for the root system to get used to the new conditions, so that new roots begin to form. The first watering is plentiful. Excess water, moisturizing the entire earthen lump, should collect in a pan. Transplanted dracaenas are watered infrequently, because the root system has not yet braided an earthen lump, and water is slowly absorbed and evaporates.

The next watering is carried out after the top layer of an earthen coma dries out (2-3 cm). After 10 days, you can give a single stimulator for root formation "Kornevin" (1 gram / liter of water). The plant is put in a shady place for a week, sprayed to avoid drying out. After that, plant care becomes standard.

Ability to combine transplant with pruning

Both transplanting and pruning are stressful for plants. When transplanting, dracaena grows new roots, when pruning, the existing roots work to form new shoots. Combining these procedures unnecessarily should not be.

The need for such actions arises if it is necessary to preserve the diseased dracaena. It is cut and transplanted into new soil. This can only be done in the spring of active growth. The live crown is rooted.

It will also be useful material on the fight against diseases and pests of dracaena: //diz-cafe.com/rastenija/bolezni-i-vrediteli-draceny-kak-raspoznat-problemu-i-borotsya-s-nej.html

Photo gallery: stages of dracaena transplantation

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting dracen

In order to get a healthy and viable plant as a result of the transplant, proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dracaena abundantly watered the day before the transplant.
  2. Choose a pot of suitable size.
  3. At the bottom of the prepared pot, pour drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles).
  4. Pour a thin layer of earth. Moisturize slightly.
  5. Water the dracaena a day before the transplant.
  6. Carefully remove from the old container by tapping the container or cutting it.
  7. We clean the roots from the ground, trying not to injure them. We cut off rotten roots.
  8. Moisturize the roots.
  9. We put the dracaena in the center of the pot, pour the earth, shaking the plant and tamping it slightly.
  10. The soil should cover all the roots of dracaena and be below the edge of the tank by about 3 cm, the root neck should be at the level of the soil.
  11. Water the plant abundantly.
  12. Pour the earth if the roots are bare.
  13. You can fill it with drainage or moss.

Rooted cuttings of dracaena are planted in a similar pattern, excluding root washing. If the stalk is rooted in the ground, then the earthen lump can be saved.

During dracaena transplantation, it is necessary to trim the excess roots and remove their rotten parts

Possible problems

A transplant can cause harm to the dracaena if she needed watering at the time of the transplant or was just watered.

The first 2 weeks, the plant tries to adapt to new conditions, therefore, it can lower and lose leaves. But if the plant continues to suffer, it is necessary to analyze:

  • if there is no overmoistening - check if the drainage hole is blocked;
  • if there is drying out - check the soil moisture at the pot wall;
  • Is the air in the room too dry?

Dracaena can be helped by adjusting the regime of watering and irrigation, creating a microclimate - covering the plant for a week with a plastic bag with perforation. It can be sprayed with Zircon growth stimulator (2 drops per 200 ml). If the plant continues to die, repeat the entire transplant process.

Sometimes the dracaena is confused with another plant of the dracaena family - cordilina. You can distinguish them by the roots. In dracaena they are orange, in cordilina they are white. Cordilin forms a lot of basal shoots.

Root layer of cordilina in water gives roots

Delight the dracaena with proper care - and it will give you pleasure in beauty.
