DIY wind feng shui music from bamboo and other materials


The mascot of feng shui, which is called the music of the wind, air bells and even a windmill, is used by someone for the purpose of decoration, and someone sincerely believes that he is able to protect from negative energies and attract positive into the house. In any case, adding the sound of living notes to your space will not hurt. Moreover, the variety of shapes and materials allows you to choose the option for every taste. By the way, why not make such a talisman with your own hands? In this case, do-it-yourself music of wind feng shui from bamboo or other materials will surely bring good luck. After all, you put in it only positive energy in the process.

What materials are such a talisman made of?

Air bells are made of different materials, which are selected depending on the purpose of their use. For example, if they are made of hollow metal tubes, then the music of the wind represents such an element as metal. By placing it at doors or windows, you can count on the fact that positive energy does not fly away, and negative energy does not get inside the home.

A clay windmill represents an element of the earth, and a glass wind represents air. The music of wind from bamboo will bring wood energies to the house that help growth and development. Most often on sale we find products that are made of hollow tubes - made of wood, glass or metal. But if we ourselves want to make air bells, then nothing limits us in the choice of materials. On the contrary, using imagination, you can make completely unique and original things that emphasize individuality and style.

As ideas from which you can build on, we will offer you several options. Almost every house has sea shells. They remind us of the sea, but sometimes they remain undeservedly forgotten. You can breathe new life into them, using as a material for a windmill.

For such wind music, you need a minimum of materials: shells, a branch and a fishing line. True, it may be difficult to drill holes in a fragile sink

The talisman will be original if the music of the wind is made of amber leaves and beads with their own hands:

This option will produce the necessary magical sounds only if you correctly carry out all measurements and place the beads opposite each other so that they can beat against each other

Experts recommend not relying on the choice of materials at random, if you want the windmill to serve as a real talisman. You should definitely listen to the sound of the classic versions of the product.

According to experts, each person subconsciously chooses those sounds that are most favorable specifically for his energy. That is why someone loves the sound of glass music of the wind, while others are calmed by the metal ringing

Thus, almost any materials can be used, for which you have enough imagination:

Master class: bamboo wind music ... without bamboo

If you like the muffled notes of bamboo air bells, then you probably need a boost for growth. Indeed, according to Feng Shui, the music of the wind from the hollow tubes of this amazing plant is able to give strength for new beginnings and the embodiment of daring plans.

But let's get back to the fact that we want to make such a windmill with our own hands. And this means that you need to “get hold of” bamboo somewhere. Great if you managed to find blanks from this plant. For example, an old bamboo fishing rod can be used as such. Some stores sell bamboo stems for arranging bouquets. However, even if a real bamboo does not fall into your hands, do not get upset. You and I will make wonderful bamboo music of the wind Feng Shui without it!

For example, cardboard tubes are a great alternative. They are easy to find in almost any hardware store. Now the blanks need to be redone to our needs. To do this, we cut them into pieces of various lengths, be sure to make one of the slices at an angle. The next step is the preparation of holes for fixing the structure. We drill holes at the ends with straight sections.

You can choose the number of tubes for wind music arbitrarily or by studying the recommendations of Feng Shui experts: after all, every number in this science is symbolic

In order for no one to doubt that your music of wind feng shui is made of bamboo, you will have to work on the appearance of cardboard tubes. They are pasted with several layers of paper, and to create the effect of nodes in some places, rings from the cord are fixed in the tubes.

It is better to put the lace on the first layer of paper, and then put another one or two layers on top of it

From above, you also need to glue paper, which is putty, dried and painted in colors as close as possible to natural bamboo. In places of "nodes" you need to work with paint a tone darker.

Before starting to stain, the plastered surface of the tubes must be sanded so that it becomes smooth

While the "bamboo" dries, it is necessary to prepare the fastening of the structure. As such, use a wooden die or rings, which are also finished to your liking. Now you can assemble the structure into a single whole, not forgetting to hang wooden circles on ropes or fishing lines so that they are inside the hollow tubes.

It is these circles, when rocking, that will knock on the walls of the "bamboo" and make pleasant sounds

Now that our product is ready, you need to think about where to hang the music of the wind.

Choosing a place for a windmill

Feng Shui experts emphasize: it’s not enough to know how to make wind music. It is equally important to find the best place for the location of air bells. For example, in order to scare away evil spirits (that is, negative energy), they select a place at the entrance to a house or apartment or near a window. Do not forget about the music of the wind when adverse effects are directed at windows or doors. It can be a corner of another house or an acute-angled building, a monument or a water tower.

If you have your own home, sometimes experts can advise wind music right on the street - on the nearest tree or veranda

Sometimes you have to resort to the help of a windmill, since doors and windows are unsuccessfully placed in the apartment itself. If the window opening and the entrance are located opposite each other, then on the line between them the place is the music of the wind. In a corridor that is too long, the use of a talisman is also appropriate, which will defuse the situation in such a negative zone. Because the air bells seem to break the space into pieces.

Recall that a bamboo windmill is able to attract energy into the house for the implementation of bold ideas, as well as good luck. If you are pursuing precisely this goal, then we will tell you where to hang wind music for such an effect. Namely, her place in the north-west of the room.

Finally, sometimes expert advice is not needed to understand: it is necessary to place air bells here. If you feel unexplained stress and discomfort in some part of the house, hang the wind-made music of your own there. She will dispel the oppressive impression and prevent quarrels and omissions between the inhabitants of the home.
