Lily in a pot - home care


Lily is a flower that most women like. Its large buds, variability of colors and a delicate bright aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. She takes pride of place in flower beds, but not everyone knows that she can be grown at home. A lily in a pot is real. And she grows no less beautiful than in the country, and you can admire her at any time.

Lily in a pot

It is not difficult to take care of the potted lily; its agricultural technology is as simple as the flowers grown in the open ground. For tall lilies, pots and flower boxes will be cramped, but if you select the right variety, these flowers will adorn window sills, balconies and verandas.

Lilies in a pot

Lily bulbous room

Indoor lily can be grown to a height of 1.5 m, however, this is not recommended, as it will be uncomfortable for the flower, and it will require much more care than undersized varieties. Among them, you can also choose spectacular options. Usually they pay attention to oriental varieties, for growing at home it is worth giving preference to them than Asian house lilies.

For your information! There is another homemade flower that looks like a lily - amaryllis.

White lily home

Speaking of white domestic lily, most often mean eucharis. This is a representative of the Amaryllis family. Since in the wild this flower grows in South and Central America, eucharis is often called the Amazonian lily. External signs of the plant are as follows:

  • high decorativeness of bright green leaves;
  • height along with peduncles at home reaches 70 cm;
  • flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm, but you can choose a large-flowered variety;
  • flowers are collected in inflorescences;
  • the Amazonian variety has a delicate delicate aroma;
  • the diameter of the bulbs is 5 cm, the root system is powerful, so the pot for growing should be large in diameter;
  • with proper care, eucharis blooms twice a year.

Note! The juice of the leaves of the plant is poisonous, so it should be kept away from children and pets.

White lily home

Lily asian indoor

Asiatic Potted Lily is a hybrid bred by breeders in the 1950s. It is unpretentious in cultivation and at home looks the same as in the open ground. In total there are more than 1,500 varieties. The most popular of them are as follows:

  • Marlene. Plant height reaches 1 m, flowering is plentiful, occurs in the beginning and middle of summer. The variety has a powerful light green stem, leaves 13-15 cm long. Since the variety is hybrid, several tens of buds can form on one stem due to some mutations, but this does not always happen. Sometimes lush flowering begins only for 2-3 years. In diameter, the flowers reach 20 cm. Petals are delicate in color, gradually turning pink from the base to the tips;

Lionheart variety

  • Lion Heart. Srednerosly variety. The length of the stem reaches 70 cm. About 10 flowers with a diameter of up to 15 cm are formed on each stem. The peculiarity is a unique color. Petals at the base and on the tip of bright yellow, and in the middle purple, almost black. The stem and leaves are sprinkled with purple dots;
  • Asian terry. A variety of Asian lilies, which includes many varieties, which can be grown both in the house and in the garden. The stems grow to a length of 1 m, the flowers are very large with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The colors are different depending on the variety.

Terry Potted Lily

How many lilies bloom

Amazonian Lily Eucharis - home care

Most domestic lilies bloom in mid-summer, in July. The duration of the flowering period is 2-3 weeks. The plant leaves its dormant state in late February - early March, buds begin to be planted in late May - early June. In most varieties, at the end of the flowering period, the ground part completely dies, but not in all. For example, eucharis pleases with its foliage year-round, and it blooms twice. Therefore, it is impossible to give an exact answer to the question how many lilies bloom. Everything is individual and depends only on the variety of the flower and on proper care.

Important! Domestic lily can bloom with bright, lush flowers only if it is given unlimited access to fresh air and bright sunlight. Southern windows are best.

How to plant a lily onion in a pot

How to plant a lily onion in a pot? Are there any differences from planting it in open ground? These are the questions that most often concern beginner gardeners. Agricultural technology is similar in both cases. But for planting in a pot, a number of rules must be observed.

Planting bulbs of domestic lily in a pot

Lavender in a pot - home care

In order for the lily bulb onion to take root, you need to prepare all the necessary material before planting:

  • a pot whose height for tall plants should be at least 35 cm. For planting one bulb, you need an area of ​​15 cm², so more than one bulb can be planted in one large pot;
  • correctly selected soil. The best option is to buy a finished soil composition designed specifically for these flowers. For those who independently work on the composition of the soil, a mixture of turf and humus in equal parts is suitable;
  • drainage;
  • planting material, i.e. bulbs.

It is best to plant the bulbs in a pot in the early fall (early September), but you can do this in the spring. Planting at this time will allow the flower to adapt to new conditions and give sprouts.

Note! In spring, you should not delay it, plant it in a pot immediately when the first sprouts appear. It may be the end of February, it all depends on the region and storage conditions.

How to grow lilies in a pot of bulbs

To properly grow these flowers at home, you need to start with the choice of planting material and the right planting technology. When selecting material, the following are taken into account:

  • material quality. There should not be rotten, moldy, infected bulbs;
  • purity. Each bulb is peeled from the top layer of scales;
  • only healthy roots. All sluggish are cut off;
  • the length of the root system. It should not be too long, in which case it must be cut;
  • sterility. Each bulb must be treated with an insecticide before planting.

Planting lily bulbs in a pot

How to plant a bulb in the soil:

  1. A third of the pot is covered with pebbles for drainage, then with a layer of soil.
  2. For each bulb, make a hole twice as deep as the bulb itself.
  3. Carefully put planting material in the hole, being careful not to damage the roots.
  4. Fall asleep with a layer of soil.
  5. Humidify it with a spray gun, it is possible with a growth accelerator.
  6. Good to mulch.

How to grow lilies in a pot of seeds

Growing lilies from seeds is not difficult, but a little troublesome. Why this method is considered the safest is not difficult to guess, because the seeds definitely do not have pathogens, rot, mold and other problems that the grower encounters during other types of planting flowers.

Important! Planting can be carried out immediately after the acquisition of seeds, but still it is recommended to carry out a 2-3-week stratification procedure.

Sowing seeds is recommended at the end of March. They will bloom only for 2-3 years of plant life. Sowing seeds is standard, as well as for other flowering plants. Seeds are planted in the ready light soil mixture. It can be planted at a distance of 1 cm. A drainage layer must be put on the bottom of the container. Cover it with glass or film from above, sometimes open for watering and airing. The temperature must be maintained at a level of 20-25 ° C. The place should be dark. When the first true leaves appear, the flowers are transplanted into separate containers.

What do lily seeds look like?

Lily care at home

Caring for lilies at home is fairly simple. It is only necessary to observe a few simple requirements, and the flowering of lilies will delight with its brightness and splendor. They must be watered throughout the entire period of active growth: vegetation and flowering. The soil must always be moist, but without stagnation of moisture. Regular loosening and mulching of the soil is also required, it should not be compacted in order to better pass air. If there is a need and the flowers are too large, the stem should be tied to a support. Top dressing is another need during the period of activity. They need to be carried out regularly. Ready mineral fertilizers are suitable for this.

Air humidity

Potted chrysanthemum - home care

These plants prefer moist air, they like regular spraying. If the air is too dry, you can put a small bowl filled with water next to the flowerpot.

Air temperature

Most preferred is warm air and plenty of sunlight. The optimum indoor temperature in summer should be 25 ° C.

Care for the lily during dormancy

Like plants grown in open ground, indoor lilies, after flowering, need a period of absolute dormancy. Their ground part dies away, only the onion remains.

Important! Trimming stems is not necessary. They must dry on their own.

As soon as the flowers have faded and the stems begin to turn yellow, watering is reduced to once a week. Spraying is stopped completely. After the ground part is completely dry, they completely finish watering the plant. The bulb is dug out of the pot, put in a bag with moistened sawdust and sent to the refrigerator.

How to feed lilies after flowering

After flowering, you need to continue to care for the plants, feeding. This will help the bulb store more nutrients, and next year the plants will become even more powerful and bloom even more beautifully. Potassium and phosphate fertilizers are best suited, they will protect the tubers from diseases and pests, protect from fungus.

Diseases and pests of domestic lily

Lily is a plant that is prone to various diseases. He is also loved by small pests. Fungal infections are another reason for the decline in well-being of these beautiful flowers.

Leaves turn yellow

There may be several reasons for the yellowing of the leaves:

  • improper care;
  • diseases
  • pests.

In the first case, the flower may lack moisture. Tropical plants need regular watering, constant spraying and moist air. If this is not achieved, the leaves turn yellow and may fall. Of the nutrients, a lack of iron and phosphorus can thus be manifested. To eliminate the cause, you need to select the appropriate fertilizer. But they must be applied carefully, in small doses, so as not to harm even more.

Possible diseases:

  • late blight. This disease occurs if there is too much moisture. To avoid rotting of the bulbs, it is better to remove the plant from the pot, inspect the root system, remove the rotting areas and transplant into a new soil;
  • blue mold. In addition to yellowing leaves, the stem dries out. The reason is the same - excessive watering. The way to solve the problem is similar to the previous one;
  • gray rot. It’s easy to notice: spots on the leaves and stalk initially appear, then they turn yellow. This problem occurs due to excess moisture and too high a temperature.

Note! Of the pests, lilies can be attacked by bears, bugs, ticks and caterpillars. There is only one way to combat it - insecticide treatment.

Why the indoor lily does not bloom

Most often, indoor lily does not bloom due to improper care. You need to carefully analyze all the indicators in order to fix the problem. The soil must be light and with good drainage. Humidity should be kept only at the level necessary to maintain its development.

Note! Location plays one of the first roles. You can not leave the lily in the shade, it must be moved to a more lighted place.

How to plant lilies

Many flower growers wonder when and how to plant lilies so as not to harm them and provide even more magnificent flowering. Since daughter tubers periodically appear on the tubers of these plants, this is where the problem arises of how to plant a lily and transplant it correctly.

Transplanting house lilies

Varieties whose bulbs are sent to the refrigerator or cellar for the winter are transplanted annually in any case. But those that are constantly growing in one place need a transplant once every two to three years. A more spacious pot is selected, work is done with the roots: the excess, shrunken and decayed parts are trimmed.

How to plant lilies in autumn

How to plant a lily in the fall in such a way that during the winter there will not be any changes with it, and it will safely survive the rest period? Simply. Autumn is the best time for planting these flowers both in the open field and at home. But it’s still worth carrying out this process as carefully as possible. The damaged plant will survive, but there will be no flowering next season.

Note! Lily should bloom and rest a bit, only after that her bulb can be dug up and carefully inspected, cleaning and removing all damage. Then carefully separate all the daughter bulbs and hold them for half an hour in a weak solution of malathion or potassium permanganate. Then dig holes in proportion to the separated tubers, and transplant them there. Sprinkle on top with moist soil.

When and how to divide lily bulbs

It is believed that the time when lilies can be divided is exclusively spring. But this is not so. You can do this in August - September. The division is very simple: small children that appear on it are separated from the adult tuber, which are planted in the same way as adult plants.

Initially, the lily got its name from the ancient Greek "li-li", which means "white-white". But the breeders tried their best, and now a great many colors. An equally pleasant fact is that it became possible to grow them indoors, and this is not a difficult process. In any case, it is very pleasant that now you can decorate with these flowers not only the garden plot, but also the balcony or window sill.
