Gooseberry Russian yellow - advantages and disadvantages


Gooseberries are a delicious berry that is ideal for the climate in the Urals and Siberia. It is frost-resistant, sweet, applicable in various recipes. This article will tell you how to grow a fruitful healthy bush of yellow gooseberries, all about caring for the plant, and also when to harvest.

Description and characteristics of gooseberry Russian yellow

The yellow berry variety from the Gooseberry family is not so young, it was bred about half a century ago. But the taste during this time did not deteriorate.

Origin history

In 1970, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Michurinsky Gardening, breeder K. D. Sergeeva developed a yellow gooseberry variety. She crossed several varieties of berries: Oregon, Curry, Careless and Houghton, standard. As a result of selection, a berry resistant to cold, powdery mildew was obtained. In 1974, the variety was entered in the state register and spread in the North-West and Ural districts.

Berries of yellow Russian gooseberry

Characteristics of the bushes

If we talk about the characteristics of the bush - the structure, leaves, shoots, spikes, buds, etc., then we can describe the yellow gooseberry as an average bush. Russian yellow has medium sprawling, thick, tall, spiky, as well as thick light green growing shoots, the top of which is painted in pink. Lignified shoots of medium thickness are also light.

The bush is covered with sharp straight spikes of medium size (length / thickness), light needles are located at right angles to the shoots. The leaf scar has a rounded shape. Small buds with a blunt crown of a brown shade, not lowered and slightly deflected. The leaves of the shrub bright green are slightly shiny, not lowered, have a leathery surface. Mostly straight, but there are species with concave leaves. The flowers are usually pale, small.

Characteristics of berries

The berries of yellow gooseberries are quite large, weighing about 4.5-6 g oval or ovoid with a noticeable waxy coating. The skin is dense, medium thickness with many branched veins, which are much lighter than the yellow color of the pulp.

The berries taste sour, but quite sweet. Sugar content is 9.3%. The seed content is average. The berry is suitable for raw consumption, for making jam, smoothies, desserts, adding tea leaves, etc.

Grade Features

When gooseberries ripen: how to pick ripe berries

In addition to the fact that gooseberries are tasty and healthy berries, it is still an early honey plant. This is the first color that attracts bees to the plot.

Note! Yellow gooseberries are an excellent diuretic and choleretic natural remedy.

Ripening period and yield

Planting of seeds begins in September and lasts until November. Although the berry is frost-resistant, it is better not to pull it to frost when planting. In June and early July, with proper care: constant hilling, getting rid of weeds, the presence of backup and treatment from pests, the bush will give about 5 kg, since the berries weigh on branches for a long time and do not crumble. A good harvest will be provided within 10 years.

Taste qualities

The berries of the Russian yellow gooseberry taste sour, but the main motive is sugar, sweet. The taste is pleasant and slightly unusual, the most for gourmets.

Drought and frost resistance

The plant does not tolerate high humidity, so it ideally survives and withstands an arid climate. Nevertheless, it needs regular watering. Winter is not terrible either, the bushes easily tolerate frosts without shelter.

Resistance to diseases and pests

With timely treatment, the plant's immunity will be significantly increased, therefore, the disease can not affect the gooseberry. The diseases and pests that most often overcome the variety:

  • powdery mildew;
  • shoot aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • sawfly;
  • Septoria;
  • anthracnose.

Anthracnose disease affecting gooseberry leaves

If treatment was carried out from insects and parasites, then collection can be carried out only after three weeks. The next treatment should be carried out two weeks after the berries are picked.

Berry use

Enterprises do not hesitate to buy berries in large quantities for production. This is a universal product that is suitable for fresh sale, production, cooking, canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety Russian yellow

Common gooseberry - either European or rejected

Among the positive qualities of the variety are noted: frost resistance, resistance to heat and drought, self-fertility, that is, a pollinator is not needed. And, of course, taste.

Of the shortcomings, gardeners distinguish the abundant spreading of the bush during growth, while he is young.

Planting young seedlings on the site

The quality of the crop, the immunity of the plant directly depends on the choice of seedlings, soil preparation and planting location, as well as watering a young plant.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Black gooseberries - home growing

When choosing a seedling, you need to pay attention to two things: the root system and the elasticity of the shoots. The root system should not be dry. Ideally, a healthy shoot has four skeletal roots of 13 cm each. To check its quality is simple - make a cross section. If the cut color is beige or cream, the seedling is lively, healthy, if brown, affected by the disease.

Note! 5 mm shoots will be an ideal option when choosing a seedling. Green color, elasticity and flexibility of several shoots are also an indicator of plant health.

Time and landing pattern

Gooseberry sapling should be planted in the fall from September to November. Surely before the first cold weather. Bushes are planted in the holes after 2 m from each other to a depth of 10-15 cm to hide the root neck.

Choosing a landing place

Suitable place with good lighting, without excess moisture in the soil. Black soil and light loamy soils are a fertile atmosphere for the growth of yellow gooseberries. You also need to protect the seedlings from the cold wind and drafts.

Site preparation

First, the destruction of weeds, cleaning the planting area, then fertilizing the soil when digging the soil. It will take 15 kg of humus per 1 m². Add sand or clay if necessary.

Landing process

Short instruction on how to plant Russian yellow gooseberries:

  1. The roots of the seedling are placed in the water for a day before planting.
  2. Dig holes 60 × 60 × 70 cm in size, the distance between them should be at least 2 m.
  3. Fertilize the soil in pits with horse humus with wood ash and superphosphate.
  4. Set the seedling in the hole at an angle of 45 ° and sprinkle with earth.
  5. The root neck should be deepened by 10-15 cm. This helps to strengthen and root formation.
  6. Pour the seedling with water. Two buckets for each hole.
  7. Create a circular hole with a diameter of half a meter. After planting, fill the peat with sawdust in a day.

Planting yellow Russian gooseberries

Not as complicated a process of planting seedlings as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is that you need to do some procedures in advance: choose a suitable place, prepare the holes, humus.

Features of seasonal care

The shrub is adapted to an arid climate, is resistant to frost and tolerates rainy summers quite well. But the yellow gooseberry has its own characteristics: a dense crown, sharp and frequent spikes, as well as branches can grow widely.

Watering and feeding

The shrub does not like moisture, but in the summer you need to water twice a week, two buckets under the bush in the morning and evening. Regular watering will be effective during fruiting. During this period, kidneys are formed for the next year.

Mulching and cultivation

Mulching and periodic cultivation are the guarantee of health and successful growth of a seedling. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil, fertilize, destroy weeds. Thus, the plant will receive the maximum amount of nutrients.

Use of props

Supports for gooseberries are made of wooden blocks or metal wire. Both the one and the other option are convenient for the branches to grow slightly up. This simplifies harvesting and access to the root system and trunk during processing.

Wooden supports for yellow gooseberry bush

Important! Supports are necessary so that the branches and berries do not rot on the ground.

Preventative treatment

Fungicides, insecticides, insectofungicides, urea or boiling water - any remedy in early spring will help the seedling to resist diseases and parasites. Treatment with both chemical and biological drugs will provide the plant with enhanced immunity.


Getting rid of the old one increases the amount of the crop. It is necessary to cut off old dried shoots to the kidneys, sick, twisted branches to the ground. The best time to care for the plant is early spring, when the growing season has not yet begun.

Pruning old branches of yellow gooseberry

The fight against excessive fouling of gooseberries - providing access to sunlight and additional nutrients to young branches.

Winter preparations

Resistance to low temperatures reduces protection costs during the winter. For wintering, you just need to remove the props so that the branches are closer to the ground.

Important! From under the bush you need to remove fallen leaves and berries that have sheltered pests and carriers of the disease.


Growing seedlings from seeds is a time-consuming process. Fruitful gooseberries can be propagated using a bush.

Experienced gardeners unanimously advise propagating the bush by division. To do this, they dig a plant from the ground in November, saw it in 2-3 parts, which they plant in pre-dug pits and water it. In spring, you need to spud young delenki to stimulate root growth.

Gooseberry Russian yellow can be propagated by cuttings and layering. In the first case, green branches are cut from the crown, rooted in water, and then planted in open ground. In the second, the lower branches of the bush bend to the ground, fall asleep with soil. After a few weeks, they will grow to the ground, and the bends can be cut off from the mother bush and transplanted to another place.

Pest and Disease Control

The Russian yellow gooseberry has a stable immunity to diseases and pests. In any case, undoubtedly, the best option is preventive measures. To do this, spraying with drugs, disinfecting solutions, mulch bushes and fertilize the soil.

Spider mite enveloped gooseberry leaves


Yellow Russian gooseberry is a spectacular plant for the home garden, which brings about 15 kg of berries every year. Timely fertilizer procedures, disease prevention, pruning and care will extend the life of the bush for several years.
