Rosa Lavender Ice - characteristics of the floribunda


Rosa Lavender Ice (lavender ice) is highly decorative. With proper care, it blooms almost continuously from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. Gardeners should definitely pay attention to this new variety of flowers, because it has a number of advantages.

Rosa Lavender Ice

Varieties of Lavender Ice producers are classified as roses, but flower growers, based on the nature of flowering and the size of inflorescences, are classified as floribundas.

It appeared as a result of the work of Rosen Tantau florists, who managed to grow large, saucer-shaped inflorescences up to 10 centimeters in diameter on a small shrub.

The option of planting roses in a composition with other plants

The color of the rose is lavender or lilac, with a gray-blue tint. The flower has a delicate aroma. The height of the bush reaches 50 cm. The variety is cold-resistant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rose Lavender Ice has become popular not only due to its external beauty, but also due to its many advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • ability to tolerate low air temperature;
  • resistance to many diseases, in particular powdery mildew, black spotting.
Rosa New Fashion (New Fashion) - characteristics floribunda

Among the disadvantages are the small size of the bush, which significantly reduces the possibility of application in landscape design.

Such a rose is planted in open areas, borders and in containers. Bushes are used in group and single plantings among the lawn, in mixborders. Rose is quite suitable for creating hedges or diluting a number of higher bushes.

Attention! According to the experience of Western gardeners, the Lavender Ice rose is combined with any plants that bloom in delicate shades.

Growing a flower: how to plant in the open ground

The key to successful cultivation is choosing the right place on the site, timely care and competent shelter for the winter.

Rose Eric Tabarly - grade characteristics

Prepared seedlings with a full root system are planted on the garden plot. No more than 8 copies are planted per square meter, otherwise the roses will be too crowded in the future.

Lavender Ice rose seedlings are planted in late April - early May. The possibility of planting a bush in the fall is not ruled out. In this case, a period is chosen when the soil has not yet begun to freeze, so that the plant has time to take root.

The best place on the site for the rose is in partial shade. That is, there should be a sufficient amount of light, but direct sunlight should not fall on the shoots.

Attention! In the area where the bush of this rose grows, there should be no drafts and especially cold air currents that are harmful to the plant.

The best soil for planting a plant is chernozem with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. Groundwater level should be at least 1 meter deep. It is better to plant a bush on a hill, in order to avoid waterlogging.

If it is not possible to provide the rose with soil with the required pH level, peat or humus, sand are introduced into the planting pit. If you need to reduce acidity, ash or lime is used.

How to plant a lavender ice rose on a plot - planting procedure step by step:

  1. Dig a hole 60 cm deep.
  2. Lay a drainage of gravel or crushed stone with a layer of 10 cm.
  3. To apply organic fertilizer with a layer of 10 cm.
  4. Pour a mound of garden soil with a layer of 10 cm.
  5. Lower the roots of the rose for several minutes into the clay soil diluted in water.
  6. Spread the roots of the rose around the mound at the bottom of the pit.
  7. Install the entire rose bush in the pit - the root neck should go 3 cm deep into the ground.
  8. Cover the roots with earth, compact the ground.
  9. Mulch the stem with peat.

Planting shrubs is easier to do together. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly.

Plant care

The soil around the plant should be periodically weeded. In the spring-summer period, disease prevention is carried out.

  • Watering rules and humidity
Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

Rosa loves moisture, so water it once a week for 15-20 liters of water.

In dry periods, watering is carried out 2 times a week.

Important! In autumn, the plant does not need additional moisture.

  • Top dressing

In spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied under the bush, in summer potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

  • Pruning and transplanting

All buds that appeared in the first year of life of the plant are cut, only in August leave a few buds on each shoot.

In an adult plant, in the spring, during the period of bud swelling, all buds are cut off. In summer, only faded inflorescences are removed and the tops are pruned.

In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out - it consists in the removal of diseased and dried branches.

  • Features of wintering a flower

Shelter is organized when the temperature in the street drops below -7 ° C.

The earth around the shrub spills with compost (peat, sand or sawdust is not used). Cutting and sheltering of shoots with spruce paws is carried out.

Around the plant, a frame is installed, which is covered with a heater and a film (with ventilation). From early March, the plant can begin to air.

Flowering roses

Rosa Lavender, as it is sometimes called in Russian, refers to re-flowering. It blooms massively in early summer and several times in the fall.

Rose requires an increase in watering after the first flowering, during the intensive growth of shoots.

Lavender Ice rose flower closeup

From mid-May to the end of June, high-speed complete fertilizers are applied. After the last flowering, watering is reduced, the plant is preparing for winter.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

A rose does not bloom for several reasons:

  • there was poor shelter for the winter and it froze;
  • unsuitable soil;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • insufficient watering.

You can influence the flowering by changing the care.

Flower propagation

Reproduction methods:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • by seeds;
  • graft.

To preserve species characteristics, exclusively vegetative propagation is used - cuttings are taken from adult bushes after the first flowering wave. Other methods are not popular with gardeners.

An approximate scheme for planting rose stalks.

Saplings from cuttings are planted in a greenhouse in April-May, in open ground in June-July.

How to propagate a rose by cuttings:

  1. Cut the material 10-15 cm long at a slope of 45 ° (the cut is done immediately below the lower kidney and 0.5 cm above the upper kidney).
  2. Maintain cuttings in a biostimulator for about 10 hours.
  3. Place cuttings in a container with drainage and fertile soil, pour and cover with foil.

The roots appear after 30 days, after which time the film can be removed for ventilation.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Insects such as aphids, rose sawflies, and spider mites can attack the Lavender Ice rose. The fight against them is carried out using acaricides and insecticides.

Less rust appears, gray rot. Affected leaves are removed, the shoots are treated with iron sulfate or Bordeaux fluid.

Important! The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and black spotting, which makes it extremely attractive to most gardeners.

Lavender Ice is able to turn a regular site into the most sophisticated garden. Having previously studied the theory, even a beginner grower can grow a rose. Given that this variety is not yet very common, growing this rose can greatly surprise other flower lovers and neighbors in the country.
