Calathea flower - a description of the types of medallion and croquet


Calathea houseplant is very much appreciated among gardeners for its unusual appearance and variety of species. Each variety has its own distinctive features, so you can put together a whole collection of calatas at home. Due to the unusual ability of the leaves in the evenings to have an erect appearance, and in the morning to fall, the kalatea was nicknamed the "prayer flower." It is quite demanding of care, so when growing, you must adhere to certain rules.

Calathea flower: a variety of species

The name Kalathea comes from the Greek word "Calathos", which literally means "basket." Calathea belongs to the Marantov family and is its most numerous genus. Unlike other representatives of its family, the plant is distinguished by the presence of flowers. To date, almost 130 species found in nature are known. This number includes only naturally occurring calatheas, not counting hybrids that were bred by breeders.

Collection of different types of calatas.

A low plant of 70 cm in height has oval sheets 30 cm long. The leaves, depending on the type of calathea, are lanceolate or in the shape of petioles. Color may also vary.

For your information! On the sheets there are often patterns in the form of mosaics or stripes.

The birthplace of a perennial herb is the river valleys of the South African Amazon. Therefore, the flower is sometimes called the "Inca Queen" or "Inca Princess". Despite the fact that in Russian latitudes the plant is used only for decorative purposes, in its homeland it is used in everyday life. It is known that in Brazil fresh fish is wrapped in calathea leaves, so it is stored for much longer. In Colombia, leaves are used to weave bags and baskets. In some tribes of South Africa, yarn is still made from calathea leaves and clothes are made from it.

Below we will consider the types of calatheas that are popular in Russia.

Calathea Locket

The type of medallion is also known under other names - roseoptic calathea and pink-colored. The plant is distinguished by an unusual color of leaves, which on the one hand have patterns in the form of circular ornaments, painted in different shades of green and silver colors. The edges of the sheet plates are surrounded by a thin white strip. On the back, a leaf plate in dark pink and purple. Because of this feature, roseopticon is often used in floristry to design bouquets and flower arrangements.

Medallion, or Roseoptic

Calathea medallion is a compact form, grows no more than 40 cm in height. Errors are often made in caring for a flower, which is why the leaves begin to dry out and curl. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to create good conditions for the plant: eliminate drafts, fertilize and protect the flower from direct sunlight.

Important! The birthplace of the Kalathea is Amazon, therefore, for healthy growth, it is necessary to provide abundant and regular watering.

It is believed that the medallion is able to take away all the negative energy and bring peace and tranquility to the relations of people, therefore it is often grown in offices.

Calathea crocata

Croqueta is also known by another name - saffron calathea. Named because of the saffron color of the inflorescences. Leaves crocata oval with wave-shaped edges. The top side of the leaf is dark green, and the bottom is brown or dark purple. Unlike other species, saffron calathea does not differ in the presence of large leaves, but it blooms well at home. Small-sized flowers of yellow-orange color. The saffron clatea begins to bloom in the winter: in late January or early February.

Croquet, or saffron

Care for croat kaleate at home should be carried out carefully, since the flower is very moody and requires special growing measures. It is better to grow the species in moist greenhouses and special aquariums, since the plant requires high humidity. Dry air, especially in winter due to artificial heating, affects the shedding of foliage and buds. Croqueta begins to dry quickly and may die if no measures are taken.

If there is no way to grow a flower in aquariums, then you need to monitor air humidity. The plant must be periodically sprayed from the spray bottle with water. For additional moisture, a container of water is placed next to the calathea so that it evaporates to increase the level of humidity.

Important! In winter, it is recommended to hang a damp cloth on the heating pipes, constantly wetting it when it dries.

Calathea Varshevich

A small bush with velvety oval leaves. The green leaves of the veins are noticeably lighter in color. The reverse side of the leaf plates is painted in a bright lilac color. The surface of the leaves is soft and pleasant to the touch, resembles velvet.

Varshevich blooms with delicate pastel shades of flowers

The inflorescences of the Kaleatea Varshevich are similar to small spikelets; their bracts are slightly bent like those of rose buds. The plant during flowering is decorated with delicate pink, cream and white flowers. At the nodes of the cranked peduncle, rosettes are formed, which can later be used for reproduction.

For abundant flowering, the kalatea Varshevich must be fed with fertilizers. Therefore, experienced gardeners are advised to regularly introduce special complex additives for flowers or crops of the Marantov family. It is better to feed the plant after watering, when all the water is well absorbed into the soil.

Important! During the flowering period, it is necessary to stop fertilizing with fertilizers, which include nitrogen. Otherwise, it will slow down the opening of the buds.

Calathea lansifolia

The description of the calathea bush of lansifolia is rather unusual for its family. The plant is distinguished by the height of its bush, which reaches almost one meter. Thin leaves have an oblong shape. The length of the leaves is almost 50 cm, on them there are patterns of oval shape and different sizes. They are located near the veins and are much darker than the main color of the leaf plate. The leaves are light green in color and the patterns are dark green. The other side of the sheet is solid dark purple.

Lansifolia - tall ornamental plant

It is necessary to carefully care for a rather large plant. Since long thin sheets are standing, any neglect of care will lead to diseases of the bush and deterioration of the appearance of the ornamental plant. Especially this calathea is demanding on air humidity, watering and top dressing.

Calathea Sanderian

The species of Sanderian was bred by a breeding method from another species called ornate, or decorated. The plant grows up to 30 cm. The leaves of the plant are elliptical and reach a length of 20 cm. The leaves are located on long thin petioles, whose height is about 10 cm.

For your information! Inflorescences are white and lilac flowers. The flower stalk is quite high, when compared with the dimensions of the bush itself - 25-30 cm.

The flower is capable of releasing specific toxins into the soil during the growth process, therefore, a transplant is required every 2 years to change the soil.

Sanderiana - compact flower

Caldea Sanderian is one of the most beautiful species of this family. The unusual pattern on leaf blades makes it desirable among gardeners and florists. Thin white lines are densely arranged to each other along the entire length of the leaves of bright green color. The surface of the sheet plates is glossy and smooth to the touch.

Calathea orbifolia

The plant reaches a length of 60 cm and has dense foliage. Light green leaves of calathea orbifolia are round in shape, their surface is smooth. From the central vein on the sheet, light, almost white stripes extend to the edges. The flower has an attractive appearance due to large striped leaves.

Orbifolia is distinguished by its round leaves

Powdery mildew often spoils the beautiful appearance of orbifolia. The disease is spread by pests - mealy worms that settle on the back of leaf plates. Signs of the appearance of the parasite can be seen with the naked eye: small dark spools appear on cuttings and leaves. If you do not get rid of pests in time, the plant begins to dry out and lose leaves.

Powdery mildew is treated by rubbing the sheets with 10% ethyl alcohol or calendula tincture. But the editors of various magazines and publications on floriculture and gardening are advised not to resort to folk methods, but to use special insecticides: phytoferm or actellik.

Note! Powdery mildew appears due to improper care or its absence. It is necessary to constantly inspect and remove old dried leaves, as well as wipe with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of laundry soap.

Calathea Rufibarba

Rufibarba calatea is also called red beard. A tall plant can reach up to 1 m in height. She was called a redbeard because of the presence of an orange gun on the back of the leaf plates. The outer side of the leaves is saturated green with a smooth glossy surface. Thin sheets with wavy edges are located on long, stable cuttings. The shape of the leaf resembles a sword. The reverse side is painted in burgundy.

Rufibarba is called the red beard.

Perhaps the color of the bush does not have remarkable features, but rufibarba differs from other species in the position of foliage, which is lowered down. The plant has bright orange and yellow flowers that grow right at the base of the leaves.

From the rufibarba, two types of calatas were derived by the breeding method: White Star and Blue Grass.

Calathea Makoya

Kaloya Makoya can rightfully be considered the most famous and popular species grown indoors. The plant is able to grow up to 60 cm in length. Makoya leaves are soft and soft to the touch. The fact is that sheet plates are very thin, upon closer examination they seem transparent. They reach 20 cm in length and 10 cm in width.

Makoya is the most popular home-grown calathea.

On the upper side, the leaf is bright green with dark patterns. They are round in shape from the main vein along the edges. The coloring is somewhat reminiscent of the patterns on the peacock's tail, so Makoya is called the peacock.

Note! Makoya often suffers from the attack of whiteflies, which, sitting on the back of the leaf, begin to eat the succulent parts of the plant. If you shake a diseased flower, you will notice how many whitish pests rise into the air.

Whiteflies appear when temperature conditions are not observed and when air humidity is low. Whiteflies are fought with insecticides and makeshift traps. Honey or sugar syrup is spread on cardboard or glass next to the pot so that the whitefly falls into the trap.

Calathea Leopardin

Leopardine, unlike other species, has no stems. Reaches a height of half a meter. The leaves are short and narrow, the upper side of which is light green in color with patterns in the form of the shape of their ellipse sheet. The patterns are painted dark green and are located from the central vein to the edge of the leaf plate over its entire surface. The reverse side of the leaves is dark pink.

For your information! Leopardine's flowers are yellow, which is why the name of the flower came about. Although there is a version that the name was given to the species by the unusual coloring of the sheets in the form of specks, similar to the patterns of leopard spots.

Calathea Leopardin is often planted in open ground, as the species is most resistant to harsh conditions. Planting is carried out in the spring after warming the earth. The place is not chosen on a hill to avoid a constant lack of moisture in the soil. It is also worth avoiding open areas where direct sunlight falls.

In the excavated pits, they first lay a drainage layer in the form of expanded clay crumbs, pebbles or sand to avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil and access of oxygen to the roots. Then the rotted foliage, needles or bark are mixed in equal proportions with the ground and put a little of this mixture on top of the drainage. Only after this, the Leopardine is planted on the site and abundantly watered with slightly cool water.

Important! Water should not be from the tap. It is better to water with soft river or rain water.

In addition to the listed species, at home sometimes grown:

  • calathea vitata. White thin lines are located throughout the sheet plate. The plant is not tall, but very attractive in appearance;
  • Calathea Lubbers. I did not receive much attention from gardeners and gardeners. Perhaps this is due to disproportionate and chaotic patterns on the foliage. In addition, the reverse side of the leaf plate is green, which is not typical for calathea;
  • Calathea Bachem. It is easily grown and does not require special care, but has not gained much popularity in view of its inconspicuous appearance, unlike other species;
  • Calathea Mysto. The appearance is similar to calathea litz, so they are often confused with each other. Mysto has a leaf pattern closer to the base of the central vein. It looks like a light green brush stroke. Closer to the edge, the pattern merges with the foreground color of the sheet.

Breeders are introducing ever new calathea hybrids to create the most resistant plant to different environmental conditions. A flower is not cheap, and it is likely that it will not be able to take root in a new place. Therefore, before buying calatheas, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for plant care and create all the necessary conditions for its cultivation.
