What to do if fuchsia does not bloom at home


Fuchsia (Fuchsia) - a plant from the Cypriot family, which is named after the German botanist L. Fuchs. This representative of indoor flowers does not require special efforts in growing both in the form of a standard tree and an ampel plant. With proper care, fuchsia blooms from May to November.

Why fuchsia does not bloom, but gives only foliage

The main problem for gardeners is the situation in which for some reason fuchsia does not bloom at home, what they do not know if the flower drops buds and forms only foliage. The reasons may be different. Elimination of short-term problems will help fuchsias bloom this year. Systematic care work will take longer. The competent activity of the florist gives a chance that the plant will bloom forever.

Fuchsia flowers in a pot

The main reasons why fuchsia buds fall before they open:

  • air temperature. If there are no flowers in fuchsia, the conditions for observing the temperature regime should be checked. Heat is destructive for this object of flora. When the temperature rises above 30 ° C, the plant will drop flowers, then leaves. In winter, temperatures can range from 5 ° C to 10 ° C. By the way, a ceramic pot protects the delicate roots of a plant from heat better than a plastic one;
  • exposure to drafts. Fuchsia loves fresh air, but exposure to drafts is extremely contraindicated for flowering. The sun's rays will easily burn the delicate foliage, because of which the unopened buds will fall;
  • improper watering. The flower quickly responds to a lack of moisture by dropping buds and flowers. Its greens become sluggish and sinks to the bottom. Death occurs when the soil lump in the pot is completely dry. You should not allow a glut of moisture, as the roots rot;
  • low light. With a lack of light, the shoots turn pale and stretch in length. The plant weakens and is unable to bloom. The leaves begin to fade, and the flowers do not want to open;
  • lack of necessary nutrition. Buds are very fond of potassium phosphate fertilizers. Without top dressing or irregular application, they become smaller and do not want to open. Due to overfeeding, the plant will increase its leaf mass and lose its ability to bloom;
  • pests and diseases. As soon as possible, it is worthwhile to establish the nature of the disease and begin treatment.

Other, no less important reasons:

  • wintering violation. At temperatures above 10 ° C, the plant stretches up. In spring, weakened elongated shoots lack strength for flowering;
  • large landing capacity. Flowering occurs after complete braiding by the root system of the soil coma in the pot;
  • improperly selected soil. Light soil is depleted and overdried, while the flower is starving. In heavy soil, young roots develop poorly and poorly nourish the stem with moisture;
  • late flowering variety. Impatience of flower growers leads to the fact that the bush does not bloom. You should pay attention when buying a plant variety. Late-flowering plants grow to a certain size, only then they start the flowering process.

Why fuchsia drops buds and how to fix it

Fuchsia - varieties Pinto De Blue, Dollar Princesses, Orange King, etc.

A plant will necessarily drop buds if, at the time of their appearance, it is rotated and moved.

Note! The falling of the buds prevents the processing of the leaf plate by plantophol, zircon and epin. These drugs positively affect the abundance of flowering.

How to feed fuchsia for abundant flowering

A distinctive feature of the capricious flower in the period of bud ovary is the need for nutrients. From spring to autumn, fertilize every week. The composition of the soil with biohumus content has a positive effect on flowering.

Each plant growth period requires special top dressing:

  • fertilizers with a high nitrogen content will help to increase green mass and cause the growth of young shoots;
  • phosphorus and potassium will make generously bloom fuchsia, open to numerous buds.

Note! Watering with fertilizers is carried out 3 hours after watering with room-water at room temperature.

The alternation of mineral and organic fertilizers is the best option for flowers. From organic to plentiful flowering and the formation of strong buds, experienced flower growers recommend fertimix. Add 1 ml of fertilizer to 1 liter of water and water 2 times a month. From mineral fertilizers, the following drugs showed themselves well:

  • uniflor-bud is used when watering 1 time per week. To obtain a solution, you need to dissolve the drug in an amount of 1 ml in 1 liter of water. This composition will contribute to the development of a large number of flowers;
  • the effect of spring, plant miracle growth is applied pre-infused for a day. You need to breed 5 g of the product in 2 liters of water. Once every seven days, the plant is sprayed with the resulting solution.

Whitefly on Fuchsia: how to get rid

Myrtle - home care, how to reanimate if it is dry

A small white insect - whitefly - feeds on plant sap. In the absence of urgent measures to destroy the pest, the flower will die. In small quantities, it is difficult to detect the parasite, but it multiplies very quickly. Regular inspection of the underside of leaf blades will save the houseplant from death.

Whitefly will not appear during the following preventive measures:

  • systematic ventilation of the room;
  • moderate humidity support;
  • the implementation of planting plants at a distance;
  • at high humidity and low air temperature, do not spray;
  • treat fuchsia with drugs to stimulate growth, such as epin, houseflower.

Fuchsia Whitefly

Chemical and folk remedies, as well as traps and fuminators, will help save your favorite plant from whiteflies. Chemistry, getting inside the plant, kills the harmful insect in a few hours. The following drugs are worth buying: actar, spark, acarin, air conditioning, atellik. Use them strictly in accordance with the instructions for use.

Important! Until the composition is completely absorbed, you do not need to touch and be near the processed plant, since this is still chemistry.

Folk remedies have less toxicity and affect the pest, falling on its body. They are safe for children and animals. The most proven effective folk remedies to combat insidious whitefly include:

  • solution from tar or laundry soap. One part of the crushed soap is dissolved in six parts of water. The leaves are treated with foam, a whipped sponge. The composition should not fall into the soil;
  • tincture of garlic. How to make it: garlic (3 cloves), insist in water (1 l) for 2 days in a dark place. Once a week, the received agent is sprayed with fuchsia;
  • sugar syrup. The composition includes 200 g of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Spray the affected areas with the product once every 5-7 days. After the disappearance of the pest, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge from sugar;
  • yarrow tincture for spraying. The tool is infused for 2-3 days. Use crushed leaves of the plant in an amount of 100 g per 1 liter of water;
  • extract of feverfew on alcohol. Alcohol (100 g) pour pyrethrum (25 g) and insist half a day. The infused extract (20 g) is diluted in water (1 l) with the addition of laundry soap (5 g). The prepared solution is sprayed with sick fuchsia until the pests are completely destroyed every 7 days.

Fuchsia Disease

Fuchsia in a pot on the street - how to care and in which pot to plant

To start correcting the problem, you need to establish the cause. Common options according to leading nerds:

  • the appearance of pests;
  • bad light;
  • lack of nutrients.

What to do if fuchsia leaves curl

The problem of reducing daylight hours is easily solved by organizing lighting in the winter with lamps, and in summer the flower needs to be moved to the most lit place, but exclude direct sunlight. From this the leaves turn yellow.

With good lighting, leaf curl and yellowing indicate a lack of macro and trace elements. Potassium, zinc, molybdenum - the main dressing of the flower in case of this problem. The sheet plate will tell you which element is missing.

Note! The leaves are twisted up with a lack of zinc; inside - molybdenum. The shape of the leaves changes with a lack of minerals in general.

Pests and parasites can cause leaf curl in a young plant. In the flower garden, caterpillars undermine the roots and stems, the leaves fade and twist. Caterpillar removal and insecticide treatment will save the flower.

Aphids and nematodes can settle on the leaves. They are hardly noticeable because they bite into the sheet. Having lost the juices, the leaves curl. Control measures are the same as with whiteflies. Preventive measures with insecticides will kill the clutch of insects in the early stages of reproduction.

What fuchsia loves and how to care for her

Fuchsia prefers cool and light. In summer, it is advisable to move the pot to the balcony or to the garden. A sill on the east or north side is ideal. The capricious beauty cannot stand the stuffiness.

Transplantation is carried out only by transshipment strictly as necessary. For a houseplant, purchased soil, prepared or prepared independently, is suitable. Peat, sand, humus, leaf and sod land are mixed in equal parts. Be sure to make a drainage layer when transplanting.

Fuchsia pruning

The procedure for trimming fuchsia loves. The plant is very plastic. The owner, if desired, can give the form of a standard tree, bush, pyramidal or ampelous. The first pruning is done at the end of the growing season in October. At this time, remove all the stems that have bloomed, retreating 2 cm from the sleeping buds.

Cron is formed by the second trim in January. After the acquisition, the plant needs time to adapt and root. Only when new leaves appear, fuchsia can begin to pinch.

For your information! When deciding to cut fuchsia almost at the root, you need to be prepared for later flowering. But the formed bush will be strong and wide.

How to water fuchsia at home

The most important condition for maintaining fuchsia is moderate watering. The growth and flowering process of the bush depend on its regularity. Water needs settled or filtered. Spraying will help refresh the plant on stuffy days. Watering the flower is necessary as the upper part of the soil dries.


Important! At the moment of withering of the sheet plate after spraying, the fuchsia must be closed with a plastic bag. This procedure will restore elasticity to the leaves.

Fuchsia is considered a plant with positive energy. It helps to strengthen relationships in the family, develop intuition and creativity of a person. Sweet and sour fruits of this amazing plant are used as seasoning for meat dishes.

Fuchsia flowers


A bright beauty, rich in a variety of varieties - fuchsia - will be a wonderful exhibit in the collection of a flower grower. With proper care, she will thank her with beautiful flowering for many years.
