Interesting Articles 2024


Bark for orchids: examples of preparation and use cases

A substrate for orchids began to appear in large numbers on the flower market. It is already crushed to the desired state, as well as microelements necessary for normal development. The assortment includes not only sphagnum and bark for orchids (the most affordable of cheap soils), you can also find coconut chips, soils made from exotic plants.

Callistemon - growing and care at home, photo species

Callistemon (Callistemon) - an evergreen tree or shrub from the Myrtle family. It features a well-branched dense crown. Dun shoots are strewn with bright green elongated leaves with sharp edges. The tree grows at an average speed and over many years can grow up to 15 m. At home, callistemon grows up to 1.5 - 2 m.

We grow the Yellow giant: large-fruited fragrant raspberries

Although varieties of yellow raspberries appeared a long time ago, gardeners did not like massively. However, honey-colored berries are suitable for allergy sufferers and children, in addition, they are larger than the fruits of red. One of the varieties of such raspberries is the Yellow Giant. Description of raspberry variety Yellow giant Raspberry Yellow giant - the brainchild of V.V. Kichin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Artificial grass: garden applications + step-by-step laying technology

The owners of their own houses first of all equip the territory to create a personal paradise for the rest of the whole family. But the more complex the design and the richer the plants, the harder it is to take care of. Moreover, busy people do not have time for this at all. The problem is solved by laying a lawn, which is less demanding to care than flowers and shrubs.

Cherry pruning technology in the fall: diagrams and instructions for beginners

Pruning cherries in the fall is a necessary and important procedure for preparing the tree for winter. It helps to prevent plant diseases, increase immunity and promotes abundant fruiting in the next season. The main goals of autumn pruning Thanks to pruning, a beautiful crown is formed, productivity is increased, frosts are more easily tolerated, and the risk of developing diseases is reduced. Pruning is one of the important measures for cherry care.

Kletra alcholica: rules for planting and care

Cleter (Clethra) grows near various reservoirs. Belongs to the same family and has about 80 species. One of the most common is the alder cell. In the plots, gardeners grow some of its varieties. Description of the alder cell In appearance, the cell resembles a shrub that can grow up to 2 m, be short or dwarf.

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Orlik apple tree: winter variety with fruits of dessert flavor

Orlik apple tree is one of the most successful relatively new varieties of late ripening. Judging by the reviews of gardeners, Orlik successfully replaced the old varieties, since it has the best parameters both in the properties of the fruits and in the characteristics of the tree. Description of the Orlik variety Work on the creation of the Orlik variety began at the Research Institute for the Selection of Fruit Crops back in the 1950s.

What dahlias look like - varieties and types of plants

Among the varieties of dahlias, there are lush giants and modest miniature plants resembling chamomiles. Dahlia inflorescence consists of many large reed and small tubular flowers of all kinds of colors. Often they are mistakenly called petals. A straight hollow stem of a plant can be from 25 cm to two meters high.

Where and how tangerines grow - garden and indoor

Elegant, delicious and very fragrant mandarin fruits are an indispensable attribute of the Russian New Year feast. This is one of the most common citrus fruits, widely grown in countries with a subtropical climate. Miniature tangerine trees are also popular as decorative indoor plants.

Ficus lyre - care and reproduction at home, photo

Photo of ficus lyre. Ficus lyre (Ficus lyrata) is an evergreen perennial tree of the mulberry family, which began to exist in the form of an epiphyte located on top of the crown of other trees. In nature, it also develops as an independent tree up to 15 m high. The birthplace of lycid ficus is the tropical regions of West Africa.

Currant planting: how and when is it best to do

Perhaps, not a single garden plot is complete without currants. This fragrant and healthy berry is very popular. Currant bushes are decorated with clusters of various colors: white, red, pink, black. And what a fragrant tea with currant leaf! To grow productive bushes, you need to plant them correctly. The choice of seedlings. Planting material is best purchased in nurseries, where plants undergo strict control.

How to feed fuchsia for abundant flowering

Fuchsia (Fuchsia) is a perennial shrub with long flowering. The plant is provided with fertilizing fertilizers, an abundance of scattered light, fresh and cool air, timely watering. In Russia, they are grown in the form of a standard tree, a spreading bush or an ampel plant. Fuchsia does not bloom: causes Fuchsia does not bloom if light, water, temperature conditions are not observed, infection with pests or fungal infection.

Knifofiya: variegated buds to the envy of all country neighbors!

Modern flower gardens often adorn exotic specimens previously unknown in our country. Mostly these plants come from the tropics, but this does not stop lovers from successfully breeding them in the suburbs. Knifofiya is one of such perennial flowers. Tall bizarre candles rising from a rosette of narrow long leaves - such splendor is spectacular both as a solitary plant, and as part of a mixborder or alpine hill.

Flowers tulips

The Turks began to cultivate tulip flowers in the distant 16th century. Already in the next century, plants fall into Holland and begin their victorious march through Europe. It is difficult to imagine now suburban areas in which this culture would not be bred. General information The bulbous perennial tulip of the Liliaceae family is very popular in landscape design, along with daffodils and hyacinths.

Pineapple Pumpkin: description, planting, care

Pineapple pumpkin is a variety that is considered to be nutmeg. Their popularity among gardeners is due to the tenderness of the flesh, good taste and mid-ripening. Harvested after 110 days after planting. From this vegetable make preparations for the winter, excellent desserts. They will be a good addition to cereals.

Using stones in garden design: 4 ideas to make a site more beautiful

The desire for beauty, inherent in every person, has various manifestations. One of them is the desire to make your home beautiful and comfortable. This applies to both the home and the local area. It is no coincidence that many interesting trends in landscape design have recently appeared. For example, the creation in the garden of various compositions of stones.

Apple Tree Carpet: vintage summer grade

For any fruit, we are particularly interested in the earliest varieties. Often they are not very tasty, but we are waiting for them to ripen, because they are the first this year! Among apple trees, one of these varieties is the old, well-deserved Papirovka - a variety of folk selection, known since the 19th century. Everyone knows her white apples, and although this variety is far from the best, but it pleases gardeners with a very early harvest.