Interesting Articles 2024

When to plant peppers on the lunar calendar in 2020

All gardeners know that there are 4 main phases of the moon, which affect the quality of the resulting seedlings: new moon; Waxing Crescent; waning moon; full moon. Sowing pepper seeds Sowing seeds begins with their preliminary preparation. If they are purchased in stores, and the package contains information about the procedure already carried out for their disinfection, then such seeds can immediately be planted in the ground.

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Kaluzhnitsa in landscape design - growing and care

Kaluzhnitsa is one of the brightest primrose plants, marking the beginning of the long-awaited spring. Due to the simplicity of care and resistance to frost, squat bushes with bright "sunny" flowers will become a decoration of any artificial pond. Kaluzhnitsa in nature Bright flowers usually grow along the banks of water bodies Kaluzhnitsa is a perennial herbaceous plant from the ranunculaceae family.

Formative pruning of grapes for beginners: schemes, features, standard forms

There are dozens of options for the formation of grape bushes: fan, azmana, unsupported, gazebo, sleeveless, square-nested, Kakheti, etc. Many schemes have been known and used since ancient times. For example, the formation of malgari is still mentioned by ancient authors. In recent centuries, the French have set the tone; it is in their provinces that grapes are grown for famous alcoholic drinks.

Cissus home indoor grape

Cissus is a representative of the plant world from the Vinogradovy (liana) family. The birthplace of ivy is the African continent, the territories of South America, Australia. Description Length is about 4 meters. Suction cups and antennae allow you to confidently hold on to adjacent surfaces. The root system is dense and does not grow.

Jasmine indoor: types and care

Jasmine is a flowering plant belonging to the Maslinnov family. This culture is found in the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Australia and Asia. Description The species of this plant can be evergreen, deciduous shrubs or vines. Leaves - simple, triple or pinnate. Star-shaped flowers, with white, yellow, and pink corolla, are solitary or collected in inflorescences.

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All About Opal Plum Variety

European plum Opal is not very well known to gardeners in Russia. There is no information about her in the State Register. But the variety is interesting, so let’s familiarize it with gardeners who are faced with the choice of a suitable option for their garden site. History and varietal characteristics of Opal plums Like many European varieties, a rather old variety of Opal plums of Swedish selection is not in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

How to grow dogwood in Belarus

Dogwood is a very useful fruit plant that can be used for decorative purposes. Berries and leaves have medicinal properties (recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a diuretic, restorative and in other cases). All this makes dogwood a very popular plant.

Goldenrod - garden decoration and a healer for the whole family

Goldenrod is a bright and fragrant herb from the Astro family. It is found in temperate climates throughout Eurasia. From Germany to the Caucasus and Siberia, on the steppes and manicured courtyards, the plant pleases with bright colors and many useful properties. It is used in landscape design, as well as as a medicinal plant for a mass of ailments.

Well cleaning and repair: do it yourself do-it-yourself

The word "well" evokes many associations. This is an old cracked "crane" in the middle of the village, and a sip of burning cold transparent water right from the bucket on a hot day, and a beautiful little house-tower in the center of the summer cottage. Once upon a time, the only rural well was a meeting place: here you could not only stock up on water, but also find out all the village news.

Panicled Hydrangea - the best varieties for the Moscow Region

Each seeks to ennoble his plot, so it can not do without planting woody plants, flowers and shrubs. Summer residents pay special attention to flowering plants, thanks to them, the gardens are fragrant and more comfortable. One of these is hydrangea. Among a wide range of species and varieties, you can choose the ones that are suitable for the Moscow region.

DIY wind feng shui music from bamboo and other materials

The mascot of feng shui, which is called the music of the wind, air bells and even a windmill, is used by someone for the purpose of decoration, and someone sincerely believes that he is able to protect from negative energies and attract positive into the house. In any case, adding the sound of living notes to your space will not hurt.

Mongolian dwarf: superdeterminant Siberian tomato variety

Low-growing tomato varieties invariably cause increased interest, since it is believed that caring for them is somewhat easier. Among these varieties, the Mongolian dwarf stands out especially - a tomato whose bush grows almost Plastusian, not up, but in breadth, like many plants in Siberia, where the variety was bred.

Why does not grow zamioculcas at home

Dollar tree refers to unpretentious plants grown at home. He needs moderate watering, sandy or rocky soil, like all succulents. With improper care, inexperienced gardeners often ask why zamioculcas does not grow and how to quickly fix the situation.

Kolumney: description and features of home care

Columnae is a perennial epiphyte plant with bright colors. Homeland - tropics in the south of America. In an ordinary environment, a column grows on rotten tree trunks, in stone crevices, using them as a support, forming beautiful inflorescences. The stems are elastic, juicy, reaching 1-2 meters. The leaves are densely arranged, look like an oval or heart, sometimes oblong.

Cherry Malinovka: one of the favorite Russian varieties

It is no coincidence that the Cherry Orchard has become one of the most striking and understandable images in Russian literature. This culture is familiar to everyone. As a child, we all carried cherry jam from a jar, and on our holiday tables there was always a place for misted jugs with cherry compote. It is impossible to imagine a garden without this vibrant culture.

Asthma disease

Fans of asters rarely turn to domestic planting material. Preference is given to foreign seeds and seedlings. This led to the fact that pathogens capable of destroying the flower spread everywhere. Today, there are approximately 24 viruses that infect a plant. A sick aster begins to fade.