Rose Penny Lane - Characteristics of Varietal Plants


The creator of the variety is the world famous English company Harkness Rose. She released a variety whose characteristic features are the ability to curl thanks to flexible shoots. In 1998, among the climbing species, the plant was awarded the title "Rose of the Year" in the UK. Penny Lane successfully combines the charm of old garden roses with flowering continuity.

Brief description of the variety

Long shoots allow the flowering plant to rise high and cover its branches up to 5 m of space. Penny Lane Rose - the first representative of a new generation of climbing roses. The variety is characterized by abundance of flowering.

A climbing rose lane covers a wooden fence

Leaves are dark green, shiny. Blooms at the beginning of the summer season. Inflorescences consist of many petals of light apricot tones, collected in a brush. The flowers are thick double, have a light aroma. At the beginning of flowering, pink shades can be seen, but under the rays of the bright sun, the flowers lighten. Flower brushes contain up to 11 flowers.

While maintaining good conditions, the bushes grow up to 5 m in height and 3 m in width.

Note! The buds bloom gradually, the rose can bloom repeatedly. Flowering continues throughout the summer. Shoots look elegant, easy to shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of a climbing rose:

  • long-term continuous flowering;
  • incomparable with anything when landscaping;
  • endurance in partial shade and in the cold;
  • disease resistance.

The weak point is the fear of drafts.

Use in landscape design

In the arsenal of experienced designers, wicker roses occupy a special position. They look great in single and group landings. Planted bushes near the wall of the house, along the paths transform personal plots, turn ordinary wooden fences into a work of art.

Growing fast. In a short time, this special variety of roses not only gives excellent flowering, but also creates places where it is cool in the summer heat, you can hide in the shade. Remarkably solves the aesthetic problems of village gardens.

English gardeners recommend combining climbing roses with purple clematis, they are especially attractive in floral duets.

Important! Climbing roses are not suitable for decorating the corner parts of the structure because of the possible appearance of drafts there, which are harmful to delicate roses.

Flower growing

It is preferable to plant roses with seedlings, layering.

Rose Circus (Circus) - characteristics of the varietal plant

The growth and growth of flowering crops is seriously affected by the time at which planting is carried out. Bushes planted in early spring can soon please with the appeared dense greenery and numerous new shoots. Autumn plantings contribute to good rooting and strengthening before the onset of the winter season. In spring, these seedlings usually bloom magnificently.

Seat selection

The variety is located to places where the sun shines and warms in the first half for, and after lunch there is only a light mesh shadow. The night dew that has accumulated on branches and leaves dries up, and this is a positive factor in the prevention of fungal diseases.

Note! It is also important to provide protection from the cold northeastern and northerly winds.

Experts advise arranging the floral plot on the south side of the structure. To plant climbing roses, you need a strip of soil with a width of 0.5 m. From any building, plants should be at a distance of 0.5-1 m.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Prepare the soil for planting in advance. In a selected area, groundwater should not lie close to the surface. Ideal for planting climbing loamy loam roses. Sandy soil can be corrected by making clay when digging. Clay soil is enough to add sand to meet the requirements of the cultivation of roses.

The site is dug up with the addition of humus, peat, lime to the soil. Then, after some time on the day of planting, holes are prepared in the soil with a volume of 50 cm X 50 cm X 50 cm. A little manure, clay is added to each well and diluted with water (consistency of thick sour cream). Based on 3 l of the mixture, 1 tablet of phosphorobacterin is added.

Landing procedure step by step

Phased landing description:

Planting rose bushes

  1. The seedling is immersed in the pit so that the roots are at a depth of about 10 cm.
  2. Then it is sprinkled with soil, and the earth is rammed.
  3. After planting, the soil should be mulched. You can use straw, dry grass or sawdust.

The distance between the holes is about 1 m.

Important! When planting seedlings along the fence, you need to maintain a distance from the bush to a potential support of half a meter.

Plant care

Abundant watering is required per week (2 watering cans 1 time). In dry, hot weather, it is advisable to irrigate from a fine spray at sunset. However, from an excess of moisture, fungal diseases can appear. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Top dressing and soil quality

Rosa Limbo (Limbo) - characteristics of the varietal plant

According to Harkness, the creator of this variety of climbing roses, systematic top dressing is necessary:

  • 1st feeding is carried out in May;
  • 2nd - in July.

Recommended for 10 liters of water:

  • Mullein - 1 kg;
  • superphosphate - up to 30 g;
  • potassium salt - up to 20 g.

For your information! Preparing plants for wintering, you need to add wood ash to the fertilizer.

Pruning and transplanting

Timely pruning of Penny Lane roses preserves and emphasizes its exotic appeal. Branches that are dried up or frozen in winter are cut, shoots are also removed at the end of flowering, as well as dried, withered inflorescences.

Transplanted adult bushes only if the plant does not match the place of growth. Such a procedure is done in the fall from September to early November, depending on weather conditions. Spring transplant is allowed until the awakening of the kidneys. Plants are removed from the support during transplantation, while young shoots need to be pinched at the end of August in order to be lignified. Stems that are older than two years are cut, and long ones are shortened by half.

To dig a bush from the ground, you need to dig it in a circle, stepping back from the center by a distance equal to two bayonet shovels. We must not forget about the depth of the roots, therefore, they must be removed from the soil carefully, being careful not to damage. Then shake off the soil and conduct a thorough inspection of the root system. Damaged ends must be carefully removed with secateurs.

For your information! Next, lower the bush into the hole, straighten the roots, fill the soil with a hole, compact the earth around it and water it abundantly. A few days later, as the soil is compacted, a new portion of the earth is added, leveled in the near-stem circle.

Features of wintering a flower

According to the observations of flower growers, the Penny Lane rose endures winter safely. Shelter for the cold period is welcome. Roses come out of a state of rest healthy and delight with magnificent blossoming.

Shelter for the cold season

Flowering roses

Between roses there are differences in the nature of flowering:

  • roses blooming once a year;
  • re blooming.

Period of activity and rest

Rosa Pomponella (Pomponella) - characteristics of varietal shrubs

Spring and summer in the plant world are marked by activity of growth, flowering, fruiting. A group of modern selection roses, which include climbing varieties, bloom twice during the active season. Then comes a period of rest. Plants prepare for a new period of activity during the fall and winter.

Care during and after flowering

Varietal and climatic features dictate the rules of care, including watering, timely top dressing. After flowering, preparation begins for a new period of life - wintering.

For your information! Sometimes a bush transplant is required.

What to do if it does not bloom

Factors of growth, prosperous development and lush flowering of roses are:

  • proper fit in compliance with requirements;
  • properly secured wintering of plants.

The reasons that the bushes do not bloom may be hiding in difficult climatic conditions, a place in the sun, wintering and normal care.

With a careful analysis of the conditions, correcting the shortcomings, Rose Lane will delight the beauty of inflorescences.

Roses in the active stage of flowering


Flower propagation

Propagation of roses is carried out by planting seedlings.

  • Spring transplantation of seedlings is carried out in late March - April.
  • Autumn - during leaf fall (in October - November), when a cold snap sets in, the temperature drops from 10 ° С to 0 ° С, the juice stops moving, the plants go into a dormant state.

Climbing roses are propagated in a vegetative way, they regenerate very quickly, so the immunity does not decrease, diseases do not arise. The plants are strong. Planted leaves or siblings acquire their own roots, from which new specimens with parental genes grow.

Autumn planting roses


Diseases and ways to deal with them

Climbing roses were hardy, viable. They are not afraid of common diseases such as powdery mildew and black spotting.
However, adverse climatic conditions, non-observance of agricultural engineering rules, and careless handling of plants lead to diseases and damage. Therefore, it is always necessary to carry out preventive spraying.

Thus, the rose variety Penny Lane deserves the cultivation of each plot. The main thing is to choose the right seedling, plant in a suitable place and provide decent care.
